Curtis Dahlgren
Eat, drink, and be WARY (and pray!)
By Curtis Dahlgren
March 18, 2011

"More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of . . .
Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers."
— Lord Tennyson

"PRAY" IS A 4-LETTER WORD TO MANY CELEBRANTS ON ST. PATTY'S DAY (and many of the "genius community" every day). It's just too bad that others only think of praying when things aren't going well. "This is the thanks I get?" says God.

What do you mean, this is a "Pearl Harbor moment for Wisconsin"? Given a speck of wisdom to think about it, public union workers in the Badger state have made fools of themselves, given enough time to think! Lots and lots of unemployed, underemployed, and overtaxed citizens would gladly trade places with them. And certainly most of the Japanese would exchange places with those "poor" teachers in Wisconsin.

It's almost as embarrassing to the rest of us as hearing Adrian Peterson comparing himself to a slave! Although I must admit he had "a better year than the President" (to paraphrase Babe Ruth) — even if the Prez can always blame George W. Bush for everything.

Speaking of history, there was a whole lot of scapegoatin' goin' on in Weimar Germany, when people used wheelbarrows to haul paper money to the grocery store for a loaf of bread. The wheelbarrows were worth more than a load of money in those days, someone says. And of course, out of every crisis comes a tyrant like Hitler (almost every time).

"Cruel he looks, but calm and strong
Like one w
ho does, not suffers wrong." — Shelley

THE FIRST WORD IN BULLY IS "BULL" — AND THAT INCLUDES UNION BULLIES. A 9-year-old girl in Wisconsin said to her mother, "Now we know why there's still bullying in the schools!" [the teachers lead by example]

We are told that nearly half a million Japanese are "living" in shelters. A 50-mile radius is being evacuated around the nuclear plants (one of which had been scheduled to be retired this year). The estimated death toll may be over 10,000 Japanese, not to mention the Prius and Leaf factories. At one point I heard that 4 bullet trains were "missing," but there's just so much news to digest that I never heard a follow-up. And someone wondered how many mercury light bulbs were smashed to pollute the water.

So much to say — I'm posting more than one column a week now. I know you have a lot of other stuff to read, but I hope you'll forward this to "all" on your mailing list. If you weren't convinced that "only God can save us now," maybe you'll think about it now. Truth is marching, and God is watching. Does anybody care? Glenn Beck is crazy like a FOX!

Susan Saranwrap went to Madison, Wisconsin to say that unions have fed and clothed her children. Very funny, but didn't she make her big bucks taking clothes off? Maybe her union can stop the plume of smoke heading Hollywood's way from Japan (right over Al Gore's waterfront mansion).

I am SO glad that I moved north in "retirement." Factually, Michigan's Upper Peninsula has the cleanest air in the USA (even cleaner than Hawaii's now). No matter which way the wind blows, it either comes across one of the Great Lakes, or is filtered by coniferous tree needles in northern Wisconsin, and we have 340,000 acres for every man, woman, and child (not that I want you to move here; just for your info).

There was another earthquake overnight of a 6.5 magnitude in Japan. If you think the UW students were frantic inside the capitol building, I wonder how long they'd stay under that dome if something like that happened in the Midwest? Don't you think it's time to stop playing political games and kicking the deficit cans down the road? BTW, the Feds' deficit of 3.5 trillion or so is 1,000 times greater than Wisconsin's — and the Left doesn't even want to tackle THAT one. Cry me a river over your so-called "plight."

Some card players over-play their trump cards, and the Wisconsin public unions have over-played their "plight" — and they're completely out of trump! They never had any trump cards this year to begin with.

Speaking of games, how about a score of 88-12? I'm not talking the NCAA tournament here; I'm talking about the recall of a Florida mayor who raised property taxes and gave raises to public employees. He got the "12" in the recall. Memo to Wisconsin Democrats: Are you SURE y'wanna go there?


President Oboma
has played more golf in two years than I have in my whole life (I'm 68). He's voting "Present" on Lybia and Col. "Omar Ka-daffy." Mubarak was a 'no-good,' but Ka-daffy used to say good things about Oboma. Coptic Christians are being martyred in Egypt, and the rebels (no matter how just their cause) are being let down like the Freedom Fighters at the Bay of Pigs.

Oh well — I guess it's time to get out of the country and go to Brazil. EH?

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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