Jim Terry
Death and taxes and other certainties
By Jim Terry
June 26, 2013

Benjamin Franklin once wrote, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."

Sorry Ben, there are other things in this world which are certain: in every national election, Democrats will tell voters that if a Republican is elected their social security is unsafe; at election time Democrats will tell black voters that Republicans hate them and will pass laws to enrich the already rich at their expense.

The problem always is that Democrats cannot back up this campaign rhetoric with evidence. Yet, voters fall for those lines every time.

Now, Republicans are giving Democrats a free ride in future elections by supporting the current Illegal Alien Protection Act which Marco Rubio and some other Republicans began, and Charles Shumer (D-NY), Bob Corker (R-TN), and John Hoeven (R- ND) have finalized in their fictionalized version of border security. Fifteen liberal Republicans voted with all Democrats this week to cut off debate on the Shumer-Corker-Hoeven amendment. There was no debate on the 1100 page amendment which most senators did not read and which gives millions of illegal aliens amnesty for their crimes against the American people, allows them to receive taxpayer funded welfare benefits, and opens the door to millions more who desire to come to this country.

Analyses of the bill, from the Congressional Budget Office to the Black American Leadership Conference (BALC), predict dire consequences should the comprehensive immigration legislation pass.

The Black American Leadership Conference recently went on record opposing the amnesty bill saying it would hurt black low skilled workers, already suffering under Obama's failed economic policies.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report on employment for May 2013 says the overall unemployment rate was 7.6%; unemployment for blacks, 13.5%; unemployment for Hispanics was 9.1%.

In a letter to congress, the BALC stated, "Credible research indicates that black workers will suffer the greatest harm if this legislation were to be passed." The letter further states, "Many studies have shown that black Americans are disproportionately harmed by mass immigration and amnesty.... Most policy makers who favor the legalization of nearly 11 million aliens fail to acknowledge that decades of high immigration levels has caused unemployment to rise significantly, most particularly among black Americans. They further fail to consider how current plans to add 33 million more legal workers within ten years will have an enormously disastrous effect on our nation's jobs outlook."

The letter cites other studies (National Bureau of Economic Research, Harvard University professors Borjas and Katz) which predict passage of amnesty for illegal aliens will have negative effects on the American work force, especially the low skilled, and particularly the black worker.

The letter, signed by liberal and conservative black leaders, sums up the work of congress with these words, " "If Congress fails to stop this irresponsible legislation, the United States will continue to see more and more blacks out of jobs and unable to support their families."

With 12 million Americans currently unemployed and millions more who are not counted by Bureau of Labor Statistics because they have ceased to seek employment, most reasonable people would ask why do we need 11 million new legalized low skilled workers?

Apparently, this train is on the tracks and the tracks are well greased and by August 1, President Obama may sign into law the Illegal Alien Protection Act, thanks to Republicans.

In a future election, when some of the warnings against this legislation come true, specifically the warning from BALC, another certainty will have been born when Democrats point to Marco Rubio, Bob Corker, and the Republican leadership and tell black voters, "Your unemployment rate is climbing because of amnesty given to millions of illegal immigrants by Republicans."

Republicans who vote for the current Obama and liberal Democrat supported comprehensive immigration legislation now before the senate are casting a vote for the demise of the Republican Party. Not only will its negative effects on the American economy, pointed out by Democrat candidates, bring out more voters against the responsible party, Republican; but conservatives and many independents, seeing now little difference between the two parties, will find the Republican Party nonessential on election day.

© Jim Terry


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Jim Terry

Jim Terry has worked in Republican grassroots politics for 40 years. Terry was an administrative assistant to a Republican elected official in Dallas for twenty years. In 1996, he ran for and was elected to Justice Court 2 in Dallas County where he served eight years. Contact Jim at tr4guy62@yahoo.com


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