Laurie Roth
Forget conceding! President Trump must declare the Emergency Powers Act signed into law in 1976
By Laurie Roth
December 12, 2020

America has watched in horror from November 3rd until now the criminal, national election coup attempt in many states against President Trump. At the very least, we have seen all the swing states, Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, full of election fraud. Mountains of affidavits prove that Republican poll watchers were denied in to observe the counting of ballots and kicked out when swing states shut down the counting of ballots by night time on November 3rd. Before the swing states shut down Trump was significantly ahead. Magically, the next morning Trump was behind.

We now know after weeks of law suits, affidavites and witness testimony, that the Democrat liberals along with the Dominion machines were unveiling an illegal coup against President Donald Trump. It is clear that even though Donald Trump won and hundreds of thousands of Trump votes were changed to Biden votes, the Court system won’t observe the real law and Constitution. They are, it seems playing political games and ignoring a mountain of election fraud evidence.

Now, the latest horror show of Constitutional and legal injustice is the Supreme Court of America refusing now to hear the Texas case filed by the Attorney general against the swing states, stating that the Swing state voter fraud nullifies the votes of Texas voters and those in other states. The proof so far, affidavits and real information on fraud was included in the suit, yet the Supreme Court won’t even hear it. This is with 18 other states joining Texas in their law suit. Nearly half the country signed on with Texas and the Supreme Court wouldn’t even hear it.

By now, the lying media is positioning Trump as the one who is trying a Coup, or will try to illegally stay in the White House for a second term and not observe the real election results. As usual with the described law by the Democrats and media these days, the opposite is true.

The real coup has been funded and operated by the DEMOCRAT left with every intention of stealing this election from the landslide victory Trump actually had. You don’t stop counting ballots the night of the election in the swing states where Trump is hugely ahead and kick out the poll watchers. Crooks would and election crooks did. Overnight, they turned the 700,000 Trump lead in Pennsylvania alone to running behind by election morning.

President Trump has won and election crime has been documented along with the election machines. Media, some on Congress and the Courts, clear to the Supreme Court won’t back the truth, the Constitution or law. They are politisized and they are cowards, therefore, I suggest it is time to invoke the Emergency Powers Act of 1976, declaring and exposing to the people from the President’s legal team, the illegal, known election crimes in the swing states and acknowledge the COUP attempt. Because of this election crime and emergency, you are declaring a national emergency and planning to invoke the Emergency Powers act to restore the rightful and honest election result.

By allowing Biden to illegally get sworn in is to defraud all elections and negate legal votes for all U.S. citizens in the future. We would be quickly reduced to a banana republic not a free and legal Republic or leader of the free world.

Trump and real conservatives and lovers of the truth and freedom must not believe or side with those on the left or media who would continue to throw accusations and continue name calling of Trump. By invoking the Emergency Powers Act, he would be called a Dictator, Instigator of a COUP and of course, the usual…Hitler.

In truth, he would be acting as a U.S. Patriot, protector of the law and Constitution. He would be the protector of the integrity of elections and the real votes of the American people.

President Trump, masses of real Americans are behind you. Please invoke the Emergency powers act since it is known that illegal vote counts and behaviors occurred in all swing states, stealing the win in those states from you and the American people. Also, since the courts, including the Supreme Court have failed America and the Constitution. How is this not a huge and far-reaching national emergency?

President Donald Trump won this election and he must not wax pleasant and concede to liars and election crimes. He must win for America. All else would be the real national emergency that would be hard to undo.

This is no time to concede to evil or be pleasant to Biden and the DEMS. This is time to fight, stand, pray and be the winners that we are with Trump.

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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