Curtis Dahlgren
Is the USA becoming the USSR? Or Venezuela? Or Zimbabwe?
By Curtis Dahlgren
June 12, 2013

"Close the IRS and move it to Gitmo." – Jay Leno

"Any analyst at any time can target anyone." – Edward Snowden

THE TIME HAS COME, the Walrus said,
To talk of many things:
Of shoes – and ships – and sealing-wax -
Of cabbages – and kings -
. . . And whether pigs have wings.

- Lewis Carroll ("Through the Looking Glass")

WARNING: This is not a chicken soup column. I could write sweetness and light, but I want to live to write another day (no pun intended).

Dictatorship, n; 1) a nation or government in which absolute power is exercized,
2) imperious, or
overbearing, power or control.

Shortly after the Newtown shooting, the President said, "I will use every power this office has . . " [and then some, he could have added!]. He has all the nuance and subtlety of a gambler playing five aces in the same hand. He thinks he can just overwhelm us because no one can follow all the news all the time, 24/7. It's a domestic blitzkreig against enemies, mostly domestic not foreign. And half the people don't even care. Is there nothing we can agree on? Paradoxically, pollsters tell us that:

- 90% of Americans want our border closed.

- 80% of us still believe in the traditional God-concept.

- 70% believe in Freedom of the Press.

- 60% or more think the country is going in the "wrong direction."

- 50%, at least, believe that the IRS and other agencies shouldn't persecute people on the President's enemies list.

The above percentages are approximate, but what is wrong with this picture? The thing is:

The White House doesn't want the border closed; the Administration attacks Freedom of Religion and of the Press; it keeps pushing the limits of government power in the direction of Big Bro, and yet the buck rolls off his back like water off a duck. The buck never gets there because he's playing the role of a Royal, and Royals are beyond criticism. It's the Princess Diana phenomenon all over again. Royals seem to have divine rights. The Titanic and the Hindenburg may go down, but at least the Hollywood/celebrity crowd will look good!

The Ohio State University grads were recently told not to listen to certain voices [those who use the word "patriot" or Constitution]. In effect, they were told not to "listen" to George Washington or Thomas Jefferson or James Madison – or George Orwell. The only Constitutional scholar living in the White House these days is the ghost of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln "bedroom." No wonder someone in the First Family said that living there is "Hell."

Speaking of Hell, did this country really need 16,000 new IRS agents – rank amateurs hired to run our health care and run our business right into the ground? The Prez 44 not only tells kids not to "listen" but he's trying to literally shut up the rest of us [R.I.P., Edith (Stifle yourself) Bunker].

A friend of mine says that he has no concerns whatsoever about the reported government over-reaching, that he has nothing to hide. I tell him that's easy for you to say, but you don't even know what they're looking for yet, do you?

To paraphrase Lewis Carroll, "the time has come, the Walrus said, to call a spade a spade and a chopping block a chopping block." And they call a coup a coup because after it happens, it's too late! As Ben Stein wrote about four years ago:

"Where did Mr. Obama get the authority to fire [GM CEO Wagoner]? . . As far as I can tell, Mr. Obama and his colleagues simply bullied GM and Mr. Wagoner into doing their willprecisely what the Constitution is supposed to forbid. When I ask liberal friends about this, they shrug. 'These are difficult times,' they say. But difficult times are exactly what dictators always cite."

Ah yes.
The old "difficult times" and "it's a complex world" defense. Some things about the powers-that-be never change, do they? As Michele Bachmann said in Newsmax (June 2009):

"To me, it looks like the extremists are those running the DHS. According to the DHS, the American ideal of federalism is a threat to American ideals!"

Personally, I'm tired. Tired of hearing my grandma called a right-wing nut job and a "fundie." If we wanted that kind of abuse, my family could have stayed in the Old Country. Religious Freedom is what they came here for! Now the ruling class, including the Country Club Whigs (er, I mean Republicans) tell us we must become more like Europe, we must use foreign law here, and we must submit to U.N. "treaties." As an Englishman described the globalists way back in 1798:

" . . . A steady patriot of the World alone
The friend of every country but his own."
– George Canning ("New Morality")

It's not funny anymore. China just bought our largest pork producing company, and we have the smallest cattle numbers since 1952, I've read. While the low-information voters take seriously nothing except entertainment and sports, or maybe the issue of sport team nicknames, I have news for you. The Native Americans aren't upset about the Redskins name; they're mad that while no one owned this land at one time, it's being sold by the white man to the Chinese!

Not to change the subject, but – John, Secretary of State, Kerry recently spoke to a college audience in Germany and said Freedom of Religion in America means "we have the right to be stupid." They sure speak at colleges a lot, and as Bill O'Reilley just wrote, college graduation speakers are almost entirely the Liberal-Progressive types. I should re-post annually the column that I wrote about "the graduation speech you won't hear this year." Because the class of 2013 believes that it's the most highly-evolved class of grads in the history of the world. They think they're so smart but probably couldn't explain the difference between an asteroid and a hemorhoid.

Yes (sigh), the time has come, the Walrus said, "to talk of many things" (while we still have Freedom of Speech, even though it's being highly spied upon by Big Brother Bro).

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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