Laurie Roth
Question everything...assume nothing
By Laurie Roth
February 19, 2013

This week, I dared to explore, with one of my guests on air, the Sandy Hook shooting and the conspiracies and questions that still surround it. You can revisit all the conspiracies as listed on The Blaze via Glenn Beck. Make up your own mind.

At the very least, we have witnessed the progressive left and President Obama use this crime to push his gun control agenda as far "forward" as they can. There is plenty of reason to believe that their distortions occur out of "crisis." Or, is it "crisis" occurs to create "distortion"? One of my listeners was obviously not pleased that I even acknowledged the strained theories that are floating about the internet regarding this tragic event.

"The Sandy Hook shooting was not a staged event. You are a dumb *****! The Roth Show is on its last legs, and I would not be surprised if **** buries your low-rated **** show very soon. It's time for you to hit another deer."

Remember Rahm Emanuel, the former chief of staff for President Obama, was famous for saying, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Now, he is the major of Chicago and talking about a run for the presidency. Is it wise for someone from what is tantamount to the Gambino Crime family run for the highest office? At least the Mafia has "Sicilian values" and allows for a meal of great Italian food before they shoot you. With Mr. Obama employing at least six current members of the Islamic terrorist group--the Muslim Brotherhood--perhaps elevating a group with "Sicilian values" would be an improvement.

So far, the gun furor, manufactured by Obama and his minions, is aimed at "assault weapons" and large ammunition cartridges. Progressive leftists are also attacking the issue on the state level. They are introducing legislation to ban so-called "assault weapons" and control everywhere they can.

In Washington, where I live, three progressive Senate Democrats introduced and passed a bill requiring all people who own an "assault weapon" (by the way, no one has produced an acceptable and finite definition for the term "assault weapon" to date) to have their homes searched and inspected by the county sheriff once a year. This has not passed the more conservative House, and is already receiving an intense amount of push-back from Washingtonians. As usual, the slimy leftists that introduced and passed this legislation in the Senate are now backpedaling, saying they will rewrite the bill and that the "forced sheriff inspection" provision was a "mistake"...blah, blah, and blah..

The bottom line is that these progressives (progressives inherently promote a disarmed citizenry, not for safety reason, but for control reasons) got caught advancing their National Socialist and Marxist gun control plan, an agenda that serves their extreme ideology exclusively, and not the citizens. Now that sunlight has been shined on their actions, they fear for their re-election. The much more balanced and conservative majority state House won't pass the egregious legislation, leaving the Senate Democrats with their "emotional pants" down.

It is horrific to even imagine our government would stage murderously evil events to control our people. But that's the basis for the "theories" being floated on the internet.

Call it contrived and "tin helmet" of me to even have considered the conspiracy theories associated with the Sandy Hook shootings, but the wise and constitutionally obligated citizens, at this point, has no choice but to question everything and assume nothing where this administration is concerned. They have been anything but honest with the American people, time and time again. The known facts are that Mr. Obama has been advancing policy and establishing bureaucratic rules and regulations, using executive orders and advocating for legislation that results in the killing of millions more babies (abortion) and seniors and those who are imperfect and disabled (Obamacare). In fact, it wouldn't be out of line to label Obamacare as an "assault weapon."

Mr. Obama and the progressives have set a mandatory "health insurance" system, that completely crushes the best healthcare system in the world, rations healthcare for all (especially senior citizens), and forces government-approved health insurance on us, so that the bureaucratic ideologues of the Progressive Movement can, literally, take control of our healthcare decision making, thus, determining how long we live...and it is all finance-based (read: Medicare and Medicaid budgets; entitlements).

President Obama isn't "using" a crisis that has emerged organically. He is "creating" crisis after crisis to destroy, and then redirect, everything for his purpose, his agenda.

This week, Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. exposed the chilling role of the IPAB – Independent Payment Advisory Board. This is the "death panel" that Sarah Palin talked about years ago, and it really is just that. People are being cut off from healthcare insurance that they have been promised and come to depend on and are already experiencing the repercussions. People are already dying in America, because of the progressive's healthcare policies. The IPAB is a panel of UN elected, government-appointed bureaucrats, who hide behind the words "efficiency" and "clinical effectiveness," while they talk about bending the "cost curve" downward.

Just one example of this horror, one that didn't make the national news....

One of Dr. Vliet's 80-year old patients told her, in no uncertain terms: .

"...the pharmacist just told me that Medicare is no longer going to pay for my heart medicine because I am now too old." .

His choice? Pay out of pocket or die.

Dr. Vliet also pointed to a frontal assault against diabetic patients nationally:

"Recently, the government quietly directed Medicare to cut reimbursement for 4 million diabetic seniors by 66 percent and also reduced the number of companies that are allowed to supply blood sugar monitoring supplies from more than a thousand to fifteen. Older patients are already being hurt by Obamacare reductions in Medicare services."

Truth be told, we don't need to manufacture conspiracy theories against the progressives and the Obama administration to find ourselves screaming in horror. We simply have to open our eyes to the reality of what is already happening as a result of their policies.

The IPAB is already denying 80-year olds heart medicine and cutting much needed diabetic care for seniors by 66 percent. This represents just two health issues and millions of people not receiving the care they have been promised by their government--care they have paid for, care that they are due. How many other diseases will make "the list," especially diseases and maladies affecting our parents (seniors) where the cures and medicines used to control them are cut 66 percent or more? This is called murder, even genocide, in my book.

In Britain, they already prevent doctors from offering top-level drugs for illnesses like breast, stomach, lung, and prostate cancer. Their socialized healthcare system denies drugs for common diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and others. Check it out for yourself. We are advancing, quickly, to substandard care for the younger crowd and little to no care for our seniors.

People are mad at me for daring to entertain (even in a cursory way) conspiracy theories about a shooting, when our current administration has proved time and time again they cannot be trusted to serve the citizenry, when the president and his progressive comrades are already lining up millions to die, millions caught in their "black widow spider's web of healthcare death."

Lest we forget, the vast majority of the mainstream media sold out to Mr. Obama and his progressive brethren's "take-over" long ago. We must question everything we hear, and everything they say or do. Perhaps, just perhaps, we should all become students of history--especially in the rise of the National Socialist Party in 1930s Germany is concerned. Perhaps, just perhaps, that is the only way we will recognize our neighborhoods, our society, in the coming years.

Where I would normally reserve the last line of my opinion pieces to promote my syndicated radio program

, today I am suggesting that we all turn from the propaganda of the mainstream media (a conglomerate of agendized outfits openly promoting a destructive progressive ideology to the American people) and, with a discerning eye for accuracy and truth, turn to the only media sources that help us to establish our country in the name of "We the People" once again: honest and legitimate talk radio and ethically bound news sources on the internet. Truth be told, these two information outlets could be our only hope where “truth to power,” where transparency in government is concerned. God have mercy on our people.

Follow-up note:

The Roth Show $50 – $100 challenge

Help us stay on the air nationally and make a difference for America

Dr. Laurie Roth and The Roth Show have brought you a 3-hour a day national radio show for 13 years. Laurie has broken many stories ,and lead by bringing you real and cutting-edge news and covering issues that matter to real people. In 2010, Laurie was nominated for the coveted Ronald Reagan award offered by CPAC each year for breaking the story in 2008 on Obama and his in depth financial and leadership connections with William Ayers, formally of the Weather Underground.

Laurie has built this show with endless hard work and zero financial investment.

Roth covers what is really going on with Islam, the Middle East, unsolved crimes, executive orders, bills, and constitutional breaches put forth by Obama. Her style is entertaining, passionate, intense, and unique. There is never a dull moment with Laurie, and her A-list, "say it like it is" guests.

Dr. Laurie Roth, the "Annie Oakley of the Airwaves," needs your help to keep going and keep on the national airwaves. Together, we can get this done and pull the show away from the financial edge.

Join her and take the Roth Show $50 challenge for the next 12 months. Post your payment the first part of each month at at the PayPal button (which takes credit cards as well) or make a check out to: The Roth Show LLC . Send to: Laurie Roth, P.O. Box 787, Philomath, OR 97370.

If 100 of you agree to the 12 month challenge to donate $50 a month, The Roth Show can meet all its hard costs each month and focus more on booking guests and growing the show to more markets. The Roth Show and Laurie Roth have the goal to take this show to the top five. With real news becoming harder and harder to find on TV and radio, the country needs Dr. Laurie Roth and the Roth Show to continue.

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Together we will get our country back on track.

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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