Judie Brown
Obama's henchmen at the trough
By Judie Brown
October 23, 2010

What do pigs in a trough have to do with President Obama and his programs? You might find the tie-in disturbing or, at the very least, disgusting. Judie Brown will help you see the link.

Just in case it is overlooked by the mainstream media, there are a few facts about pro-aborts that demand repeating. To start, the nation's number one promoter of preborn child killing and promiscuity, Planned Parenthood, is a major player in Obama's agenda. It stands to grow fatter and even more scurrilous as time goes on — thanks to the Obama administration.

For example, Obama's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is joining Planned Parenthood and The National Abortion Federation in a project designed to train abortion chamber workers http://www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=7786 in the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. The goal of this training is quite obvious. By hosting these sessions, the idea is further embedded in the minds of abortion mill workers and volunteers that pro-life demonstrators could be a real threat to the thriving abortion business.

Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorneys not only agree, but are concerned since the training guide produced by the pro-aborts is one-sided — which is to be expected. However, according to ADF attorney Matt Bowman, the guide also propagates a http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2010/sep/10093005.html "bias against free speech that the abortion movement has been trying to promote for years."

Planned Parenthood is also praising the Obama administration for its Preventive Care regulations. In a prepared statement, the organization http://www.plannedparenthood.org/about-us/newsroom/press-releases/planned-parenthood-supports-initial-white-house-regulations-preventive-care-highlights-need-new-33140.htm extols itself as the nation's leader in reproductive health care. What seems to have pleased the death peddlers most of all is that their involvement and mobilization of grass roots supporters will ensure that women have access to all the services which help them "avoid unintended pregnancy." They opine, "Making prescription birth control easily accessible and affordable reduces the number of unintended pregnancies and, therefore, reduces the need for abortion."

Talk about deceptive rhetoric!

A birth control chemical that works to kill a growing embryonic baby is certainly not a prescription for reducing anything, but rather for death. Suggesting that their marketable chemicals will reduce the need for abortion is like suggesting that avoiding cancer treatment will cure cancer.

But when the purveyor of linguistic treachery is on the federal dole and sitting at the right hand of Obama, advising him, what does one expect? In case there weren't enough reasons for cutting Planned Parenthood off at the knees so that our tax dollars no longer subsidize its self-fulfilling prophecies, this is one that takes the cake.

Some months ago when most pro-life organizations, including the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, were focused solely on the abortion coverage aspects of the national health care reform bills, American Life League prophesied that Planned Parenthood would become one of the nation's largest recipients of our tax dollars through other provisions of the law that had nothing directly to do with aborting a child.

According to an article regarding one of the original drafts of Obama Care, by ALL's Michael Hichborn, written in October of last year, "The most dangerous aspect of this entire section is the creation of a 'National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Resource Center' through Subsection (C) on page 503:

    The Secretary shall award a grant to a nationally recognized, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that meets the requirements described in clause (ii) to establish and operate a national teen pregnancy prevention resource center (in this subparagraph referred to as the 'Resource Center') to carry out the purpose and activities described in clause (iii). (emphasis added)

    The organization has demonstrated experience working with and providing assistance to a broad range of individuals and entities to reduce teen pregnancy. The organization is research-based and has comprehensive knowledge and data about teen pregnancy prevention strategies.

We said then, and it has been proven now, that the only organization that fills this description qualifying it to receive federal funds through the "National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Resource Center" http://www.all.org/newsroom_judieblog.php?id=2825 would be Planned Parenthood.

Michael Hichborn made it brutally clear, writing, "The language in this clause even includes PP's preferred adjective for its explicit, promiscuity-promoting sex education: 'comprehensive.' If this provision is allowed to remain in America's Healthy Future Act, PP will assume the position of a quasi-government agency with quasi-governmental powers to engage the nation's youth on matters of sex, birth control and abortion."

Indeed, this has come to pass.

The inevitable has become reality, and now we have the chief architects of the culture of death assisting the FBI in driving pro-life activists into an alley and ensuring that our children will be brainwashed from the moment they become part of a comprehensive education program that includes abortion, birth control and sexual preferences.

Disgusting? Sure it is. But pigs sloshing around in their own dirt have a habit of sullying everything in sight.

© Judie Brown


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Judie Brown

Judie Brown is president and co-founder of American Life League, the nation's largest grassroots pro-life educational organization... (more)


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