Tabitha Korol
The Squad brings Islam to America
By Tabitha Korol
September 21, 2021

Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and other squad members have been voted into representational positions, but they are not whom they profess to be. Ungrateful for the opportunities, they are not here to Americanize, but to Islamize America, beginning with sowing the seeds of hate and discord. Such is the purpose of the jihada.


Saturday, September 11, 2021, was a time to reflect on the terrible tragedy that befell our country twenty years before. As the never-ending grief resurfaces, we see that the qualities of sanctuary and personal freedoms that made America great have also attracted those who come with malice and villainy. I am deeply troubled for those who fled from around the world with hopes for a better life, for they are finding here precisely what they escaped.

Our homegrown communists and the new ingrates openly express their hostility. Why stay, if this doesn’t suit you? The ungracious people in the US Congress, particularly, have risen to positions that should be occupied by others more deserving. One such is Ilhan Omar, who callously said of 9/11, “some people did something,” making light of the more than 3,000 Americans who died that day and later – the first responders, the cleaning crews, and the everyday Americans who ran through the streets, the debris underfoot and inhaling the ashes, hoping they might be of some help to another soul.

Omar trivialized the attacks to erase the murderers’ Muslim identity, for they are her brethren. She offered not a word of compassion and sorrow from the Muslim community to America. She also wasted no time expressing her support of the anti-Semitic boycott-divestment-sanctions (BDS) movement and continues her numerous empty accusations against Israel, despite being called out for it on the Senate floor.

Her disinformation campaign is given voice and validation; true or not, the damage is done. Our school systems weaponize our own children; the textbooks elevate Islam over Judaism and Christianity, a Seattle high school canceled the 9/11 tribute so as not to offend – whom? The indoctrination is pervasive. Despite the Muslim terrorists’ martyrdom letters, our country aids in veiling their guilt. Projection will eventually lay blame elsewhere. The violence will continue on our streets, here and abroad, and they will topple the event as they did the buildings and much of our historic statuary.

Rashida Tlaib and her squad use their positions to target charities that support the Jewish people. They roll the truth on its head, artfully making themselves the victims, the protected class, inflating crimes against themselves, providing false statistics, and claiming they are denied basic rights. The narrative is bogus, but effective. Driving home their incessant suffering has resulted in more outspoken radicalized youth, increased voter and political participation, donations and volunteers.

Tlaib squawked her earliest tirades when she entered the political scene. She uttered undignified vulgarities in front of her son and America’s news viewers, yet asked to be treated with dignity. The irony is lost on her. She spews insults and animosity towards others, including then-President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, and cries out for death to Israel and the Jews.

To her phony dismay, she was born in America, but to “Palestinian” parents, Muslims dedicated to viewing the world as Dar Al Islam (House of Peace) and Dar al Harb (House of War). She lives in the latter, hoping to bring America to Dar al Islam. Tlaib would rather be Palestinian, except that there is no Palestine; the name lacks validity. Palestine did not exist in the past and does not exist now. She knows that the term is meaningless, and she is bitter.

Another resentment she bears is that the glory days of Islam are gone, overshadowed by the successes of the western world. If the Golden Age was due to Islamic wisdom, why is there no Golden Age now? We know that Islam’s glory consisted of great tolerance, expression of opinion, critical thinking, questioning all things, and harmony between all people. Then why does it no longer exist? Al-Razi of Rhazes (Muhammad ibn Zakariyā Rāzī), 865 – 925, clarified that their splendor existed in spite of Islam, not because of Islam. It existed because of the scholars, scientists, physicians, inventors and navigators they captured from other cultures. Judeo-Christian values are the antithesis of Islam.

On the day of her swearing-in ceremony, Congresswoman Tlaib took her oath to serve our country and observe the Constitution – on the Quran. Her binding vow was to Allah. She was dressed not as an American, but in the garment of her heritage, revealing her allegiance to her Bedouin tradition, her descendance from the nomadic Arab tribes that inhabit the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, the Levant, and North Africa. These itinerants, divided into tribes or clans, had neither the ability nor desire to set down roots; their culture was camel or goat herding. They never establish permanency and have no government, language, monetary system, or literature unique to themselves. To this day, the Bedouins journey with their herds into Israel, attempting a temporary settlement on land that Israel may have partitioned for agriculture, national parks or wildlife sanctuary, but lacking infrastructure, is not zoned for residency. They protest that they cannot do as they choose, and they attract lawyers who are eager to engage in lawfare – the misuse of the legal system to delegitimize Israel.

Above all, Rashida Tlaib was raised as the traditional 330 million Muslims who believe in violence against Mohammed’s sworn enemies, the Jews and the Christians. Their major source of unity is their hatred; the male child is trained from toddlerhood to dedicate his life to terrorism because of Quranic dictates and their social reality. The jihadi’s world is chaotic, filled with anxiety. His life is dark, devoid of love and the joy of creativity, his hatred so fueling that he is made eager to fight alongside others to the death – for martyrdom and the promise of untold sexual gratification in heaven.

The boy is raised without individuality, a faceless, covered, and unidentified gang member, adept in using deadly weapons and prepared to become a human bomb himself. Tlaib is the female counterpart, the jihada, who seeks to be elevated from her lowly rank to command respect. In an average family, a mother generally uses an exaggerated intonation and rhythm when speaking to her baby, but in Islam, it is psychotic babble that prevails among the desperate in the shame-honor environment. The mother’s frightening world consists of female genital mutilation (FGM), honor killings, weaponized children, and a marriage that has been described as a series of rapes interrupted by childbirth, and the baby reacts in confusion and chaos. The radicalized female devalues her own gender because she has internalized her position in an Islamic family. What resentment might Rashida have borne as surrogate mother to 13 siblings? She must demand respect because it was never freely given or earned.

Some jihadas do gain status by planning killing operations or encouraging their own brothers and sons to martyrdom. Some are more vulnerable because of recent widowhood or rape. Tlaib is no suicide bomber, but she embraces the Palestinian narrative – to regain their “Palestine” from Israel at all costs. Once that’s accomplished, everything else promises to fall into place. It is only through scapegoating Israel that she may rise to gain nobility.

As a jihada, she joined the Democrat Socialists of America (SDA). She hosted a pro-Hezbollah activism group not long after her installation, and began posting her desires to destroy Israel and fundraise for families of Palestinian martyrs who already receive hundreds of millions of dollars from the Palestinian Authority’s “pay to slay” program. Openly hostile, she and the squad press for a crippling, global financial campaign against Israel, but remain mute about the Palestinians’ deadly activities (incendiary weapons, knifings, rocket attacks) against Israel and Jews worldwide. In what other culture might one spew hatred and death to others while still expecting to be treated with dignity?

Life for Palestinians in Gaza, Judea and Samaria is difficult, but she fails to discern the reason. It is the warring diktats of the Quran, the terror of armed Al-Aqsa Martyr Brigades and other PLO terrorist groups in the “<NOSPAM>>Palestinian cities,” and the children who have learned nothing but terrorism. The misery is self-inflicted.

The truth is that Hamas – not Israel – controls these people. This criminal gang will continue to lead the Palestinians into chaos, explains Palestinian Bassam Eid. Hamas incites the Palestinians that Israel will destroy their mosques, make their water unsafe to drink, cause their power to go out, and block their cement shipments. All of this is untrue. Israel does not sabotage their water or power, and it is Hamas that steals the cement shipments to construct terror tunnels into Israel. Hamas also steals the humanitarian aid shipments from Israel and sells them on the black market. Eid revealed that 15% of all rockets launched by Hamas hurts the Gazans, but Israel is blamed. He added that Palestinians residing in four buildings in Sheikh Jarrah will be evicted because the titles were sold by Hamas – another of their betrayals. Palestinians are mistreated only by their own leadership, including their clergy.

The Palestinians and all observant Muslims have one guiding light – their religious duty to rule the world under Islam. Their deeds, their lies, their activities, everything they do is for Islam and no amount of appeasement, signed documents, or transactions will ever change this until their Quran is changed and accepted by all of Islam. This is why the clerics must keep the focus on Israel, for without Israel as their whipping boy, their people would come to identify their real enemy – their worthless heritage, religion and culture, and the violence that keeps them enraged. It is far easier to coerce the rest of the world to share in their misery – and this is precisely what Tlaib wants for America.

© Tabitha Korol


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Tabitha Korol

(Editor's Note: Tabitha Korol Zuckerman passed away on January 14, 2022. Her obituary can be read here. She was preceded in death by her husband Sheldon Zuckerman on December 20, 2021.)

Author of "Confronting the Deception," Tabitha Korol began her political career after 9/11, with letters to the editor and essays, developing a readership and earning two writing awards along the way. Her work appears on, Christian Action Network, Conservative News and Views, Dr. Rich Swier, iPatriot, Liberty News & Views,; Published Reporter, Renew America, Ted Belman, The Noisy Room, Trevor Loudon's New Zeal, Virginia Christian Alliance, WebCommentary, and others. Korol revised David Silberman's book of Holocaust survivors' accounts, "And You Saw That," for publication, and edited David Pristash's book, "Essay on Moral Philosophy in Western Civilization." She also proofreads/edits a monthly city magazine.


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