Sam Weaver
The atheistic religion and modern "science," Part II a
Email to a beloved and inspirational reader
By Sam Weaver
November 6, 2019

(Author's note: Over the past three to four years, I've received many emails, tweets and DM's on Twitter inquiring why I have not published anything lately on I have answered them all – I think, always with the promise of "soon." Recently, I was BLESSED with a wise, terse and Spirit-filled twitter follower. She not only asked me that question, she all but demanded that I get back to doing the Lord's work! Along with her permission, and this brief author's note, I am using an email to her as my next article. Following is that email and my next article.)

My last article was published by Renew America on 18 MAR 2014. On the day before (a day or two AFTER my article was actually submitted), "news" (#FakeNews!) "broke" that the Big Bang "Theory" had been all but proven. (See, for example, here.) (Much more on that later.)

Meanwhile, a bit of history

(Please see here.) I was a contributory (not crucial, vital or indispensable, yet significant) part of the growth and success of the company mentioned in the above link. In the summer of 1988, we had less than ten customers in a 400-mile radius (we had one customer in Louisiana – otherwise, we'd have had 8 customers in a 70-mile radius). By 2008, we had customers in every state of the U.S. – yes, including Alaska and Hawaii, and every U.S. territory. We also had buyers in at least 18 foreign countries. I had email conversations with Recep Tayyip Erdogan (then mayor of Istanbul, now president of Turkey) and other "notables." [I wish I still had Erdogan's email address. Would I give him an EARFUL right about now!!] Between 2009 (if not earlier) and 2012, we were consistently ranked #2 or #3 in both sales and quality worldwide in our primary product line.

On 10 NOV 2012 [Note the date!], the owner of the company announced that he soon would be signing a deal to sell the company to a German-based conglomerate. In a speech to all 95 or so employees, the owner cited "old age" as his reason for selling the company. Months later, he confided to me personally that his reason for selling was burdensome federal (mostly EPA) regulations – but that "'ACA,' i.e., 'ObamaCare,' was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back," and that he almost certainly would not have sold the company had Barack Obama not been reelected.

I was one of three "lucky" ones. Month after month, I had to witness my friends and colleagues being told they were no longer employed – in the depths & doldrums of the Obama recession. As traffic manager, I was tasked with shipping every document, every stick of furniture and every piece of equipment to the new owner's U.S. headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin. On 19 JUL 2013, I, the IT Manager and the General Manager (the "lucky" [last] three) were informed that our services were no longer needed or wanted. Just two months shy of my 50th birthday, and two weeks short of 25 years with the company, I was unemployed.

More history

Sometime late in the summer of 2013, I got new neighbors. An elderly couple moved into an apartment on the ground floor of my building. Often, I saw the gentleman from my second-floor window in the parking lot, usually with a hooked metal pole and a large garbage bag. I wondered what he was doing. One day, on my way to a job interview, I witnessed him pulling items from one of the dumpsters on the complex.

Several days later, it happened to be on my birthday (21 SEP), the couple watched me get out of my truck and head toward our building. As I approached the stairs, I gave them my warmest "Hello, how are y'all doin'?" He replied, "Would you be willing to do a big favor for an old man?" I said, "Absolutely, Sir! What can I do for you?"

He wanted to know if I would be willing to load up the back of my truck with some recyclable materials, drive him to the recyclable (junk) yard, and help him unload those recyclables. If it wasn't crystal clear to me at that moment, it became patently obvious to me within a week: This man was surviving – BARELY providing for himself and his wife – on a meager social security provision, dumpster diving, and his (substantial and admirable) wits.

I had pity on – and agape LOVE for – this couple! I became their chauffeur. I drove them to two different grocery stores each at least once a week. I drove them to their bank (thirty miles away) once a month so that he could collect his SS allotment. I loaded up – and helped him collect – various recyclables (including dishwashers, TV sets, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. & etc.), drove to the recycle center (junkyard) and helped him unload those recyclables two or three times a week. I witnessed to them in the best way – and at every opportunity – that I could.

On one trip to the junkyard, within days (not even a full week) after my last article on Renew America was published, I tossed a heavy (much heavier than it appeared) item out of the back of my truck. I'll never forget either the look on my friend's face or the words that he said. "What the hell was that? It sounded like a gunshot!" Something had popped – astonishingly loudly – in my left shoulder. I also won't forget the pain I felt. After more than a week of near complete immobilization, I made an appointment with my doctor.

My doctor placed his finger on a certain point near the bottom of my scapula. I flinched. He said, "Oh you have [three long, Latin words that I can't recall – much less pronounce – followed by] 'fasciitis.'" He said, "We can clear that right up with a series of eight to twelve steroid injections at a cost of $350.00 per injection." I was unemployed and uninsured. My savings were beginning to dwindle. I said, "Thanks, but no thanks, Doc. I'll grin and bear it. Not necessarily in that order!"

That was more than five years ago. The issue with "_____ _____ _____ fasciitis" is all but a total non-factor now. Praise God!! However, arthritis in my spine and, especially in both elbows still makes it very difficult to type. I am a VERY bad typist from the get-go. The ONLY class in school in which I EVER received a failing grade on a report card was a high school typing class. And I knew the teacher! I had spent time hiking and exploring on her and her husband's ranch before. Saw a bunch of horned toads (Phrynosoma cornutum)!

I digress. My health problems today are primarily spine-related. In the midst of the arduous work schedule at my current job, not to mention, the demanding work itself, I must make the 70+ mile (one way) trek to my specialist once or twice a month to attempt to relieve the debilitating pain in my right thigh and knee. I had an MRI done late last month. Last Friday (11 Oct), I learned the results of the MRI. I have a spinal hemangioma, two bulging discs, and the previously diagnosed arthritis. I appreciate your thoughts and, especially, your PRAYERS!! More than you will ever know!

BIG History

Immediately after my last article was published on Renew America, I began receiving emails from academics expressing – and reveling in – the "irony" that my article appeared on the very day after the Big Bang "theory" had been "proven as fact." My response to all of them – backed up with facts, evidence and examples – was, basically, "just wait!" (Please see just one – of countless – examinations here. This one is a bit more critical of Einstein than I would ever have been. Others are more spot on, but time [and, even DuckDuckGo – but not nearly as much as Google would!!!] defies me. Bottom line: The BICEP2 experiment DID NOT "PROVE" the Big Bang "theory!!" It was not even evidence of "cosmic inflation" [see here, for just one example thanks to DuckDuckGo!!].) Besides, the Bible – some seventeen times – explains what we may observe as "cosmic inflation." [See here for some examples.]

As I was contemplating, outlining and researching Part II of my 18 MAR 2014 article, a writer from was kind enough to make me aware of a 10+ page critique of Part I that he had published on his website. I am not sure if this "critique" ever appeared on, but I was able to print it off from the writer's personal site. It was replete with "straw-man" tactics, logical fallacies and just plain ignorance. I set out to address every sentence and to expose him for the fool that he was (is). You would be proud, I think, if you could have read some of my responses – especially the bits about DNA!

Bear in mind, job search for a white male over 50 – even an honorably discharged veteran of the U.S. Army! – can be MUCH more time-consuming and nerve-wracking than many if not most actual jobs! Just as in this response to you, I was not TIMELY in my response to the writer.

Meanwhile, I was running out of room here at my relatively small apartment. I needed some extra space. I rented a small storage facility unit to store some of my stuff – mostly old, childhood keepsakes, items that I had acquired over the years and virtually all of my precious, accumulated research material from time immemorial.

One day, as I was working on my response to the author, hoping to make (parts of) it Part II of my series, I discovered that he had deleted his critique. I used every search engine known to man to try to recover it. It was nowhere to be found. Frustrated, I thought, "Nothing much I can do with this now." I dropped my unfinished response off at my storage facility along with all my other research material, hoping to be able to use it soon.

Shortly thereafter, I got a call from the storage facility on my phone at work. "We've been trying to get in touch with you. There was a fire. Your unit and EVERYTHING in it were a total loss."

At that point, all seemed hopeless. My articles were doing more harm than good. Far more detractors than sympathizers were reading and commenting on my articles. Detractors were using them to promote the Lie. Sympathizers were doing next to nothing. My Bible reading & study and prayer life all but ceased. I was spiraling down the drain.

There is more; MUCH more! I would love to tell you the story about my relationship with my U.S. Congressman for 34 years – Ralph M. Hall (recently, sadly, deceased); and how it relates to this message.


Slowly over time, I began convincing myself that these were all valid reasons for me to stop expressing my thoughts on such a "formal," public venue. Ironically, this mindset was somewhat set into motion by the editor(s) of a site that I deeply trust and admire. The editorial cautioned its readers not to engage in discussion, debate, apologetics, etc., unless they were absolutely educated & informed on the topic(s) at hand and were totally guided by God's Holy Spirit.

All along, I always knew in my heart, soul and mind that these were not "valid" reasons – they were excuses!! Worse, they were lies from "the pit of hell." I have been given a talent for thinking and writing. These excuses (lies!) were keeping me from using – much less, from developing and expanding! – my talents for the good of fellow mankind and, especially, for the Glory of Almighty God! However, my search for Truth never ended. The editorial mentioned above helped rise it to new heights.

Darlene, I praise God for you! Your kindness and firm admonishments have become the fulcrum that has moved the lever of my path back to Truth and reality. You have inspired my next article, and have reignited my passion to serve the Lord with the talent He has given me. I will never be able to thank you enough for that!

Vital Links:

Dr. Thomas Kindell

Dr. Grady McMurtry

© Sam Weaver


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Sam Weaver

Sam Weaver is a native Texan. Lively discussions back in 1984--first with his very liberal girlfriend, and then with several college instructors--made him question his beliefs and his belief system... (more)


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