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July 7, 2021
NEWSMAX — Former President Donald Trump, while speaking to reporters following his announcement over lawsuits he's filing against the CEOS of big tech giants Facebook, Twitter, and Google, flatly dismissed the possibility of a settlement before the class-action lawsuits would head to trial.... (more)

July 7, 2021
OAN — Anyone who has been a user of any of the three Big Tech platforms being sued by Trump (Twitter, Facebook, and Google), has resided in the U.S. between June of 2018 and the present day, and has had their account banned or censored by any of the defendants can join the suit.... (more)

July 6, 2021
JOSEPH FARAH — Former President Donald Trump, who has long complained about censorship by social media giants, filed class-action lawsuits Wednesday against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Google CEO Sundar Pichai. That's it: Trump is my hero!... (more)

July 6, 2021
NEWSMAX — A Pennsylvania state senator who chairs the state's Intergovernmental Operations Committee has initiated a forensic audit of the 2020 president election and the 2021 May primary. Sen. Doug Mastriano, R-Franklin, a supporter of former President Donald Trump, issued a comprehensive statement on his issuing letters to several counties requesting information and materials needed to conduct a forensic investigation of the state's election system.... (more)

July 5, 2021
YOUTUBE — Kari Lake, former TV news anchor turned Republican candidate for governor in Arizona, spots a hit piece coming from a mile away and lays down the gauntlet on biased, liberal local media. She says newsrooms across America refuse to do neutral or positive stories on Republicans, and voters were on to the slanted coverage — in which every story is a smear or is meant to vilify conservatives. Must see.... (more)

July 3, 2021
LIFESITENEWS — Information about the inventor of the mRNA technology used in certain COVID-19 vaccines was removed from the online encyclopedia site Wikipedia after he publicly warned against giving the experimental gene therapy vaccines to young people and said there was insufficient information about the injections to give informed consent.... (more)

July 3, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID — George Washington, the father of our country, warned against many different threats to America. Of utmost importance in his time, he warned of the Illuminati, a subversive force that had infiltrated the Masonic lodges of Europe--and which today is the subject of what the media call "conspiracy theories." But it was a real organization, and Washington knew it. He wrote about it in several letters to clergymen.... (more)

July 3, 2021
YOUTUBE — Among the annals of national anthems as a prelude to sporting events, few have topped the one delivered by Whitney Houston before Super Bowl XXV in 1991 in Tampa. A woman, her incredible voice, and the bare minimum of extraneous notes. Her rendition came at a particularly patriotic time, just after the onset of the Persian Gulf War, and was released as a single. It was re-released after the September 11th terrorist attacks. Houston donated all proceeds to charity. She ranks among the best of all-time because of the circumstances and ... that voice..... (more)

July 3, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — A Supreme Court ruling upholding Arizona voting restrictions could spell trouble for a legal challenge by U.S Attorney General Merrick Garland to a new Georgia election integrity law.... (more)

July 3, 2021
RUMBLE — Liz Harris joined Stew Peters to reveal details about the Arizona audit and shocked Peters when she said that those canvassing neighborhoods may actually be targeted by the DOJ, arrested for 'voter intimidation', despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of voters thank the volunteers for their efforts. In addition to the DOJ, an unknown entity is paying for misleading ads attempting to taint the image of those looking for election integrity.... (more)

July 3, 2021
OAN — President Trump's former pollster John McLaughlin says "a lot is riding" on the ballot audit, which is just concluding in Maricopa County, Arizona. One America's John Hines has more from Washington.... (more)

July 3, 2021
NEWSMAX — Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, a former longtime top news anchor in Phoenix, told Newsmax Saturday she changed her career because her eyes were opened to how biased the mainstream media was when former President Donald Trump took office, and how that hit a "whole new level" when the COVID-19 pandemic began.... (more)

July 2, 2021
LIFE SITE NEWS — Two weeks ago the Biden administration released a new dossier for confronting "domestic terrorism" which Tucker Carlson referred to as "a fascist document" that "reads like a manual for targeting the administration's political opponents." This "National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism" designates "domestic violent extremism as a national priority" and warns against "anti-government sentiment," and what it may perceive to be "incitement" toward such violence.... (more)

July 1, 2021

July 1, 2021
JERRY NEWCOMBE — As America approaches another birthday on the 4th of July, we find that there are many in our society who want to tear down the flag. These fellow citizens are obviously a small, vocal minority. But they certainly speak for many Americans today who hate America.... (more)

July 1, 2021
YOUTUBE — Neil Diamond celebrates his grandmother's journey from Kiev to America in this live performance of "America" at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles in 2012. Very moving.... (more)

July 1, 2021

July 1, 2021
BOB UNRUH — Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who just a day earlier accused Joe Biden's National Security Agency of spying on his personal emails and text messages, on Tuesday doubled down, warning that operatives of the Democrat president also could come "after you." Carlson, host of the most-watched cable news show in the United States, confirmed Monday to his audience that Biden's NSA spied on him electronically.... (more)

July 1, 2021
BOB UNRUH — Wolf Blitzer, a longtime fixture on CNN, has blocked a reporter's questions about alleged misinformation and bias on the far-left network's programs with silence. And a terse: "No. No." when asked if there could be a conversation. The video is from Project Veritas:... (more)

July 1, 2021
NBC NEWS — In January, a Trump administration fact sheet accused China of "secret military activity" at a lab in Wuhan. Dr. Shi Zhengli, a leading researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, says it is a civilian institution, but NBC News has found evidence of her connections with military scientists.... (more)

June 30, 2021
ART MOORE — YouTube censored one of the most popular podcasts in the country because it mentioned the drug ivermectin as a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19. Bret Weinstein, an evolutionary biologist who was a professor at Evergreen State College, told Fox News' Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night YouTube has blocked "The Darkhorse Podcast" from generating ad revenue, which is how he makes a living.... (more)

June 30, 2021
INDEPENDENT JOURNAL REVIEW — Fox News cut off its live coverage of former President Donald Trump's remarks at the nation's southern border on Wednesday after he began discussing his allegations of fraud in the 2020 election. Despite heavy promotion of the event, the network abruptly returned to studio coverage after Trump claimed he had won the 2020 presidential election.... (more)

June 30, 2021
OAN — MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and company attorney Andrew Parker caught up with One America's Alicia Summers to discuss a Minnesota judge's decision to allow the company's case against Dominion to move forward and how this is a small win for free speech as well as the First Amendment.... (more)

June 29, 2021
YOUTUBE — At today's GOP House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) took aim at NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci for not appearing before the Republican-led hearing to answer the committee's questions about Wuhan "gain of function" research that Dr. Fauci helped fund with taxpayer dollars—covert aid to China that Fauci gave without getting approval from regulators tasked with oversight of such controversial use of tax monies.... (more)

June 28, 2021
OAN — Roger Stone made a bombshell revelation with his suggestion the U.S. government may have played a role in the Capitol protest on January 6. The former adviser to President Trump highlighted reports that claimed U.S. government agents were apart of organizing the takeover of the U.S. capitol in efforts to discredit and imprison American patriots.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

Jerry Newcombe
A politically-incorrect prayer

Victor Sharpe
Who truly deserves a state? The Kurds or the Palestinians?

Pete Riehm
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Randy Engel
A documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus – The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part VIII

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Rev. Mark H. Creech
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Matt C. Abbott
Dealing with the Dobbs backlash

Ronald R. Cherry
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