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August 20, 2021
NEWSMAX — About a month ago, Afghanistan's ministry of defense posted on social media photographs of seven brand new helicopters arriving in Kabul delivered by the United States. "They'll continue to see a steady drumbeat of that kind of support, going forward," U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters a few days later at the Pentagon.... (more)

August 20, 2021
NEWSMAX — Fifty-five percent of likely voters believe Vice President Kamala Harris is unqualified to assume the duties of the presidency, compared to 43% who say she is qualified, a new poll by Rasmussen Reports reveals. In April, a Rasmussen poll showed 50% of likely voters believed her to be unqualified, while 46% said she was qualified.... (more)

August 20, 2021
LORI FISHER — I am an Oregon state employee, but from the looks of things, I won't be for too long. Kate Brown, the governor of Oregon, has announced a mandate for all state executive agency employees to have full COVID-19 vaccination by October 18 or six weeks after full approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), whichever is later. I am currently five months pregnant. Under this mandate, I stand to lose my job and health care if I don't allow a needle in my arm, even though the long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccine are unknown.... (more)

August 19, 2021
BITCHUTE — Stew Peters interviews AI expert Cyrus A. Parsa, who believes the U.S. military will be decimated of leadership if all military personnel are forced to take the COVID jab.... (more)

August 19, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID — "More than three in four Afghans today are under 25: too young to remember the Taliban's reign of fear and, especially in cities, too accustomed to freedoms to be eager to relinquish them," reports National Geographic. "These Afghans, shaped by the post-2001 reality, are unwilling to revert to a reactionary and repressive past."... (more)

August 19, 2021
BABYLON BEE (SATIRE) — In a forceful press conference today, Biden called for whoever the President is to "clean up this mess" in Afghanistan. "Listen folks, this is ridiculous!" said President Biden. "Who's running this country anyway? I demand accountability! The President must be held responsible for this debacle!" An aide attempted to whisper in his ear that he was the President, but Biden whirled around and punched the aide right in the nose in a flurry of righteous anger.... (more)

August 19, 2021
NEW YORK POST — What possessed the White House to tweet out a photo of Joe Biden all alone in a conference room at Camp David as Kabul fell to the Taliban Sunday? Isolated, feeble, indecisive: that is the lasting image of the president of the United States as his nation suffered the worst self-inflicted humiliation of its history.... (more)

August 19, 2021
BOB UNRUH — A report from just a few months back in the Atlantic revealed there was a key player who helped create the circumstances of the 1975 fall of Saigon, where U.S. helicopter pilots frantically rushed to building tops to evacuate U.S. personnel and supporters who faced likely execution at the hands of the advancing North Vietnamese communists.... (more)

August 19, 2021
NEWSMAX — A Taliban commander released from the Guantanamo Bay prison by former President Barack Obama masterminded the takeover of Kabul, it was reported. Khairullah Khairkhwa, arrested after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was held at Guantanamo Bay from 2002-14 after Pentagon officials accused him of ​​being a close associate of Osama bin Laden and was deemed too dangerous to be released, the New York Post reported Monday night.... (more)

August 19, 2021
ART MOORE — A former civilian adviser in Iraq and Afghanistan who was the senior adviser to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff reluctantly acknowledged that U.S. officials largely didn't understand that the Taliban is popular among Afghans because of its adherence to Islam.... (more)

August 18, 2021
PAGE SIX — It seems that Alan Dershowitz's ties to the Trump administration have made him persona non grata among the Martha's Vineyard elite -- including Larry David. A Page Six spy spotted the Harvard Law professor -- who was once, like David, a fully paid-up member of the Democrat cool kids -- bumping into the comic on the porch of the island's picturesque convenience store and community hub Chilmark General Store, and found their exchange so bizarre that they "wrote it down to remember it."... (more)

August 17, 2021
ART MOORE — After filing a lawsuit arguing he obtained "natural immunity" from COVID-19 after being infected with the novel coronavirus, George Mason University granted a professor a medical exemption from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Lawyers for Todd Zywicki, a law professor at the Fairfax, Virginia, university, announced the agreement Tuesday, the Washington Post reported.... (more)

August 17, 2021
ART MOORE — The Pentagon's decision to require all personnel to be vaccinated compromises national security, contends a career Navy officer. Revolver News reported Commander J.H. Furman wrote in a memo that the "forced vaccination of all military personnel with the present COVID-19 vaccines may compromise U.S. national security due to the unknown extent of serious vaccine complications."... (more)

August 17, 2021
PETE RIEHM — Obama Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is vindicated again on one of his most controversial statements about Joe Biden from his 2014 memoir when he wrote: "I think he's been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." Gates' streak is unbroken. In just the first half year of Biden's administration, Biden has been wrong about the border, the Iranian Nuclear Deal, Russian ransom cyber hacking, and now in his most glaring error -- Biden has totally bungled the withdrawal from Afghanistan.... (more)

August 15, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID — The difference between Afghanistan and Vietnam is that the Muslims would not fight for freedom. The Vietnamese did and were betrayed. That's the difference. Don't forget it. The real enemy is the Red Jihad. Here's the truth:... (more)

August 15, 2021
BOB MACGUFFIE & ANTONY STARK — It is impossible to understand the so-called cultural clash in the United States without understanding the paradigm within which it has played out for over half a century. That paradigm is a very clever and pernicious construct that has been created and nurtured by the political Left since the mid-twentieth century. As the Cold War began, the struggle between the two major victorious powers of the Second World War for ideological supremacy was clear: the Capitalist West, led by the United States, squared off against the nations in Eastern Europe that were under the total control of the Marxist-socialist Soviet Union. The Communist powers were joined within 10 years by China and their own satellites in North Korea and, to a great extent, revolutionary groups fighting in Southeast Asia, especially in Vietnam.... (more)

August 15, 2021
REPUBLICAN DAILY — At 3:30 on Wednesday morning, following 15 hours of amendment votes on the Democrats' $3.5 trillion human infrastructure bill, morally bankrupt Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer tried to force a vote on the For the People Act by unanimous consent, according to The Houston Chronicle. Nice try, Chuck. Immediately, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas took to the Senate floor to deliver precisely the smackdown that Schumer deserved.... (more)

August 15, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — In a new rebuke to President Biden's immigration policies, a federal judge has ordered his administration to revive the Trump-era policy requiring immigrants seeking U.S. asylum to remain in Mexico while their requests are reviewed. The 53-page ruling late Friday by U.S. District Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk in Amarillo, Texas, handed a victory to border states overrun by the recent migrant surge which saw more than 212,000 illegal aliens apprehended in July.... (more)

August 15, 2021
MY PATRIOTS NETWORK — Watch these highlights from Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium. Jared James of My Patriots Network has gathered several vital videos from the symposium, along with numerous related links, that document the event.... (more)

August 13, 2021
LIFE SITE NEWS — Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD is on a mission to spread medical truth about COVID-19, the jab, and early treatments. She points out that people who've experienced vaccine injuries should "not suffer in silence."... (more)

August 13, 2021
NEWSMAX — A co-founder of the fact-checking website Snopes wrote and published dozens of articles containing material plagiarized from news outlets, BuzzFeed News reported Friday. After an internal review, Snopes confirmed that under a pseudonym, the Snopes byline, and his own name, David Mikkelson wrote and published 54 articles with plagiarized material, the news outlet reported.... (more)

August 13, 2021
MSN — Liberal lawmakers 'should be embarrassed' by their flee-to-D.C. stunt, Federalist columnist Eddie Scarry says.... (more)

August 13, 2021
SELWYN DUKE — Along with many other commentators, I've reported on side-effects associated with the coronavirus vaccines. Of particular concern are heart problems and, specifically, myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle. Now, you'll hear different stories about how common these issues are. Government officials and the medical establishment will claim they're rare, while others say differently (and that the feds' Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, is undercounting vaccine-coincident deaths). But when your anecdotal experience starts to align, suspiciously, with the warnings of danger, it's eyebrow-raising.... (more)

August 13, 2021
LINDELL TV — Mike Lindell and a cyber-security expert discuss the reliability of the stunning animated visual offered as evidence of vote fraud in Mike's Feb. 5 video "Absolute Proof." The segment is taken from Mike's follow-up video, "Absolute Interference."... (more)

August 13, 2021
FACEBOOK — Dr. Douglas G. Frank, an associate of Mike Lindell, explains why he believes Lindell possesses compelling evidence of massive fraud in the Nov. 3 election.... (more)


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