Dan Popp
The Obama Five
By Dan Popp
June 5, 2014

On Sunday, the President of the United States illegally released five mass murderers. Period. Full stop. Many people are focused on the man we supposedly got in trade for them. Now, Bowe Bergdahl is a fascinating character, no doubt. He's just the kind of distraction Barack Obama would need in order to keep people from thinking about one of his most lawless actions to date. But whether Bergdahl is a soldier or a deserter; whether he would have been "left behind" or whether he left us; and whatever is up with his scary parents, it's all small potatoes. His story is important, but the scope of its impact is limited. He's the beautiful magician's assistant.

The Main Event is the release of five mass murderers.

These "Taliban commanders," as they've been called, are not soldiers. They didn't wear the uniform of a nation state. I wonder whether it's even accurate to call them "terrorists." In order to commit acts of terror, the people you're terrorizing have to understand your goals. They must know what they would have to do to make you stop. By killing Muslims as well as Christians, Jews and others, these monsters have muddied their political goals, if they ever had any. It seems they kill because they're evil. Nothing would make them stop except force. They're not generals. They're serial killers.

What President Obama did in freeing these murderers is fundamentally unjust.

Justice demands that these killers be executed for their crimes. Wisdom insists that we interrogate them first. OK. But there's no righteous reason that any of these men lived to see the first anniversary of his capture. That injustice has led to this injustice. If opponents of the death penalty want to see the slippery slope, here it is: Mass murderers not only allowed to live out their lives in peace, but allowed to live them in freedom – and now, even to murder more innocent people. The future victims of the Obama Five won't just be Americans. These guys are enemies of the human race. And Obama has, in effect, given them a pardon. He probably expects the world to thank him.

What President Obama did in freeing these murderers is covered in lies.

"This is how wars end" (with prisoner exchanges), said our Secretary of Defense. Really? So the War on Terror is over? Can I see the armistice document, please? The enemy is going to stop fighting us now?

The end of World War II was followed by the Nuremburg trials. Nazi leaders were tried and then removed from the earth. If the Obama Five are really the equivalent of enemy nation-state commanders, the war ends by them surrendering, and finally by them dying. But leftists aren't good at metaphors.

What President Obama did in freeing these murderers is blatantly illegal.

Others have written about this. I will only add that the remedy for a President breaking the law is impeachment. Whether this fits into the fundraising schemes of Democrats, I don't know. What I do know is that failing to impeach and try Mr. Obama would be an injustice, and we've seen that injustice sometimes leads to greater injustice. At some point a righteous man or woman must stand up and simply do what is right.

What President Obama did in freeing these murderers is bound to be repeated.

There's no reason to imagine that the Obama Five will be the last enemies of humanity released from Guantanamo Bay. Today I heard the President acknowledge that there's a certain recidivism rate – meaning that it's a statistical certainty that some of the so-called terrorists, upon gaining their freedom, will kill again. And Obama released them anyway. Because he cares so much about you.

What President Obama did in freeing these murderers shows that he is unfit to govern.

Government is a justice institution, not a mercy institution. People who don't understand that truth must not be allowed to hold the reins of power. While Obama and his leftist supporters want to point the gun of government at the bakers and photographers and employers to make us bow to their absurd fantasies, they refuse to use the gun of government for its real purpose: To punish the wicked. To give teeth to the moral law. To create a peaceable, orderly society by hampering and removing those who would harm others.

A good government puts the righteous at ease, and makes the unrighteous fearful. This government makes the unrighteous throw a party.

© Dan Popp


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