Edward Daley column
Edward Daley was born to American parents on a U.S. military base in Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada, and moved to the United States as an infant. He became active in politics in 1984--the first year he was old enough to vote for the President of the United States. Currently he is the full-time caregiver to his elderly father and a landlord of rental property. Edward has been a salesman, bar doorman, typesetter, and security guard. He is a college graduate with a number of hobbies and interests, including reading, writing poetry and short stories, web designing, watching professional football, and drinking 12-year-old single malt scotch. He currently lives in Thomaston, Maine.

Sherlock Holmes proves the existence of God
Edward Daley
January 10, 2016

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle once wrote that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. I agree with this . . .

The Psychopathic Socialists Party ÷ The Cowering Excuse-Makers Party = President Donald Trump
Edward Daley
August 27, 2015

Modern day Democrat politicians are socialists, which really isn't breaking news. Heck, that particular socio-political philosophy was adopted by the DNC during . . .

The future must not belong to those who slander everyone but the prophet of Islam
Edward Daley
January 10, 2015

On September 25th, 2012 President Barack Obama delivered a speech to the United Nations General Assembly in which he stated: "The future must not belong to . . .

Edward Daley
January 23, 2013

When I was a kid: reflections of a 50-year-old American
Edward Daley
January 15, 2013

When I was a kid... If you mouthed off to an adult – even a teacher in school – you'd more than likely get the taste slapped out of your mouth, . . .

You, Mr. Kristol, sound like a freakin' idiot!
Edward Daley
November 13, 2012

Apparently, Bill Kristol has the same mental deficiency as every single person who voted for Barack Obama last Tuesday. He doesn't seem to be able to grasp a . . .

Don't abandon the GOP, grow a pair and take it back!
Edward Daley
July 31, 2012

When you figure in the $85 million million (aka trillion) worth of unfunded liabilities from Social Security and Medicare, the total debt amassed by the federal . . .

Nullification chatter escalating, but could it actually happen?
Edward Daley
July 5, 2012

Did you know that nearly half of all U.S. states are run entirely by Republicans? It's true, there are currently 23 states that have GOP-controlled governments. . . .

Obamacare: the Supreme Court has just handed Romney the presidency, but is he smart enough to take it?
Edward Daley
June 29, 2012

Thursday's USSC decision upholding ObamaCare's individual mandate as constitutional has served one positive purpose, which is to practically guarantee Barack . . .

A little reminder to all you leftists on the anniversary of Osama's death
Edward Daley
May 2, 2012

If the C.I.A. had been forced to refrain from utilizing the enhanced interrogation techniques that Barack Obama and the entire Democrat party leadership fought . . .

A "failed" presidency? I think not
Edward Daley
February 12, 2012

Time and time again I hear Republican politicians refer to Barack Obama's administration as a total failure. That couldn't be further from the truth. The . . .

The tea party was right, and you know it
Edward Daley
August 8, 2011

In case you didn't hear- and you would have to have been living in a box for the past 72 hours not to — America's AAA credit rating was lowered to AA+ . . .

A response to Paul A. Ibbetson's article titled 'Sister Wives: the concubines of the cult of Kody Brown'
Edward Daley
July 23, 2011

The following is a retort to my good friend Paul A. Ibbetson's 'Sister Wives...' article of July 21, 2011 Original article: http://www.renewamerica.com . . .

Our manifestly unserious Republican House leader
Edward Daley
March 9, 2011

House Speaker John Boehner is not a serious adult when it comes to addressing the out-of-control federal spending of the Democrat party. That is evident in his . . .

Good religion, as I see it
Edward Daley
February 16, 2011

My name is Edward L. Daley, and I'm what's known as a deist. That is to say that I embrace no particular religious faith, yet I do believe in an eternal creator . . .

When will the GOP go after Obama for his crimes?
Edward Daley
February 11, 2011

That's right, I used the word crimes in the title of this article, and I make no apologies for it. What else would you call contempt of court, breach of . . .

The TSA versus American manhood
Edward Daley
November 26, 2010

I'm not a politician, although some of my friends have told me I should consider running for public office. That will never happen though, primarily because I'm . . .

The political correctness bomb that exploded at Fort Hood
Edward Daley
November 11, 2009

Nidal Malik Hasan is an Islamic terrorist who, with premeditation and contempt for our military's anti-terrorist mission in the Middle East, murdered 13 . . .

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