Laurie Roth
The liberal candidates are old movie re-runs
By Laurie Roth
September 12, 2015

Only six debates. How will America know what the DNC candidates stand for?

Don't worry, for those of us with short attention spans, it won't take but one debate to know exactly where the wannabe presidents of the DNC stand. Hark, we already know in Technicolor from their ego-heavy lips. All the contenders, so far, have had many years a of streaking across the stage of America – an act of frightening terror in itself. Some Americans should simply keep their clothes on and lips shut.

Let's start with the big DNC candidate picture they all drop down from

First, let's look at the continuous Hillary transformations and makeovers. How many face-lifts, Botox moments and hair changes can you have? Truthfully, after years of watching her disappear along with her endless government emails, there are no amount of debates, scientists, therapists, or cool TV show appearances that can magically create a caring personality that real Americans will trust and attach to. So sorry, Hillary.

Don't forget that this is the former Secretary of State who along with Obama oversaw the lies, cover-ups, and murders of former Ambassador Stevens and staff in Benghazi. She has always been and always will be a nightmare – a Disneyland of lies and cover-ups. That is what her and Billy do...they sell government nuclear material and info to other governments. They play the foundation and charity game garnering hundreds of millions of dollars from dangerous Muslim and other foreign regimes. Then, there is her current game of her missing server and emails....full of national security info that as usual damages America.

Power queen Hillary had better be careful with this latest scandal of magic servers and emails that disappear. She may find that this is really a game of "Sorry," and she will be the one sorry, not America. I notice in the media she is trying the apology card...still playing the victim and clueless card. "I didn't was someone else...the system is was bad judgment, and I shouldn't have done it." The losing "sorry" card is in her she is bringing out everything.

Now, she is trying this angle of going after Obama. "You need someone who will really care about you." LOL. Remember, she is the tortured and persecuted "first" woman who cares about us all. Obama and Hillary hate each other and fought for power from the beginning. The only thing different about Hillary is she is a different color of stark evil than Obama. They both wanted to be King, and Hillary got sold out. Her evil and controlling intentions had to slip, slide, and wait. However, I don't believe America is quite ready for another treasonous horror movie.

Now, the compromised DNC is nervous. All they really have is a ship of compromised socialist/ communist liars, who only know how to feed the monster under the stairs while rewarding worshipers and voters.

The potential horrors

Al Gore – What do we see in this bag of tricks? Horror show of lies, slamming our troops, lying for endless years about the science of global warming, and, frankly, getting tons of our troops killed in Vietnam due to lies and false accusations of them torturing, raping, and maiming civilians. Then, of course, once he sold out everyone and made sure that American media turned against returning know the rest of the story. It has been decades of pain, loss, and rejection of our brave troops. Thank you Al Gore and his sell out traitor friends.

Joe Biden – Naturally, he is wanting to run. He is the ultimate hipster and yes-man of Obama. He dreams of power, control, and big taxes. Whenever we have seen him speak, there is bulging in his cheeks. No, it is not a growth. Rather it is his big and compromised foot, which lives in his mouth. It floats. It bobs. It weaves and kicks hard, but never hits the mark.

Bernie Sanders – socialist, big-taxation pervert. He supports giving everything to everyone and punishing the conservatives and Christians. He is the one that has written about women loving sex with multiple men and fanaticizing about being raped (not by one man) by many at the same time. Just think of the growth America could have with Berney at the helm. Maybe, we could then outlaw marriage between a man and a woman and offer incarcerated rapists a UNION card and financial help.

The boring and usual stuff DNC candidates all stand for in the DNC rights and pro-planned up to Islam and evil around the of religious rights and constitutional of conservatives and and slamming of Israel.

Why bore us all and take up media time with even six debates? All the DNC wannabes are old rerun movies.

Vote in 2016 like your life depended on it. It just may. Do not be suckered in by lies, race baiting, manipulations, and "I feel your pain and will fix it" speeches. Look for the foundation that really fits classic America...not raped and changed America. Wake up everyone now.

Stand only for a solid pro-America stance. For those of you who forgot what that looks like, here it is. That means operating from Judeo-Christian values. That means we fly our plane with the Bill of Rights and our Constitution. Americans protect freedom here and abroad where needed. We protect and defend capitalism, business, achievement, then share it. We stand against tyranny and evil and defend our people and our allies.

We will bring America back all right. The train is leaving the progressive-Obama-change station now. You know what to do in the 2016 election. Now do it. America...NO, the depending on us.

Find out more at Help me get back on the air. Together we can make a big difference.

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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