Frank Louis
Beware of the catch-all phrase "mental illness": it may come back to bite you
By Frank Louis
August 10, 2016

So, more and more we hear the phrase "mental illness." It seems that the fellow who just stabbed and killed 5 people in Europe was said not to be "radicalized." No, he, a Somali transplant while we are being told he is a "Norwegian" is "mentally ill." We are not told he is an individual committing a sinful act out of a lack of a moral compass.

It is funny if you really think about it. Anyone from anywhere can move to an anglo-european county and be referred to "Norwegian" or "Swiss" or whatever but if a european moves to Japan for instance they will never be called "Japanese." Caucasians seem to have no standing these days.

I guess that, more and more, if you act outside of the ever changing acceptable politically correct "norm," you must be "mentally ill." They call it the "evolving" norm, but I believe it is more accurately the "devolving" norm, the "reprobate" norm. Hillary's and Obama's views on several social issues we are told "evolved."

Many social norms that were considered "mentally ill" only recent years ago – Biblically sinful- are now "normal behavior." Desirable... a credit to one's resume. They are looked up to, cherished. I do not believe I need to itemize these behaviors. You know the many "attributes" that fit this narrative. The truth is, there is no longer a moral code. And if you speak out on this, you too may be accused of being "mentally ill." That is how the Nazis molded minds.

The Bible makes mention of "reprobate minds." Not a word to be used affectionately (as my online dictionary says the word often is). But our pseudo-intellectual elite think they know best. Look at global-warming. There are now laws that essentially infer that if you are not a believer you must have some sort of "mental illness." These are people with reprobate minds making these claims folks. But with no acknowledgement of evil relative to a fixed moral code, ... well, it is a losing game.

This catch-all phrase "mentally ill" is a way to catalog and justify the multitude of things people do without acknowledging a moral code is being violated. If you refuse to recognize a foundation, a moral code, a standard "Truth," then it all becomes rather arbitrary in my estimation. It becomes not unlike "scientific findings" pertaining to eating things like steak or pizza for instance. For decades these might be thought of as being good for you. Then, along comes another study deciding they may not be good for us at all. Then back again. What is the most recent example of this...? Oh yeah, cholesterol. That's right.

Not that there is a "moral code" to base cholesterol intake on, there is, however, a code to base our morally based actions on. I believe it is the Bible and those 10 Commandments that this country seems to want removed from the public square that contain this information. No moral basis equals "mental illness" as the only answer when addressing behavior. Actually, it sounds rather 1950s USSRish to me. Reminds me of the movie "Brazil."

Folks, if this trend is not reversed we are doomed. There are those in the public arena who have stated in no uncertain terms that people who believe in God should not be allowed to hold public office. They believe in some sort of an "invisible friend." Given this paradigm, it would appear to be pretty easy to make the leap – saying that belief in God is "mental illness." Maybe even "hateful." Oh yeah, I forgot... most references to the Bible are already called "hate-speech."

Recently, Donald Trump used the term "devil" when talking about Hillary. This after the muslim speaker at the DNC said that Trump had a "black soul" or something to that effect. Biblically, I think these two statements equivocate the same thing. But wait, (as they say in the TV commercials), Didn't the DNC vote to remove "God" from the party platform just a few years ago. Many Libs are devil worshipers. In fact, Hillary's guidebook "Rules for Radicals" is dedicated to Satan. Shouldn't the Dems see this as a compliment?

We must just face it. No mater what gets said or done, these "intellectual types" will always find a way to get the argument off topic and into an arena that has no acceptable exit. There can be no logical conclusion to an illogical discussion, debate or argument.

People in the media make a big deal about Donald Trump's businesses filling bankruptcy. It is the law, he followed it. He filed bankruptcy for the same reasons any other business or individual does. While I am not an expert on this, I believe his business bankruptcies were a result of the bad economy. The worst economy "since the depression" is how I heard it. Millions of individuals and businesses went under then. Trump did not create this economic environment. It was created by the people who run up over $19 Trillion in debt. If you are sheltered from your "business" filing bankruptcy just because you work in the government and are exempt from balancing a budget or working in a profitable manner does not mean you are doing anything right. It just means, unlike Mr. Trump, you can just pull more money out of the air. "Mental Illness?" Maybe so.

So, I just watched and heard our President state, unequivocally, that the recently exposed January 17, 2016 payment of $400 million in small unmarked bills of various international currencies and denominations is and was "no secret." He claimed it was fully disclosed back then. Fully reported back in January.

I follow the news closely and I do not recall a word of it. I just did several web searches on the topic. The only reporting I could fine on this subject is from the past few days. Can someone remind me where I would have seen this? Can we see documentation of these months old news reports? I don't believe it.

WHY DIDN'T ANYONE ASK to see the tape during this press conference? "Mr. President, please show us these press conferences again because we do not recall them." Surely, if this was "public knowledge," someone must have hear/seen these reports back in January.

Is this just more evidence of a filing moral code in our country, much less the world? How is it that recent poles indicate folks see Hillary and Trump equal when it comes to honesty?

Why does our press allow itself to be lied to so readily? Why does the American public allow it so readily? Perhaps, in the absence of any moral code? Perhaps a global "mental Illness?"

So, the other question that gets posed to Obama and Hillary (among others) is if Donald Trump has the correct composure and temperament to have his hand on the nuclear button. I think so!

Our adversaries will surely use more caution if they know there is a chance that our president might push the button if necessary rather than surrender. Guess I am just old fashion or, perhaps, some might say suffering from "mental illness." At the risk of sounding totally politically incorrect, ask the Japanese (Aug 8, VJ Dy).

There is so much at stake here beyond the presidential election. We need to clean house. We must get rid of RINOS in the House, Senate and in government across the board. We must take a strong pro-America stance, control our boarders, get serious about this Muslim attack, constrain the Supreme Court and return to being a country that can tell the difference between lack of morals and "mental illness."

Call me crazy!

© Frank Louis


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Frank Louis

Frank Louis is a print and on-air commentator who offers opinions and solutions on and for the economy, social issues, and the future of this nation. In the Old Testament, Nehemiah 4: 14 instructs us to fight for our houses; something we need to be doing now. Our future generations depend on it!... (more)


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