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November 4, 2021
BREITBART — The Associated Press has called the race for New Jersey's State Senate District 3 for Republican truck driver Edward Durr, who has stunned the political world by defeating State Senate President Steve Sweeney by 2,298 votes, or nearly 4%.... (more)

November 4, 2021

November 4, 2021
WORLDNETDAILY — Glenn Youngkin's defeat of Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the race for Virginia governor was far from the sole Republican win Tuesday night. Winsome Sears, the Republican running for lieutenant governor of Virginia, also managed to defeat her Democratic opponent. Sears is the first black woman to win a statewide office in Virginia.... (more)

November 4, 2021
ART MOORE — Tucker Carlson's three-part documentary on the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol drew vehement opposition even before it aired – with warnings the Fox News host was about to kill his career – and now viewers are able to see for themselves what all the furor is about.... (more)

November 3, 2021
ART MOORE — Hours before the CDC panel's approval Tuesday of the Pfizer vaccine for children 5-11, the British Medical Journal published an article featuring a whistleblower's charge that poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine trial last fall may have compromised data integrity and patient safety.... (more)

November 2, 2021
ART MOORE — Amid more than 100 studies showing the superiority of natural COVID-19 immunity over vaccine-produced immunity, the Centers for Disease Control released the results this week of a study claiming to show the opposite.... (more)

November 1, 2021
POLITICO — Republican Glenn Youngkin has won the race for governor in Virginia, riding a wave of late momentum to deliver a rebuke of Democratic control in Richmond and Washington. Youngkin defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe, according to three television networks, denying McAuliffe's bid to become Virginia's first repeat governor since the 1970s.... (more)

October 31, 2021
YOUTUBE — Fox News alert on devastating new polls for the president and the Democrat Party. They show a majority of Americans no longer believe in the promises of a Biden presidency, questioning his knowledge, competence, and stability in tough times, and saying the country is on the wrong track.... (more)

October 31, 2021
JOAN SWIRSKY — Yes, Shakespeare said that of "a woman scorned." But even the English bard could never have imagined the red-hot rage of multimillions of women who learned that the children they love and protect and would give their lives for were being taught by their local friendly teachers to hate themselves and hate their country.... (more)

October 31, 2021
LIFE SITE NEWS — This video conference presents shocking evidence of hospital executives discussing coordinated plans to restrict fluids and nutrition for hospitalized COVID patients, suppressing visits for COVID patients while in the hospital, denying vital medicines, and more. It offers guidance on how to get effective early care if you contract COVID, and how to avoid serious injury or death if you are treated at a hospital under current protocols. Presented by TruthforHealth.org, via LifeSiteNews.... (more)

October 31, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — Press Secretary Jen Psaki has become the highest-ranking Biden White House official to publicly announce she contracted COVID-19, after she tested positive Sunday. "While I have not had close contact in person with the President or senior members of the White House staff since Wednesday -- and tested negative for four days after that last contact -- I am disclosing today's positive test out of an abundance of transparency," Psaki said in a statement she tweeted. "I last saw the President on Tuesday, when we sat outside more than six-feet apart, and wore masks."... (more)

October 29, 2021
WORLDNETDAILY — The Republic of Ireland has vaccinated 91% of its population for COVID-19, the highest rate in the European Union, but the nation now has the highest number of patients hospitalized for the disease since March. And the cases will increase until there is a "transmission-blocking vaccine," because the efficacy of the current shots is waning, said Dr. Anne Moore, a vaccine specialist at University College Cork, the Irish Times reported.... (more)

October 28, 2021
NEWSMAX — The anti-Trump GOP Lincoln Project has acknowledged organizing a demonstration meant to draw a connection between Republican Glenn Youngkin's campaign for Virginia governor and a deadly white nationalist march in Charlottesville in 2017. People dressed like some of the white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville, and carrying tiki torches, stood by Youngkin's campaign bus Friday, drawing outrage -- and speculation that it was a stunt initiated by Democrats.... (more)

October 28, 2021
EVOLUTION NEWS — Francis Collins is Director of the National Institutes of Health. He is probably the best known evangelical Christian in the federal science establishment. He recently announced he will be stepping down from that post by the end of 2021. Collins has been lauded for showing how a religious believer can rise to the highest levels of the scientific establishment while keeping his faith intact and while integrating his faith with his science.... (more)

October 27, 2021
JERRY NEWCOMBE — America's founders said our rights come from God. This is enshrined in our national birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence. And yet many of the intellectual elites in the West (including in America) in the last century or so have abandoned belief in the Creator.... (more)

October 27, 2021
THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR — It's not yet determined whether Terry McAuliffe and the Democrat Party are on the verge of losing Virginia in a little less than a week. The fact that it's a very distinct possibility is nonetheless cause for notice. And alarm, if you're a Democrat. Both sides of the aisle can agree that the Virginia governor's race -- and many of the down-ballot races, too -- is turning on the issue of public education. State and local elections often do. But what's interesting in this race is that McAuliffe, and the Democrat Party for which he's more or less a generic representative, is more out of touch with the public on public education than ever before in memory.... (more)

October 27, 2021
ART MOORE — An FDA panel on Tuesday recommended emergency use authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11 by a vote of 17-0, with one abstention. However, during the hearing, many members, including the chairman, expressed concern about being given a "binary choice." They argued data indicate the risks outweigh the benefits for healthy children while those with underlying conditions who do face significant risks from contracting COVID-19 should have access to the vaccine.... (more)

October 27, 2021
NEWSMAX — The only ''right thing'' for Attorney General Merrick Garland to do about the memo he wrote to the FBI and U.S. attorneys about taking action against threats to school officials is to rescind it, but he won't do that, Rep. Jim Jordan told Newsmax.... (more)

October 27, 2021
NEWSMAX — Democrats in control of the Senate refuse to have a single hearing on the origin of the global coronavirus pandemic or Dr. Anthony Fauci's potential culpability in funding China's gain-of-function research, but Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., vows on Newsmax that will change if Republicans retake the Senate in 2022.... (more)

October 25, 2021
ART MOORE — Nearly half of voters believe Dr. Anthony Fauci lied about U.S. funding for so-called "gain-of-function" research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which many scientists believe to be the origin of the coronavirus pandemic.... (more)

October 25, 2021
PETE HOEKSTRA — The discontent at school board meetings across America is hard to miss. It is showing up in the news and social media feeds that people are watching and reading in their homes. Many people, however, are missing the major driver of this discontent -- the major transformation that the White House, National School Boards Association (NSBA), and others are trying to impose on our government schools.... (more)

October 25, 2021
AMERICAN GREATNESS — A Los Angeles based psychiatrist has come forward to denounce global COVID policies like lockdowns, masking, and vaccine mandates, arguing that these policies are not about health, but about control, and the endgame is a Chinese style authoritarian government.... (more)

October 25, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — A national education group that implied some parental activism is tantamount to "domestic terrorism" is facing revolt from at least 21 state members. The National School Boards Association had asked President Biden to use the Patriot Act in response to "the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation" against school board members, citing both physical altercations and heated rhetoric at public meetings.... (more)

October 25, 2021

October 25, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers, a Republican, published a letter to the American people following the release of the Maricopa County audit results on Sept. 24 calling for forensic audits of all 50 states' 2020 election results. Originally signed by 41 state legislators from 15 states, the letter has now, less than a month later, been signed by 150 lawmakers from 38 states. Claiming that "our representative republic suffered a corrupted 2020 election," the letter states:... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

Jerry Newcombe
A politically-incorrect prayer

Victor Sharpe
Who truly deserves a state? The Kurds or the Palestinians?

Pete Riehm
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Randy Engel
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Dealing with the Dobbs backlash

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