Tabitha Korol
There's a fault in California
By Tabitha Korol
March 12, 2012

I was compelled to write to President Mark Yudof concerning past and recent Sharia-compliant acts by administration, faculty, and campus police at school events on the University of California campuses, in opposition to our democratic principles and the Values posted on their University's website. They have not protected the non-Muslims students, specifically the Jewish students, from Muslim events such as the infamous Apartheid Week or a speaker such as Louis Farrakhan, or shown respect to visiting speakers who speak for Israel — and I firmly believe that the University most certainly would have taken extra precautions had they been Black, Latino, Asian, or Muslim students.

The goal of Islam is for each of their adherents to spread their so-called religion worldwide, although Islam is far more a political force than religion. Islam is a replacement theocracy and, just as Muhammad and his followers converted, enslaved, slaughtered and replaced Zoroastrianism, Coptic Christian and Pharoahic religions, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism with Islam throughout most of the Middle East, Muslims are Koran-bound to spread Islam by sword or stealth to the rest of the world. The mullahs have sent their young emissaries to Europe and to our shores to deny Israel's 4,000-year history, destroy Israel's economy with BDS, riot to terrorize and intimidate students, and subjugate the masses. Islamic youths are trained beyond the belts of explosives, and these universities permit totalitarianism to reign at the U of C. Why didn't the school implement some of the Respect, the cornerstone of human interaction, mentioned on theirValues page? Why isn't the school honor-bound to teach these students the values of our democratic way of life rather than permit the poison of Islam to infect the schools and population here?

Why didn't they implement the Intellectual curiousity, the commitment to learning, teaching, creativity and research?. Rather Muslims were permitted to inflame the continued bigotry and hatred that shapes their world. Why is there no staff available to instruct the truth about Israel's accomplishments: the highest ratio of university degrees per capita in the world, most scientific papers per capita than any other country, highest number of scientists and technicians per capita in the world, largest immigrant-absorbing nation per capita in the world (thereby refuting their apartheid accusations)? Why not note that Israel is the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population has grown over the last 50 years, rather than reduced by Islamic murderers? There is no dearth of Israel's exceptionalism to teach these hoodlums, but permission was given not just to seek Israel's delegitimization, but accept their interruptions, riots, and bullying, as part of an ongoing process to humiliate and terrorize the Jewish students.

Why shouldn't they be teaching the ills of Islam — torture of its own citizens, public beheadings and hangings, use of small children as cover for warfare, 270 million killed over 1400 years of Islamizing the Middle East, the true apartheid against their own women, the 18,553 deadly terror attacks since 9/11 against 5 religions — rather than protecting the behavior and emboldening these young adults to join their brethren in future terror attacks? It is incumbent upon this administration to teach them to accept our values if they are to live in our country! Is this the behavior we want to unleash to the streets of our cities — an Occupy all of America by Islamists? What will we pass down to your descendants — is anyone considering this obvious dreadfulness? Tolerance of intolerance is not tolerance, but cultural suicide. The University is accepting student fees under false pretenses, and failing the students who have come to this institution in search of an honest education in a safe environment — and conspiratorial in allowing the annihilation and replacement of our culture by theirs, which is treachery to ours.

The University is the responsible party in all of this, and they should be searching their conscience and stand up for our democratic way of life, and not forfeit it to Islam. Not only should they apologize to the students that were abandoned, endangered and made fearful, but they must speak out against the encroaching Islam and expel those students who cannot learn to be respectful citizens in the schools and in America.

Just because a group has "Justice" in its name, their purpose must be understood. The Students for Justice in Palestine have one purpose only — to create a threatening and harmful environment in which to oppress their perceived enemy. They are not equal to the groups that concern themselves with performing arts or community service; neither should they be treated equally. The campus police were ineffective, whether out of Sharia-compliance or ineptitude, both of which are unacceptable and violate state laws and University rules. Instead of hauling in the rioters, the victimized students were advised "not to walk alone!"

The issues have not sufficiently been addressed and the evil is permitted to flourish unimpeded. The Muslim Student Unions are affiliates of the Brotherhood, and advocates for the elimination of the Jewish State. It has nothing to do with settlements or any other concocted reason; it is to destroy the Jews and usurp the land. No other group in history has been so abused; neither would the administration have permitted it against any other target. When will the President stop this agenda? The Jewish students have been harmed (if not physically, certainly emotionally) and the Jews are always first — Christians and others will follow; they always do in a dictatorship. Hitler has proven that; the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a devoted adherent of Hitler's and these children are the descendants. The University MUST uphold the values of Israel and America and not turn the institution into an Islamic community, with all the hate and violence for which Islam is known.

I have asked the President and his extended administration and staff to publicly condemn and nevermore tolerate the behavior and the boycott against Israel and the Jewish people, and take action against those who use the premises for such activities. Saying the school does not agree with the bigotry (as happened at the University of Pennsylvania) but allowing it to occur nevertheless, is not upholding the values of democracy. It is still being Sharia-compliant but with a veil of deceit — completely unacceptable in these United States.

And, over this past weekend, Louis Farrakhan was invited to speak at the University of California, Berkeley — the same Louis Farrakhan whose speeches and writings have been denounced by critics for decades as bigoted, homophobic and anti-Semitic. He mocked Asian accents, ranted about Zionists, the CIA, racism, and the end of the United States, all in the name of free speech. Have we become so divisive and willing to accept hate speech as acceptable — and even fashionable — to invite a hatemonger without an opposing view? Farrakhan received a standing ovation.

© Tabitha Korol


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Tabitha Korol

(Editor's Note: Tabitha Korol Zuckerman passed away on January 14, 2022. Her obituary can be read here. She was preceded in death by her husband Sheldon Zuckerman on December 20, 2021.)

Author of "Confronting the Deception," Tabitha Korol began her political career after 9/11, with letters to the editor and essays, developing a readership and earning two writing awards along the way. Her work appears on, Christian Action Network, Conservative News and Views, Dr. Rich Swier, iPatriot, Liberty News & Views,; Published Reporter, Renew America, Ted Belman, The Noisy Room, Trevor Loudon's New Zeal, Virginia Christian Alliance, WebCommentary, and others. Korol revised David Silberman's book of Holocaust survivors' accounts, "And You Saw That," for publication, and edited David Pristash's book, "Essay on Moral Philosophy in Western Civilization." She also proofreads/edits a monthly city magazine.


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