Armand C. Hale
An outside look
By Armand C. Hale
July 18, 2011

As an outsider looking in on this whole debt ceiling deal, I can only chuckle at the events as they unfold. First, Barry insults the intelligence of the average American citizen by implying that we are too stupid to understand the concept of the debt ceiling and that we need to leave it to the Political experts to work out. Then, like a child who throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his way, he basically storms out of the discussions like a kid taking his toys and going home because he doesn't get his way while playing in the sandbox. And then Senator Reid has the nerve to say Cantor's behavior is childish and shouldn't even be at the table. Who's the real child? What is it with these guys? I do have an understanding of everything that is going on. With a little research and application, I got a pretty good idea. And here is how I see it:

When Barry took over the chair, with his socialistic instincts, he immediately raided the coffers and doled out money under the stimulus guise and bailouts. That money did nothing for the U.S. as a whole except drive the debt load even higher. Now that there is nothing left in the cookie jar, he wants to be able to borrow more money to spend as he sees fit. Kind of like when you run up one credit card, increase the credit limit and continue spending without attacking the basic cause that got you into that position to begin with. So without a basic understanding of Economics, he wants to also raise taxes as a way to offset cuts. I'm sorry folks, but this stupid American citizen can't see giving this administration any additional dollars in any way, shape, or form that would just be used as a basis for increased spending. Raising taxes in this type of economic environment will have a regressive effect on the economy; not progressive. But to give this guy powers to increase the debt limits on his own is like letting the fox in the hen house. He'll have chicken for dinner every time.

I do applaud the stance certain members have taken about cutting the budget, reducing spending, and trying to get the government to be like the rest of us stupid citizens; you can only spend what you have, and prioritize those expenditures. It is still an uphill battle on the hill to come to resolution. Too bad there isn't an executive leader who can actually lead this path, rather than whining that he is going to take it to the American people. Remember Barry, according to you we are too stupid to understand the problem...but we will be smart enough at the polls in 2012 like we were in 2010. (JMJ)

Please read the follow hot items below and pass the information on to all. Remember our job is no longer to just get along. Our job is to win! Period!

Guess what? You're racist again. This message is for the people of Congresswoman's Shelia Jackson Lee (D-TX) district.

Congressmen Shelia Jackson Lee (D-TX) once again said that if we oppose this President's historic spending spree, it's because we're motivated by prejudice. I want to let Sheila Jackson Lee know that we will not stand for this! We oppose any debt increase without REAL and substantial spending cuts because we want what's best for OUR country, unlike Rep. Jackson Lee along with her friends in Congress and the White House who only want to do what's best for their union and special interest cronies at the expense of our children and grandchildren!


Roger Stockton
Co-Founder, Western Representation PAC

Countdown to our deadline

We must have your support even in these very trying and difficult times. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of our fellow Americans in distress. Together, we can secure our nation and get American back on the right track! Please take a few moments to visit our secure online donations page to make a contribution of any amount. Secure donations page

Sincerely, William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

Bureaucrats Gone Wild

The Boeing case puts this all in perspective. Just a few years ago, workers at the plant in South Carolina voted to kick out the International Association of Machinists (IAM) union hierarchy. And now, at the request of IAM union bosses in Washington State, the NLRB's Acting General Counsel wants to force Boeing to take away their jobs. As unprecedented and outrageous as this power grab is, it's a long act in the making. And thanks to Right to Work supporters like you, Foundation staff attorneys are fighting back against the Obama Labor Board in each of these union-boss power grabs. Please chip in with a tax-deductible contribution of $10 or more today to support the Foundation's programs.

I'm grateful for your continued support.
Mark Mix

Conservatives: Details on Critical Election

It's so important to realize that Obama's team is up to their dirty tricks in Wisconsin so as to lay the groundwork for Obama to try to win Wisconsin for his 2012 presidential campaign. Thanks to your help, we're going to hand Obama, and radical leftists yet another DEFEAT in Wisconsin in just a few weeks time. We must keep up the momentum. Please make a contribution of $25, $50 or $100 or, if you can afford it, a more generous contribution of $250, $500, $1,000 or more CLICK HERE TO DONATE

Campaign To Defeat Obama
P.O. Box 601684
Sacramento, CA 95860-1684

A New Chapter in a Long Fight to Reclaim Marriage in New York

I hope you will join us next Sunday, July 24th, as we join with New Yorkers from all across the state at simultaneous rallies in Manhattan, Albany, Rochester and Buffalo, calling on politicians to let the people vote on marriage. Politicians in Albany have had their say. Governor Cuomo has had his. Now it's time for the people of New York to have their own chance to vote on marriage. See you next Sunday! Semper fi!

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

From The iPetitions Team: No Increase in Debt Ceiling! Sign a Petition


Recently, you signed an online petition upholding important conservative principles. We appreciate your support for this cause, and thought you might be interested now in another petition: Please click on the link and sign now to send a message to Washington. Every voice counts! Please forward this message to your friends. Sincerely, The iPetitions Team

Ron Paul: Backroom Deal on Debt Ceiling

It appears Mitch McConnell would just rather keep up the big spending, business as usual status quo regardless of the cost to the American people. That's why it's vital you sign the petition urging your representative and senators to oppose Mitch McConnell's raw deal — and any other phony compromise on the debt ceiling — IMMEDIATELY.

Time is running out, so please act NOW!

For Liberty,
Ron Paul

Rand Paul: Hillary commits to UN Small Arms Treaty

Dear fellow Patriot, Gun-grabbers around the globe believe they have it made. Please join me by taking a public stand against this outright assault on our national sovereignty by signing the Official Firearms Sovereignty Survey Thank you in advance for your time and money devoted to defending our Second Amendment rights.

For Freedom,
Rand Paul
United States Senator

From William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

Our national press release launching two new websites to inform and organize Americans to stop President Obama's unlawful Amnesty orders and gun running has made quite a splash out there. They know we are coming. Now, we need your help to establish strong activist momentum, so we can reach out to and organize more like-minded Americans. Each day we have watched these scandals get bigger like a snowball rolling down the side of a mountain slowly turning into an avalanche! Please take the following simple steps to help our efforts. Let's Roll!

Step 1: Visit our revamped website at and sign the online petition calling for Obama to resign or be removed. Your support on our site will attract the support of others.

Step 2: Once you have signed, pleased use the feature on the right side of the screen to "tell others about us" Please send an invite to our petition to every email contact you can with encouragement for them to sign and circulate!

Step 3: If you use Face book, please visit our new page at and click on "Like" to join.

Step 4: Place a link to on your Face book wall for your friends to see and/or send them messages asking them to join and circulate.

PS: Feel free to post full copies of our current national press release on any websites you like. Websites Launched to Support Obama Impeachment & Protests

Obama amnesty

This Backdoor Amnesty by Memo Is Not Something That Obama MIGHT Do, It Is Something He Has Already Done. Please Read The Email Below Carefully — and Donate If You Possibly Can! Last month, a memo written by ICE administrator John Morton — an appointee of Pres. Obama — was leaked to the press. The memo instructs ICE Field Office Directors, Special Agents-in-Charge, and all Chief Counsels NOT to deport illegal aliens unless they are violent felons. This order amounts to a Backdoor Amnesty for millions of Illegal Aliens who have no legal right to be in the U.S. Obviously, this order flies in the face of decades of clear federal law. The memo states that illegal aliens are not to be pursued if they meet any of 19 factors, including:

Serves the community, or

Has a job, or

Cares for a disabled, infirm, or mentally challenged relative, or
Pregnant or breast-feeding, or
Brought to the United States as a child, or
Graduated from high school, or
Has a relative in the U.S. military.

How many illegal aliens do you think can be fit into one of those categories! And these are only 7 of the 19 conditions that protect illegal aliens from being prosecuted by ICE personnel. Upset? Me too! We've got to reverse this, fast! Please help us financially today.

We're fighting this Backdoor Amnesty with everything we've got.

From Jim Robb
Vice President, Operations

© Armand C. Hale


The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)

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Armand C. Hale

MSgt Armand C. Hale retired from the U.S. Air Force serving his country for over 23 years. His many tours of duty included the Republic of Korea, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the State of Qatar. He has a Bachelors degree in business & management and has written a book on his experiences in the country of Qatar. You can purchase his book at and Lulu Books.


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