Dennis M. Howard
Yes, we can end abortion in your lifetime and mine
By Dennis M. Howard
January 14, 2012

Sixteen years ago I was the only forecaster to predict the current economic crisis. I even got the dates right. I predicted that it would start in the year 2000 and continue until 2010 and even 2020. Sadly, that prediction is coming true. America is in one of the deepest recessions it has ever had. It may very last twice as long as the Great Depression.

In the mid-90's, most analysts were predicting the greatest boom we ever had. We had one in the late 1990's, but it lasted all too briefly. It ended abruptly when the tech bubble burst in 2000 and the stock market came crashing down.

Why was I so right about the coming crash, and the other experts so wrong?

Well, I was watching fundamental demographic changes and they were watching the usual financial indicators. The closer I looked, the clearer I could see that the demographics of abortion were like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off in the heart of America.

Abortion had already taken a huge toll of 35 million lives, equal to that of a major nuclear war. That's when I warned that the economic impact of abortion could bring our nation to its knees.

Since then, we've had 20 million more abortions — bringing the total to a horrifying 55 million, including 2 million who gave their lives before Roe v. Wade.

That's equivalent to the population of our 73 largest cities. If that isn't like the impact of a major nuclear war, what is?

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Lets face it, abortion is the most efficient form of killing there is. Prisoners on death row have a longer life expectancy than babies in the womb today. Abortion has killed 30% of the entire generation under 45. No war in history has taken that many lives. Yet few leaders are willing to talk about it.

This wall of silence exists because public officials don't want to touch the subject with a ten-foot pole. They don't want to get caught in the middle between vocal groups on both sides of the issue. Polarization about abortion is intense.

Politicians are more worried about what a lone terrorist can do than they are about the damage done by abortion. We've spent trillions fighting terrorism and defending against nuclear war. Yet abortion has killed 5,000 times more people than either of these, yet few politicians will talk about it honestly.

Meanwhile, political correctness controls our national dialogue in the media, in politics, in academia, and in our major corporations. In reality, it's an Orwellian form of emotional intimidation that prevents honest, open discussion of an issue with enormous impact on women, families and the economy.

That's why we need to raise a great hue and cry on every Main Street in America.

We're a country founded on freedom of speech, yet people can't talk about the "A" word in the public square without inviting a riot. It's that way on many college campuses, where conservative speakers have to hire body guards when they come to speak. Clearly, a wall of denial surrounds abortion.

One way or another we have to break down that wall. That's the reason I started Movement for a Better America. And that's why we ran full-page ads in the Washington Times 16 years ago introducing the economic impact of abortion for the first time.

Sadly, progress in the battle against abortion is going much too slowly. Right now, abortion is declining by less than 1.2% a year. At that rate, it will take 60 years to cut the number of abortions in half and 200 years to eliminate it.

Current pro-life strategies just aren't working fast enough. What's needed are smarter strategies that disarm the enemy and reach out to educate the young.

That's why we recommend preventive education for young people and emphasize the very real consequences of abortion for all of us. People don't change until they feel the consequences of their own behavior. They're certainly feeling that right now.

That's why the economic impact of abortion is so powerful. It hits home with everybody — men, women, pastors, small business people, even the economists — and, eventually, the politicians.

It also demonstrates the impact of abortion on our own and our children's future. We haven't simply killed 55 million babies. We've eliminated 55 million of our own future citizens, producers, taxpayers, and parents of the next generation. It has already cost us $43 trillion in lost GDP.

Moreoverm, the impact of abortion echoes down the centuries. No kids, no future. Legalized abortion on a massive scale is just as suicidal as nuclear war.

Our new Pro-Life Tea Party program aims to bring this education effort to the grassroots level. Through Operation: Main Street, Pro-Life Tea Party teams are reaching out to the whole community. They seek to accomplish the following:

First, they plan to work within the existing Tea Party movement to make sure the economic impact of abortion isn't lost in all the talk about taxes and spending. Simplistic solutions to the current crisis are not solutions at all.

Moreover, if we hope to win this battle, we have to bring economic and social conservatives together in a common front against the frightening economic impact of abortion.

Second, they help awaken churches to the impact abortion has had on church attendance and loss of faith. Too many pastors are afraid to talk about abortion for fear of losing people. In fact, they have already lost huge numbers because of abortion. Our churches must speak up more forcefully on this issue or we'll quickly become a nation that has completely lost its faith.

Pro-Life Tea Party teams also reach out to the small business community and to families to demonstrate the economic impact of abortion. This is primarily an education problem, not a political one. Small businesses need to know about the 43% decline in our birth rate since 1960.

That's a huge dent in the entire generation under 50. How can we prosper with trends like that?

We also want to educate families about their role in th economy. As the source of all supply and demand, families are the fundamental economic unit in society. They are also the source of all our future human capital. The family is where most of the real growth comes from. We've got to restore the family as the key to economic growth, or we face persistent decline.

That's why we need to strengthen the family, not weaken it. Intact families are a huge economic asset. Broken families and children born out of wedlock are an economic drain — 70% of our prison population comes from broken families. If America wants a prosperous future, we have to improve the outlook for families. That's in everybody's interest.

To find out more about the Pro-Life Tea Party, just go to our webpage and click on the registration link. Just go to: And while you're there, take a look at our new video, "No Kids, No Future."

2012 is a very critical year. This is no time to give up. Together, we can bring abortion to an end within your lifetime, and hopefully, mine.

© Dennis M. Howard


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Dennis M. Howard

(Dennis M. Howard passed away on May 6, 2021. His obituary can be read here.

Dennis M. Howard is founder and president of The Movement for a Better America, a non-profit, pro-life educational organization. Before starting MBA in 1995, he had a long and successful career in journalism and creative marketing. He has been writing since 1950, when he helped launch The Sun Herald of Kansas City, America's last attempt at publishing a Catholic daily... (more)


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