Frank Louis
Has the Supreme Court just become a group of spineless “Busybodies?”
By Frank Louis
December 21, 2020

I have a job. I have mentioned it in the past. I teach in a communication department in a major state university system. One of the courses I teach is Public Speaking. I learn a lot about American youth in this role. I find out what they think about and what they think about it. I had no idea that paying college athletes was even an issue until, last semester, one of my students did their (must be careful with the pronoun use here) “Persuasive Speech” on the topic.

Having played college football myself (decades ago, I might add), I am a bit out of touch. Naively, back then, we all seemed to think that a free education, free dorm-room, free meals in the cafeteria, free education and… the all important four years of on-the-job training this adventure provided those seeking careers as professional athletes was payment enough.

This is a free country. A college degree is not required for the occupation of professional athlete (a job that pays in the hundreds of millions by the way). Not required as it is to work in those all important areas like being a “community organizer” or “social worker” for example. Deciding to go to college is a personal choice for a want to be athlete. Rather than college, these kids are free to go for tryouts directly out of high school. Or, like so many in other fields… drop out of high school and try out then! After 10th grade perhaps. College is not required to play sports. It is the student’s choice. Aren’t we all about “choice” on the Left anyhow?

But, now, it occurs to me that with the Left arguing for “free Tuition” for everybody and student loan forgiveness, these perks become mute points. Actually, several of my student topic choices had to do with their “idea” that students participating in traditional job “training”skills activities, Internships for example, should all be paid positions. I think the youth of today might have studied too hard in self-esteem class and not so much in business management or math. So, where do we go from here? Down?

In my attempts to better direct my students’ research efforts (and many of their research attempts are “slim” to say the least), I would suggest they research government policies that might be interfering with programs such as the ones they are concerned with. For example, overreaching government regulations on internships preventing interns from certain activities they would benefit from simply because their “pay” for this work is not in some sort of spendable “currency.” Somehow, the idea of “learned stuff “ having any value in life has escaped the minds of many college and university students. Many (perhaps most) really do not grasp the idea of doing course work to “learn” from rather that just to receive “points” towards a grade. But they feel good about themselves. That’s what counts! Good luck with that USA!

An aside comment: I would have no problem with student athletes being paid as “work-study” students are. I don’t even have a problem with them being able to receive some royalties for the sales of products with their name specifically on them. I happen to also think that they should learn to donate a portion of those proceeds to intercity youth programs etc though. But, this is OK with me. But, being “old School,” I think back to the Olympics of olden-days and, in particular, an athlete named Jim Thorpe who was stripped of his gold medals in 1913 after it was discovered he had violated amateur rules by being paid to play minor league baseball in 1909 and 1910. So, where is this all heading? But now, NBA Stars go to the Olympics instead? Do we start paying Pop Warner players too?

So, back on topic. The Supreme Court of the Land sticking their noses in the issue of student athletes being paid or not is beyond the pale. These folks sure know how to pick their battles don’t they. I think they all may have also studied too hard in those “Self Esteem” classes for their own good. What about Texas?

Well, what about it? What about this past election? The destruction of our society, our nation, etc under the auspices of ‘institutionalized racism”? Give me a break “man” as Joe would say. Texas is denied “standing” in a case where the honest efforts of its citizens to vote in a national election was negated by cheating in other states? It is like losing a card game when the other player cheats and you have the winning hand. I, as an individual voter have standing as far as I can see it. My vote was stolen. Let’s file 75 million suits for the Supreme Court to hear. Maybe one of us will have “standing.”

Don’t they realize that by letting this election fraud stand, the Left will increase the size of the Supreme Court, negating any significance or meaning to their jobs? But they will feel good. What is up exactly? If you read my last article, I mentioned John Robert’s fear of riots. Not the way to win this war. Our nation overthrown with balloons of urine and firecrackers? God Help US!

The Supreme Court of the Land had better go on a quick retreat and take inventory of their values (or lack there of) and either get on track or step down. They need to step up to the plate (the actual “plate” not the one in the batting cage) and use the power that has been entrusted in them by us and those we elected who placed them there.

© Frank Louis


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Frank Louis

Frank Louis is a print and on-air commentator who offers opinions and solutions on and for the economy, social issues, and the future of this nation. In the Old Testament, Nehemiah 4: 14 instructs us to fight for our houses; something we need to be doing now. Our future generations depend on it!... (more)


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