Frank Louis
It is what it is: count down to election day
By Frank Louis
September 19, 2016

I had originally been working on an article I called "Gangbangers Want To Be Gangbangers: It is their ambition." It came about while listening to the ridiculous conversations going on from those on the Left and the national circumstance we now find ourselves in across the nation (and world). I was watching Donald Trump last month when he was speaking on immigration and on economy to another crowd of 10,000 plus folks.

I had a few thoughts. One of which is this: many gangbangers want to be gangbangers, it is their ambition in life. They have their role models they look up to. While I will admit that there are some whom are "trapped" into this lifestyle and want to escape (Dr. Ben Carson and his family come to mind), many do not (NE Patriots Aaron Hernandez anyone?).

Their goal is to be the "baddest" on the block. They have grown up wanting this. I know this concept will be met by all kinds of politically correct uproar, but they like their lifestyles. They enjoy the risks, They get exaltation from gunfights (with illegally acquired guns), brawls, having "baby-momas," etc. and yelling "Hands up, don't shoot." They exist across all races.

I do not believe most in this cross-section of Americana even have aspirations to have jobs, mortgages, homes with a picket fence, families in the traditional sense. Maybe I'm wrong but I do not think so. I do not believe giving jobs (especially busywork, meaningless type jobs in a bureaucratic chain as many Left leaning jobs tend to be) will solve any attitudinal problems in this world population. It will just lead to more and more frustration. Only a very few people enjoy being "hall monitors." I hope you get my drift without spending too much time on this.

We all know folks who, as small kids played "Army" with a passion and grew up to be career military. Kids who played "dress-up" and become fashion models and designers, etc. We pick role models and aspire to meet those criteria. Recently, watching the little red, yellow and blue lines showing responses to "The Donald's" speeches drove this point home to me. The people behind those "blue lines" are just not in touch with reality. The whole process is blatantly dishonest. Those of us with a true knowledge of what "America" means need to stay awake and become vocal and active. (No, this is not a call to violence.)

Yeah, yeah, I know. We will be accused of "inciting violence" when we point out hypocrisy. But we can take it. Remember Sarah Palin and the uproar created by the Left when she "targeted" specific political races. And, quite frankly, the more the Left try it, the more obvious it becomes to more and more people ... just how stretched the truth is getting. Now the Left accuses Donald Trump of infighting violence this week regarding his comments in Florida, the 2nd Amendment and Hillary's arguments. Yes, if she was "left" without armed yards something would "happen to her." She would change her mind about letting people protect themselves.

Funny thing, however, the only violence I see in this political environment is ignited by those on the Left acting up at conservative events. Granted, some old man may strike out at a protester but it was the protester who ignited the violence and disrupted behavior in the first place. Trump is not telling anyone that they should do anything violent folks. Seriously! In theater, someone will tell you to "break a leg." Do you really think this is "hate speech?" You and I (and the NBC/ABC/CNN et al media) all know this too. Stop trying to mince words into something they are not.

How can MSNBC seriously ask Mike Barnicle ("barnacle:" a "parasitic castrator of crabs" by definition) questions about plagiarism. Short memories have we... He was fired from the Boston Globe – as I recall it – for the very same thing.

What about our president this week telling a meeting of Afro-Americans how he would take it as a personal insult if they don't vote for Hillary. I could just see the press if a white candidate said this to an Anglo Saxon Convention (if there were one). Why is it only "racism" when it comes to white folks? I am becoming quite tired of being called such things.

Pretty much every statement these on the Left make degrading those of us on the Right (and we are "right") is a distortion of fact. They jumped all over Donald this week because he called a bomb in NYC a "bomb." They said he spoke out prematurely. Anyone remember Obama: Trayvon Martin... anyone? What about the Boston Police comments and the beer summit? "Hands up. don't shoot?" The list goes on. Have these people no memory or are they trying to hypnotize us into believing them? No, I do not even need touring up national security, email servers, Benghazi, the border... th list goes on folks. On and on!

Oh yeah, it is not "the morning after" these bombs and folks yelling "allah, allah, allah..." but our president has yet to say a thing. And, as I write this, Hillary is on the news pointing out how she is the "only candidate" with experience. Can she say "ISIS," maybe "Benghazi?" Hillary... these terrorists yell "allah, allah, allah." It is a battle based on a religion, not a nation. Wake up!

November 8 can not get here too soon!

Don't give up. It is what it is... and that is... our last chance to preserve America.

© Frank Louis


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Frank Louis

Frank Louis is a print and on-air commentator who offers opinions and solutions on and for the economy, social issues, and the future of this nation. In the Old Testament, Nehemiah 4: 14 instructs us to fight for our houses; something we need to be doing now. Our future generations depend on it!... (more)


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