Judie Brown
Planned Parenthood's criminal record
By Judie Brown
February 15, 2010

Just to get things straight from the get go, this commentary is about a documented record of fraud and abuse. Planned Parenthood is clearly operating according to its own set of laws whereby states can be overcharged, teens can abort without parental consent or notice and rapists can go about their business, never to be reported to the authorities. It has become more than obvious that whether the human being is a preborn child or a 13-year-old child, Planned Parenthood's bottomline is obfuscation.

This is not a recent phenomenon. Planned Parenthood has been drenched in scandal for years, but nobody ever admits it or gets to first base when attempting to prosecute them. A little historical perspective proves my point.

Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics http://lifedynamics.com/Pro-life_Group/Prolife_Activist/ spent months preparing an exhaustive report on the questionable activities Planned Parenthood pursues. He also created a special web site for the express purpose of exposing the deceit. At ChildPredators.com, http://www.childpredators.com/ReadReport.cfm you can listen to taped conversations involving Planned Parenthood counselors. There is a well-documented report of his findings online as well. The response to the tapes and the report, which became public in early 2002, was silence from most legislators and the vast majority of the media.

At the same time, Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline began investigating Planned Parenthood. Kline won his courtroom battle over the right to examine medical records for dozens of abortions in his state. He said at the time that the documents appeared to have concealed cases of child rape, illegal late-term abortion, rape by force or fear, incest, child sexual abuse and other crimes. http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=52744 Kline found, for example, that in 2003 alone, 78 girls under the age of 15 had received abortions in the state and, by law, that amounted to sexual child abuse since a person under 16 cannot legally consent to sex.

As Kline continued to persist, so did Planned Parenthood. And in 2006, Kline was defeated after being in the fiercest political race of his life. http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=52874 He may have lost his elected position, but Kline was not deterred.

Kline moved on and became Johnson County (Kansas) district attorney. At that point, Kline http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/Articles/Phill%20Kline%20v%20Planned%20Parenthood.html filed 107 criminal charges against Comprehensive Health of Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid Missouri based on evidence he had amassed. In describing the situation just prior to the convening of the grand jury in 2007, writer Brian Burch minced no words:

    Ask attorneys who have spent any meaningful time litigating against Planned Parenthood and they will tell you three things (i) Planned Parenthood will claim in court that it respects the rule of law and the constitutional rights of pro-lifers; (ii) Planned Parenthood, through their actions, has no respect whatsoever for the rule of law or the constitutional rights of pro-lifers, and (iii) Planned Parenthood will boldly make any argument, no matter how absurd or lawless, to win at any cost when their business of aborting unborn children and compliance with the law is under justifiable scrutiny.

The case, however, went nowhere. Why? Because, in 2008, Kline was defeated in a primary, and as Katherine Jean Lopez queried aloud in her column, "What's the matter with Kansas?" http://article.nationalreview.com/365578/whats-the-matter-with-kansas/kathryn-jean-lopez Not a single attorney or lawmaker would take up the case and it died — much like the preborn children who die in Planned Parenthood facilities.

As events were unraveling in Kansas, a young woman by the name of Lila Rose was beginning her studies at UCLA. She founded the pro-life group, Live Action, and in May of 2007, exploded on the scene with the first http://liveaction.org/lilarose/lila_bio.htm undercover video exposé on Planned Parenthood.

    Lila released her first investigation of Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, posing undercover in two Los Angeles Planned Parenthood clinics as a 15-year-old girl impregnated by her 23-year-old boyfriend. Neither clinic reported the clear case of sexual abuse, and one counselor coached Lila to lie about her age so the clinic would not have to report the incident. After the recordings garnered national media attention, Planned Parenthood threatened to sue Lila, but soon backed down as media pressure mounted.

    Lila has since launched several successful undercover investigations exposing racism and statutory rape cover-up at Planned Parenthood. Her brave work has revealed new evidence to build a strong case against the abortion industry and lobby.

Fast forward to this past week, and another of Lila Rose's adventures. As American Life League reported, http://www.all.org/article.php?id=12551

    In the latest in a series of crack downs, Planned Parenthood in Birmingham, Alabama, has been put on year-long probation for violating state parental consent laws. http://www.napavalleyregister.com/news/state-and-regional/california/article_5855d329-a661-58f8-ae2b-7fc1ecb39bb8.html

    The nation's largest abortion chain continues to receive $349 million a year in tax dollars. http://all.org/article.php?id=11899

    The action comes after the investigative work of student-run LiveAction revealed that Planned Parenthood had been performing abortions without parental consent. http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2010/feb/10021101.html Alerted, state investigators inspected clinic records and found that teenage girls ages 13-15 had received abortions without proper verification of parental consent since November 2008.

    "After years of reports against Planned Parenthood for protecting rapists, flaunting parental consent laws, misusing state tax money — all the while raking in profit — when will we say enough is enough?" asked Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League and co-founder of STOP Planned Parenthood. http://all.org/newsroom/jim.php

    Investigations have also taken place in Indiana for undercover work done by LiveAction in Bloomington in June 2008, http://www.provitaadvisors.com/ where a Planned Parenthood counselor coached a woman posing as a 13-year-old girl on how to avoid state law and protect her 31-year-old rapist. In Indianapolis, another Planned Parenthood counselor told a girl how to protect her rapist and where to get an abortion to bypass Indiana's parental consent laws.

    In May of 2008, American Life League obtained, through a Freedom of Information request, copies of the California Department of Health Services 2004 audit of Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties. This audit shows that one Planned Parenthood affiliate overcharged the state of California $5.2 million in a single year. http://all.org/article.php?id=11647

    In July 2009, Planned Parenthood of El Paso, Texas, was audited due to possible illegal financial activity. It closed all seven of its facilities.

    "We're also seeing alleged illegal activity in Tennessee, North Carolina and Ohio," said Sedlak "and yet Planned Parenthood still receives millions of our tax dollars each year. Our families and our tax dollars are better served by defunding Planned Parenthood immediately."

Further, the state of Washington audited Planned Parenthood in Spokane and found that the Spokane abortion business overcharged the state Medicaid program by at least $629,142.88 from 2004 to 2007. http://all.org/article.php?id=12111

And as if this were not enough, Pro Vita Advisors reported in an online newsletter entitled "Planned Parenthood Cover Ups": http://www.provitaadvisors.com/

    In Cincinnati, Planned Parenthood has been accused of covering up the sexual abuse of a teenage girl by her father. Ohio law requires professionals such as doctors, nurses, and teachers to report alleged sexual abuse. According to the 2007 lawsuit against Planned Parenthood, the teenager claims she was sexually abused by her father for another 18 months because Planned Parenthood failed to report the incest. After telling someone else about the incest, the girl's father was prosecuted and sentenced to five years in prison.

    In a second case involving Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio in Cincinnati, a 14-year old girl was impregnated by her 22-year old soccer coach. He then took her to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. The soccer coach signed-off on the abortion saying he was her step-brother. The girl's parents were neither notified nor gave their consent for the abortion. The parents filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood for failure to report the incident as required by Ohio's parental notification law and for failure to report an incident of possible child abuse to authorities. The parents' case is weakened somewhat because the daughter gave Planned Parenthood a false phone number for notification purposes. However, Planned Parenthood did nothing to confirm they were talking to the parents when they made the required notification call.

There is no doubt that the Planned Parenthood criminal record rivals that of many who have been put out of business for far less! So why are state attorneys general, elected officials and the federal government silent? Where is the obligation to defend the vulnerable and put a stop to criminal activity?

These are questions that every right-thinking American should be asking all those in positions to take action against such diabolical activity. And here are a few action items you can take starting today:

  • First, sign the petition to defund Planned Parenthood, which continues to receive our tax dollars as they break the law. http://www.stopplannedparenthoodtaxfunding.com/

  • Second, hold your elected officials at the state and federal level accountable. Send each of them this report. Provide documentation. Demand answers.

  • Third, educate your family members, friends and associates. If the politicians who are answerable to you turn a blind eye to this matter, they should be put out of a job. The educated voter will do the right thing. Spread the word.

© Judie Brown


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Judie Brown

Judie Brown is president and co-founder of American Life League, the nation's largest grassroots pro-life educational organization... (more)


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