Bryan Fischer
Women in combat a really, really bad idea
By Bryan Fischer
December 7, 2012

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

America's daughters should not be sent into combat. Period.

Part of the reason is philosophical: we want to live in a nation where we expect men to use their strength to protect the women in their world, not the other way round.

But there are immensely practical reasons as well. God simply did not design women to have the same size, upper body strength, or stamina as men. It's just plain stupid to ignore this biological fact of nature.

The Washington Post, for instance, recently ran a story on the "throwing gap" between men and women, which has stubbornly persisted for the half-century that brain-numbed researchers have been exploring it. Girls age 14-18 throw only 39% as far as boys.

Although the Post never makes this connection, this fact is no longer an idle curiosity when the issue at hand is not throwing rocks or baseballs but things that explode. Reports from the Marine training base at Parris Island indicate that only 45% of female Marines could throw a hand grenade far enough to keep from blowing themselves up. If you're in a foxhole with a woman about to toss one of those, you're not sure whether to treat her as friend or foe. It's one thing to fall on a grenade thrown by the enemy. It's quite another to have a grenade thrown by a friendly fall on you.

The Marines are trying to defy logic, common sense, biology, and the Laws of Nature and Nature's God by admitting women into its Infantry Officer Course. Only two of the 80 eligible female Marines volunteered for the course this year. One washed out on the first day, and the second had to drop out within two weeks for "medical reasons," most likely some muscular or skeletal injury.

Now men flunked out too. But that's the whole point, to identify those soldiers who have the strength, stamina, agility and endurance to be in combat. Women will never, because of the way they have been designed — whether by God or by evolution — be able to meet the standards. To lower rigorous physical standards is to put the lives of fellow soldiers in grave danger as well as the military mission itself.

In Army training, men have to climb all the way to the top of the rope, women only to the yellow line. Men have to do 20 pushups, women just six. Men have to do pull-ups, women just have to hang there for a while. In the obstacle course, a stool is placed in front of an 8-foot wall for our lovelies. But what if the enemy absent-mindedly forgets to set one of those up on the battlefield?

The average female Army recruit, according to researcher and writer Brian Mitchell, is 4.8 inches shorter, 31.7 pounds lighter, and has 37.4 fewer pounds of muscle than her male counterpart. She has 55% of the upper body strength of the average male recruit, and only 72% of his lower body strength. On the bench press, men demonstrate 270% more power and perform 473% more work than women.

Female soldiers are twice as likely to suffer leg injuries and nearly five times as likely to suffer fractures as males. The Army gives women an extra three minutes to complete a two-mile run, which, of course, should be no problem. I'm sure the enemy will simply wait for them to catch up.

According to the Washington Times, Col. Patrick Toffler, the head of West Point's Office of Institutional Research, admitted under oath that women are taught self-defense while men are taught boxing and wrestling. He reluctantly confessed that pull-ups, peer ratings, rifle runs and certain obstacle-course elements have been scrapped altogether.

Additionally, all of us ought to be concerned about what happens to female soldiers who become POWs in the hands of Muslims, who are the only people we're fighting these days. Muslims hate infidels in general, and despise women in particular, even their own. In recent weeks, the Muslim Brotherhood has actually paid Muslim gangs to sexually assault female Muslim protesters in Tahrir Square. How will the flower of our nation's womanhood fare in the hands of savages like these? Do any of our politically compromised military leaders even care?

There is a persistent but entirely false myth that the Israelis use women in combat. Well, they did. For three weeks. In 1948. And never again.

Their presence in combat, according to Mitchell, resulted in a higher casualty count for both sides. "Israeli men risked their lives and missions to protect their women, and Arab troops fought more fiercely to avoid the humiliation of being defeated by women."

Now women still serve in the Israeli military today, but as secretaries, clerks, communication specialists, nurses, teachers and army social workers. They do not, however, serve in combat.

They don't serve as pilots, or serve on ships; they don't even pump gas or drive trucks. They receive only cursory weapons training, but receive no training in their combat use and don't even practice shooting at targets. The only time they carry weapons after basic training is on parade, which, according to Mitchell, is nothing more than "a photo opportunity for journalists interested in perpetuating a myth."

Bottom line: women aren't designed by God to serve in combat. If you don't believe me, just ask the Israelis.

UPDATE: even IDF has gone PC on women in combat

Apparently the IDF has gone totally PC on national defense, and the research on which my column yesterday was based, accurate at the time, is now outdated. The IDF was right before, and wrong now, but it looks like they'll have to figure that out the hard way just like we will.

The IDF is actually now advertising "hardcore battle roles for women" in the Israeli Defense Force. They now have a grand total of 27 female pilots, have a largely female battalion of women who patrol the southern border and "ambush... enemy forces," female soldiers who partner with dogs in their K-9 unit, a combat battalion whose job it is to "neutralize...weapons live in the field of battle," and a sea-going unit whose job it is to "safeguard Israel's civilian ports."

More information here: 5 Most Hardcore Female Combat Roles

According to the IDF, "Women...make up 3% of the IDF's combat soldiers."

Good luck with all that.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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