Curtis Dahlgren
A "BEST OF": Sorry, libs and mods, Mrs. Palin's not going away!
By Curtis Dahlgren
November 7, 2008

"I don't care if the cat is black or white — as long as it's a good mouser." — author unknown


About 60 percent of all news items about the GOP ticket this year were negative, as compared with about 14% of stories about Senator Obama.

Dogs are smarter than humans give them credit for, and on the lighter side, here are some points suggested by an emailing I received recently:

  • Dogs agree that sometimes it is necessary to raise one's voice to get your point across.

  • Even if you've been debating politics in the saloon, the later you get home, the happier your dog is to see you.

  • A dog is a low-maintenance, easily entertained companion, and never complains about not getting enough sex or tax revenues.

  • Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name, or their middle name.

  • Dogs like to go hunting and fishing, and like to play baseball.

  • A dog won't wake you up in the middle of the night and ask, "If I die, would you get another dog?"


  1. Can we now get the true national debt back into the black? [$53 TRILL; $175,000 for every man, woman, and child in the country]

  2. Can we now please start teaching some true American history in the public schools? [now that the public has elected a black President]

  3. Can we still agree to disagree? [the only places all people "agree" is in the "Red" countries, in Islamic dictatorships, and in some countries in black Africa]

  4. Can we finally forget about the "fixed" voting machine conspiracy since a black was elected? [we have port X-ray machines made in China, and Venezeulan voting machines, but this is Utopia now]

  5. Can we agree to "talk" to anyone anywhere without giving away the Farm? [and as long as Republicans stay away from Saturday Night Live]

  6. Can John McCain now admit that the thing that killed his campaign was the McCain-Feingold "campaign finance reform" [the NRA's ability to help him was limited]

  7. Can "Republicans" please stop trashing Governor Palin? [she's not your scapegoat; see question #6]

A FEW WORDS FOR THE GOVERNOR, Sarah "Maggie T." Palin:

Chevie Chase now admits that SNL was really trying to get Jimmie Carter elected in the 70s (and by extension, Senator Obama in 2008), but Gov. Palin's main problem isn't SNL or Katie Couric; it's the left wing of her own party. The Blueblood Republicans sold out to the MSM's party-line "polls." For example:

The USA TODAY, 11/06/08 ("The Palin effect") alleges that 'three-fifths" of voters thought that she wasn't "qualified" to be President, and that "82%" of those voted for Obama (a pointless "poll")! Analyze THIS, eh?

Who are those "three-fifths"? Well DUH, 82 percent of 66 percent is almost the exact percentage of the voters who were going to vote for Obama anyway, and the other 14 percent are probably pro-abortion wives of wimpy Republican men whose top priority in life is keeping "peace in the family." I received a lot of GOP polls and "surveys" this year, and finding the word "abortion" in them was almost impossible. We are told that we must move "beyond Reagan" (to what, back to being the amiable dunces in the so-called "opposition" party at cocktail parties?).

All kidding aside, I have been warning for years that Republicans desperately need to read Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Institute Address, by far the most important speech the first Republican President gave in his career.

"Let us not be diverted by contrivances . . . such as the need to find some middle-ground between the right and the wrong, vain as the search for a man who would be neither a living man nor a dead man."

Despite my puny readership statistics, I'm making a call — one more time — for the GOP to read that before it dies like the Whig party died in 1852 — the year the Whigs ran a former P.O.W. for President (because he was thought to be "electable").

For years the Whigs had tried throwing a bone once in awhile to the anti-slavery wing of their party (like the "moderate" Republicans throw a bone once in awhile to pro-lifers). But the Whigs had also helped pass the Gag Rules of 1835-44 that banned anti-slavery materials from the U.S. mails (just like the moderate Republicans helped pass the "gag rules" of "Campaign Finance Reform").

In 1852, their finale, the Whigs let one wing of the party write the party platform while the other wing selected the candidate (like South Carolina more or less selected the 2008 GOP candidate). But by 1852, both friends and foes of the spread of slavery perceived that the Whigs didn't mean a word of their platform. With no opposition, two Democrat presidents continued policies that promoted the importing of slavery into the Territories.

"Let your yea be yea, and your nay, nay!"

While the Democrats were clear about their "yea," and survived, the "middle-of-the-road" Whig party became extinct, and the first Republican ran in 1856. The die was cast, and eventually even the northern Democrats had to abandon their own President Buchanan. This is the kind of "history" I'd like to see the public schools teaching (I wonder how many black kids even know that Lincoln was a Republican?). At the very least, the so-called "intellectuals" in the Republican party ought to read their own history!


America is teetering right on the "bubble" again. We've gone from Carter-nomics to Reaganomics to "THE PILL" economics — the no-consequences economics. But who's going to bail out Uncle Sam after all the other "bail-outs"?

Michael Savage says that "financial bankruptcy" always follows "moral bankruptcy." One more post-election question: Can we all say "together" now, may God bless America — not God damn America"??

P.S. One little aside yet. Some pro-life religious people need to grow up and get over any prejudices toward Pentecostals (Palin) and Mormons (Romney). And stay in touch with your conservative Democratic friends. We're going to need them too!

But if the left wing of the Republican party wants to keep tacking to the left, LET THEM GO!

But — whether we have two major parties (or 3 or 4) — "go go Sarah."

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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