Jim Terry
Happiness or freedom
By Jim Terry
October 11, 2016

The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.
    – George Orwell, 1984
Donald Trump is as rough as a corncob. For a man of his education, wealth and success, that is surprising. It is also a disappointment.

The newest revelation of Trump's crude and crass language should come as no surprise. He has used similar language in the past. His comments have brought forth a lot of righteous indignation, especially from liberals and their news media. What was recently revealed in a recorded discussion ten years ago is inappropriate. But, it can be forgiven.

The question is: will Americans trade their freedom for their happiness? Will Americans seek happiness in punishing Donald Trump for some crude words, at the risk of electing someone who cannot be trusted with the security of this nation, and, therefore, the freedom of its people?

Mrs. Clinton violated federal law when she installed a private server in her home on which to conduct government business, including classified correspondence, and to keep her pay for play scheme, which benefitted her Clinton Foundation, hidden. After its discovery, she and her minions have done everything they could to obstruct the justice system. Her selfish actions put the United States' security at risk. Where is the righteous indignation?

She is responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. She lied to the families of the four victims and to America about the cause of their deaths. Then she accused the families of the victims of lying when they reported what she had told them. Where is the righteous indignation?

The dirty secret is that at one time or another in their lives, most men use some of the same vile language regarding women as Trump did in 2005. While it is not acceptable, it's guy talk, often in the locker room, at the bar, on hunting trips. The difference is they are not running for president and they are not caught on tape reciting this stuff. But it happens.

It happens daily in one form or another. Over the years, millions of people have paid to see the Hollywood sexualization and denigration of women. Liberals accept that as art. Where is the righteous indignation?

In 1977, movie director Roman Polanski, a Hollywood celebrity, was arrested for the rape of a 13 year old girl. He pleaded guilty to statutory rape. When he learned the judge in his case wouldn't accept a plea deal that would have given him probation, he fled the country. He has been a fugitive from justice ever since. In 2009, on the liberal television show, The View, Whoopty Do Goldberg explained to the country that a 42 year old man having sex with a 13 year old child wasn't really "rape-rape." Where was the righteous indignation?

Ted Kennedy was a U.S. senator from Massachusetts. He was first elected in 1962. He was a

democrat. In 1969, after a party, he drove his car off a bridge into Poucha Pond on Chappaquiddick Island. With him was 28 year old Mary Jo Kopechne. Kennedy swam out. Miss Kopechne's body was found the next day, before Kennedy had reported the incident. The citizens of Massachusetts sent him back to the U.S. Senate seven times after he caused her death. And, Kennedy unsuccessfully ran for president in 1980. Where was the righteous indignation?

The pornography industry in the United States is estimated to generate around $12 billion annually. The subject of most porn is women; the customers of most porn are men. Where is the righteous indignation?

The numbers are difficult to verify, but several government agencies estimate that between 14,000 and 17,000 persons are victims of human trafficking every year in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security defines it this way, "Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act." Human trafficking is second only to drug trafficking in profitability and is estimated to generate billions of dollars annually, worldwide. Where is the righteous indignation?

Former President Bill Clinton, husband of current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, had sex in the Oval Office of the White House with a young woman only a couple of years older than his daughter. He lied about it to the nation, was subsequently accused of perjury, fined $90,000 by a court for civil contempt for giving false and misleading testimony, had his law license suspended for several years by both the State of Arkansas and the U.S. Supreme Court. He has been accused of having affairs with many women over the years and at least one has accused him of rape. Yet, Bill Clinton is regarded by democrats and liberals as one of the Democrat Party's greatest presidents and fund raisers. Where is the righteous indignation?

Last week, another dump of Hillary's missing emails occurred. We learned that she believes in open borders. She also believes it is proper for a politician to lie to voters. Here is what she said:
    If everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.
Where is the righteous indignation?

A few weeks ago, Hillary Clinton said this about Donald Trump's supporters:
    ...you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it... they are irredeemable.
That denigrates millions of Americans. Who gave her the authority or the right to judge the character of millions of Americans? Where is the righteous indignation?

In the first presidential debate, Hillary Clinton said that all Americans are "implicitly racist." Where is the righteous indignation?

Mrs. Clinton is also on record for racist statements about Jews; denigrating statements about special needs children; and has made fun of how African Americans talk. Where is the righteous indignation?

Donald Trump's supporters are not what Mrs. Clinton called them and Americans are not implicitly racist. But there is one word that describes those who judge Donald Trump by a different standard than they judge Hillary Clinton-hypocrite. That is the one word that describes liberals, democrats in general, the news media, and perhaps millions of voters who are willing to trade their freedom for their happiness.

© Jim Terry


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Jim Terry

Jim Terry has worked in Republican grassroots politics for 40 years. Terry was an administrative assistant to a Republican elected official in Dallas for twenty years. In 1996, he ran for and was elected to Justice Court 2 in Dallas County where he served eight years. Contact Jim at tr4guy62@yahoo.com


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