Curtis Dahlgren
It's time to get on bended knee before God (like Paulsen before Congress)
By Curtis Dahlgren
November 15, 2008

For all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these: "It might have been!"

— John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892)

"Patriotism is as much a virtue as justice, and is as necessary for the support of societies as natural affection is for the support of families."
— Benjamin Rush, letter to His Fellow Countrymen: On Patriotism, October 20, 1773

THE OPERATIVE WORD THERE IS "NATURAL," AND THE OVERRIDING THEME OF THIS COLUMN IS THE "NATURAL LAW." As a fellow Yooper says, "Remember that life just cannot be one big Kodak moment . . [and] every picture in life has an explanation and an answer." [Marvin Szukalowski, "A Simple Man's Psychology"]

DIVERSITY IS ALL THE RAGE THESE DAYS, but to lots of younger voters, there was only one issue in the race for the White House: the chance to be personally involved in making "HISTORY" (and bringing in the Age of Utopia?).

WELL, as the Gipper would have said, that word "history" is like the words "weather" or "competition" — making "HISTORY" can be either good or bad!

I mean, Chamberlain made "history" when he signed an "historic" peace agreement with Hitler. Hitler made "history" when he invaded Poland soon after the "agreement." And the Polish made "history" when they attacked the German tank columns on horseback (as that was about the only weapon they had).

And to back up a moment, the German people made "HISTORY" when they elected the paperhanger from Austria as their leader, mostly based on his speaking ability and his feel-good scapegoating tactics.

And most of the churches in Germany made "HISTORY" by rolling over and spreading their legs for der Fuhrer — damit
(I'm not swearing; that's a German word for "with that . . . ") The rest is HISTORY (they used to say).

The intellectuals in Russia made satanic HISTORY when they slaughtered the Czar and his whole family. I don't know how many intellectuals were actually present for the slaughter, but we know a lot of intellectuals were slaughtered LATER (somewhere between 50 and 100 million people, eventually, gave their lives for the Communist "cause" — not even counting the lives lost in fighting their Utopian "cause").

And it was the intellectuals in Russia who pioneered the cause in the "sixties" — the 1860s — with the Nihilism movement in the universities and colleges, just as the "mercy killings" in Germany were pioneered by medical and legal experts in the pre-Nazi universities during the 1920s (not to mention Darwin's contribution in the 1850s to the cause of social Darwinism and dreams of a perfect Master Race, Utopias, etc., etc.).

"Like a dog, he hunts in dreams," it could have been said of Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler (to borrow the words of Tennyson). As Orwell said though, "One does not make a dictatorship to protect a revolution; a revolution is made to establish a dictatorship."

But back to 2008, we need to snap out of our fantasy dreams and get some CONTEXT for this "point in time." Unrealistic rising expectations are a very dangerous thing (as the 1965 riots showed clearly) and it's time to GET REAL:

Socialism, Communism, and Nazism — which means "National Socialism," whether in the Italian or German versions of fascism — are distinctions without a difference (for all practical purposes). A spade is a spade is a spade. Despotism by any other name is still despotism. A spade (a tool used for grave digging) cannot be a HEART no matter how many aces you have up your sleeve in the way of political "spin."

Never mind the "good intentions"; t is sorely disappointing to hear talk of our government taking ownership of parts of the private sector — under a "republican" President. The world's gone down this road before, and there's no turning back, remember?

I hope this isn't the case, but: Obamaism (coining a phrase) could be the Bush economic doctrine "in spades" — trumped, raised, and called, without even any bluffing! Is this "transition" thing an inside-Ivy League thing, or what? I just "hope" that the winner of this year's Presidential prize isn't one of those Skull and Bones members.

THE "700 CLUB" -

I have some dumb questions about that 700-billion-dollar "bailout," the destination of which is still being debated. Mark Twain would've had a field day with this one. For example, if they don't even know yet who's going to get the money, how did they know they needed exactly $700 billion? Who exactly "rounded it up" to 700 instead of "rounding it down" to 600, eh? But it's only money, right? "We have not yet begun to print!"

One of the considerations in the 2008 election was, "Which candidate would you rather sit down with and have a beer?" Mark Twain probably would have said, I don't care which one as long as I can ask just one dumb question: "Why did the government recently spend so many dollars on preventing counterfeiting of our money when it's worthless anyway?"

But seriously pardners, as I said in my column at the time, that "stimulus check" from Uncle Sam was a tacit admission by our fearless leaders that the economy was in serious trouble. That was before Hank Paulsen got down on bended knee before Congress. Now the President-elect is pushing for another "bailout check" — to the taxpayers. NO WONDER the stock market is confused. Who's going to bail out Uncle Sam?

Seeya next week. More to come.

P.S. Your homework assignment is:

P.J. O'Rourke lays the smackdown.
"Let us bend over and kiss our — goodbye . . . "
[fwd from Charlie Sykes]

Gun owners not welcome on Obama's White House team?
CNSNEWS.COM — President-elect Barack Obama's transition team is showing its hostility toward lawful firearm owners by "weeding out" job applicants who own firearms themselves, a Second Amendment group says... (more)

[Whether specifically true or not, this is the sort of thing Patriots need to be on the "lookout" for.]

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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