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January 15, 2018
JOAN SWIRSKY — I started watching Miss America and Miss Universe competitions when I was a little girl, mostly because I loved the gowns. To this day, I still tune in, especially toward the end, when all the gowns are on display. A couple of years ago, I saw my all-time favorite! As the expression goes: TDF -- to die for!... (more)

January 15, 2018
NEWSMAX — Sixty-one percent of Republicans say they are satisfied with the direction of the U.S., according to a new Gallup poll. It marks the highest level of Republican satisfaction since February 2007, according to Gallup.... (more)

January 15, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Radio host Rush Limbaugh came out swinging on Monday against "phony" media outrage over President Trump's language behind closed doors. The man behind "the golden EIB microphone" says last week's "sh--hole" remarks attributed to the president during policy negotiations have spotlighted media bias yet again. Mr. Limbaugh told millions of listeners that racism claims and concerns over presidential rhetoric are all part of an act.... (more)

January 15, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The White House called out CNN after anchor Chris Cuomo referred to White House principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah as "Raj whatever-his-name-is."... (more)

January 15, 2018
FOX NEWS INSIDER — An early member of the "Saturday Night Live" cast returned Saturday to join in the lampooning of "Joe & Mika," Steve Bannon and author Michael Wolff. The show opened with Alex Moffat and Kate McKinnon playing engaged MSNBC couple Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.... (more)

January 15, 2018
THE GUARDIAN — For many non-believers, it is an instinctive response to a crisis: "Please, God." So perhaps it should not be surprising that a new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious.... (more)

January 15, 2018
ROBERT KNIGHT — After Roe v. Wade plaintiff Norma McCorvey became a Christian and revealed that she had not been gang raped as her legal team had claimed, many Americans came to understand that this landmark ruling that legalized abortion was based on a lie.... (more)

January 15, 2018
FOX NEWS — A former U.S. Army Green Beret commander expressed his disbelief at the claim by Hawaii officials that one person's error caused Saturday's statewide alert about an incoming missile.... (more)

January 15, 2018
NEWSMAX — The U.S. military has conducted training exercises in North Carolina and Nevada in case a war with North Korea breaks out, and next month will train more than 1,000 reserve soldiers on how to set up so-called mobilization centers that move military forces overseas in a hurry, according to a report in the New York Times.... (more)

January 15, 2018
NEWSMAX — North Korea has the satellite capability to strike the United States, but "it shuts down the infrastructure," Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue told Newsmax TV on Friday.... (more)

January 14, 2018
TOWNHALL — Today, as you read this, my website Right Wing News is shutting down operations. It has been around since 2001, but became massive a few years ago because of Facebook. Remember the mainstream media liberals going out of their minds because the Russians reached almost 150 million people with their $100,000 Facebook ad buy?... (more)

January 14, 2018
WARNER TODD HUSTON — Can liberals tell the difference between the Communist Manifesto and the Democratic Party platform? In his latest man-on-the-street video, Ami Horowitz proved that voters have a difficult time with that very question.... (more)

January 13, 2018
SELWYN DUKE — t's a shocking claim made by a political insider: The Deep State is so opposed to draining the swamp that it will, if necessary, kill President Trump to prevent it. Roger Stone, a longtime Trump advisor and confidante, certainly knows his way around Washington, having worked as a senior campaign aide to Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Senator Bob Dole, as well as having held many other political positions.... (more)

January 13, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Glenn Simpson, the Fusion GPS founder who sponsored the unverified anti-Trump dossier, claimed in August and again Jan. 2 that the FBI has a source inside the Trump camp who lent credence to the document. When a transcript of his secret August testimony was released on Tuesday, news headlines immediately latched onto the disclosure as a boon to a dossier whose core charges of Donald Trump-Russia collusion have been denied and not confirmed publicly.... (more)

January 13, 2018
ART MOORE — A crowdfunding site for a theatrical drama in production that promises to tell the "true story" of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that established a "right" to abortion has been blocked by Facebook.... (more)

January 13, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of the Las Vegas shooter, informed authorities she occasionally helped Stephen Paddock load ammunition into magazines and, as a result, her fingerprints were probably on some bullets, according to unsealed court documents.... (more)

January 13, 2018
BOB UNRUH — If President Trump wants to be known as a president seeking the restoration of the U.S. Constitution, one of his goals should be to turn federal lands -- the millions of acres run by the Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service and National Park Service -- over to the states.... (more)

January 13, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — It's hard to imagine how the 2014 federal effort to impound Cliven Bundy's cattle could have gone any worse, but environmentalists are demanding that the Bureau of Land Management go back and try it again. Days after a federal judge threw out the case against Mr. Bundy and two of his sons, environmental groups urged Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to remove the family's cattle from the property near Bunkerville, Nevada.... (more)

January 13, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — An emergency alert warning Hawaii of a ballistic missile threat Saturday was issued by mistake, authorities said afterwards. "EMERGENCY ALERT," read an alarm sent to cellphones across Hawaii shortly after 8 a.m. Saturday morning. "BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL."... (more)

January 13, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Women's March organizers are moving away from the iconic "pussyhat" because it may be offensive to trans women who don't have female genitalia. "I personally won't wear one because if it hurts even a few people's feelings, then I don't feel like it's unifying," Phoebe Hopps, founder and president of Women's March Michigan, told the Detroit Free Press.... (more)

January 13, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says anyone who disagrees that there is a right to abortion is "not in line" with "where we are as a society." The remark was prompted at a town hall in Hamilton, Ontario, on Wednesday by an audience member who asked where the government draws the line on free speech.... (more)

January 12, 2018
WES VERNON — It says here, in an article by Washington Free Beacon's Bill Gertz, that China has secretly been supplying missiles to North Korea, and has been bolstering its war-making ability provided that North Korea "halts further nuclear tests." So this means "Rocket Man," who rules North Korea by starving his own people, gets to play with his toys as long as he doesn't use them?... (more)

January 11, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — One year ago, BuzzFeed took the momentous step of posting an unsubstantiated, 35-page scandal sheet against then-President-elect Trump -- and Washington hasn't been the same since. The news website's post, which oddly came with a disclaimer, immediately took on the name "dossier." Sometimes it was the "Trump dossier" or the "Russia-Trump dossier" or the "Steele dossier," after its author, former British spy Christopher Steele.... (more)

January 11, 2018
CONRAD BLACK — Having encountered Michael Wolff and having had an acidulous public exchange with him, I attest that he is an utterly odious man. He can't write properly, has no professional integrity, and is a sociophobic mud-slinger and myth-maker.... (more)

January 11, 2018
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON — George H. W. Bush gave up power quietly and turned to charity work and occasional ceremonial speaking after his reelection defeat in 1992. George W. Bush -- like Jerry Ford in 1977 and Ronald Reagan in 1989 -- did the same when Barack Obama assumed power in 2009. R... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

Linda Goudsmit
CHAPTER 21: Montessori and Drag Queen Story Hour

Tom DeWeese
Thinking globally, acting locally: How sustainable rule took over your city

Marsha West
Taylor Swift may be causing her fans to stumble into witchcraft

Armand C. Hale
We are next

Linda Kimball
System of lies: Ideological paradise on earth and why the bloody, violent dream will not die

Rev. Mark H. Creech
Restoring ethical foundations: The Ten Commandments in American culture

Michael Bresciani
The all-white jury just convicted 'black man' Donald Trump

Jim Wagner
Islam for Dhimmis—Part II

Jerry Newcombe
Historical ignorance raises flags

Pete Riehm
Gloom and grift versus good and great

Cliff Kincaid
Honor victims of the U.S. government on Memorial Day

Linda Goudsmit
CHAPTER 20: In their own words: The sexual revolution begins in Kindergarten
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