Curtis Dahlgren
California v. the U.P. of Michigan on the 4th of July
By Curtis Dahlgren
July 6, 2009

"The state cannot pay its bills, poorly educates its young, and its taxation punishes whatever success that its suffocating regulatory regime does not prevent." George Will [on California]

THE WHOLE TOWN TURNED OUT FOR OUR "TEA PARTY" SATURDAY. It's called the annual 4th of July parade on Railroad St. It goes two blocks down one side of the tracks and two blocks up the other side of the tracks. The whole parade is over before noon, before the "heat of the day" hits (our "highs" are getting up into the seventies now, and Yooopers don't tolerate the heat well at all). My dog is a native, with a black coat as well, so he thinks he's going to die of the heat when it gets up into the 70s.

We were treated to a free fireworks show on Saturday night (probably an "illegal" one), across the river, so I stayed up later than usual. My cats wake me up before 4 in the morning, when the sky starts to lighten up, so I normally retire early.

At 4 AM the woods are alive with the sound of robins rockin', as they prepare to welcome the sun rising in the northeast (our sun sets in the northwest, toward Alaska). I went for a walk this morning in shorts and short sleeves, and I came back shivering. I could almost see my breath. The lows in the bayous of the U.P. of Michigan are in the 40s, and the days are starting to get shorter already. Man I love this place. We like to call it Superior.

I moved up here from WisCONsin, another state with problems similar to California. Not that Michigan doesn't have problems below the bridge, but unlike the trolls, the natives up here have been dealing with a slow economy for decades, so they're used to it. Besides, we have iron and copper and gold in them "hills," such as they are, so we're preparing for the long haul. Even if the Lefties drive every industry out of the USA, China will still need to get its metals and lumber from somewhere.

Don't know what the weather is like in California today, but up here the air is so clean that we can see clearly. I mean we can see a CON job when we see one! And "man-made climate change" is a CON job! I have friends in Ontario who indicate that this past winter was one of the coldest ever. It's been so cold in the U.P. that the mosquitoes are still hybernating, and the groundhog seens to be on sleeping pills.

The column-of-the-week was actually a letter sent by University of Virginia climatologist Fred Singer (not to be confused with Peter Singer) to members of Congress. They don't even read the bills they vote up or down, so they probably won't read the letter either. By the way, who really writes their stuff anyway? I hope it's not Al Franken!

I think we should put those lawyer-writers of Bills on milk cartons, because they're more "out of it" than our groundhop. They must be in Neverneverland on anesthetics. They're destroying the dollar bill, that's for sure! I wonder how well they sleep at night? That's a whole other subject, but if you want the truth about "global warming," analyze THIS:

If the rest of you can't see what we see in the U.P., for SHAME. Shame on YOU if you're still "buying" the scam! And I even saw a guy in the barber shop the other day you believes that the earth has been warming up ever since the 1930s. The earth actually cooled down from 1940 to almost 1980 (when we were warmed of an impending Ice Age). And you don't have to rely on a "radical" website such as for such information.


Fred Singer says, as a professional climatologist: "The earth is either always warming or cooling; one cannot tell which it is unless one specifies the time interval.

"It's like the stock market: it is rising or falling. Both depend on whether it's a week or a month or a year. It's the same with the temperature — if we start during the last Ice Age 15,000 years ago, then the temperatures have warmed. If you start from the Little Ice Age, which ended 200 years ago, it certainly has warmed.

"If you start from 1998, however, then it has not warmed — it has cooled. So it depends on the time interval. People argue about this, and much of the difference between groups comes about when you don't specify the time interval. There's no question that the climate has not been warming in the last 10 years."

If you ask the people at Woods Hole and the people in Jackson Hole whether they think we have global warming, you'll get two totally different answers. THE PROBLEM is when Congress tells you that "the debate is over" so they can stampede legislation through, the effects of which will be with us for years to come. Have you ever seen a stampede? The thought of Lemmings comes to mind, or bison being driven off a cliff by Native Americans (as actually happened, contrary to your public schooling's "multiculturalism").

Speaking of Congress, it recently passed a resolution apologizing for slavery. DUH. Like, very quaint, but seriously dangerous. Since the beginning of the campaign to elect the first "black" President (isn't he actually just as white as he is black?), no one but almost no one has dared utter the word "Reparations," but it's coming. As far as I know, only Chris Matthews has let the word Reparations pass his lips — I think in June, while talking about "inequities, disparities, and healthcare."

But in his fourth of July email, President Obama said that our Founders' "evolving dream" cannot be realized as long as some people among us "still struggle." STRUGGLE? You want to know what struggling is?

I read an article the other day. It was about California, and said that only two percent of the illegal aliens in the Golden State pick crops. I surmise that that's because the invaders from south of the border "pick crops" for part of one summer, and then go perpetually on the DOLE, while the people who are "struggling" are the taxpayers who have gotten an education and a social security number and are paying payroll deductions!

The article explained how an illegal alien with a rent subsidy and food stamps and free "MediCal" ends up with more under-the-table cash in his pocket than a regular employee who pays his local, state, and federal taxes. Then the alien sends money to Mexico so more of his friends and relatives can come to California to STRUGGLE like the rest of the aliens (with the blessing, I might add, of Homeland Security, which doesn't think that border hopping is "illegal").

Janet Reno-Napolitano is even going after the sheriff in Arizona who is trying to do his job in enforcing the laws of the United States (and doing his job too well to suit her, I guess). I guess when people who take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States send out warnings to "watch out" for pro — Constituion bumper stickers, it's no wonder that some otherwise sane people turn to drink.

And Barney Frank, of FannieMae fame, is back — back recommending a relaxation of rules for loans for condominium developments (while developers in many parts of the country are simply walking away from developments, leaving windows and doors wide open). Of course in California, the bankrupt state, population is still growing — even as the WASPS go streaming into Arizona, Nevada, and Utah.

Be forewarned: California will soon be declared "too big to fail." It will get a Federal bailout, even while people in Iowa wait for FEMA to make "Reparations" from last year's disasters. If you want to talk about some people among us "still struggling," talk to our senior citizens facing higher energy bills — thanks to Global Cooling and America's failure to drill for oil and natural gas in them hills.


P.S. I hate to cut this column "short" again, but I have to go out and cut more wood for next winter. I live almost entirely on Social Security, and I don't spend one red cent on propane. Talk about being down for the STRUGGLE — my family has burned wood for heat for as long as we've been here in America (and we've never taken food stamps or complained about the "struggle"). I have no sympathy whatsoever for people who are so lazy they not only wouldn't split wood, but can't even stay in high school long enough to get a diploma. Or learn to speak English like my parents did (it was their second language). Talk to the Mountain Men or the Pioneers on the Oregon Trail if you want to talk about STRUGGLE.

But more to come. I have to go.

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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