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December 16, 2010
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Lisa Fabrizio

December 16, 2010
JOAN SWIRSKY, RA ANALYST — The fanatical hard Left -- those communists, socialists, and radicals currently in power -- view anything that is bad for our country -- massive Intelligence leaks, disastrous oil spills, escalating unemployment, chaos on our borders, military setbacks, et al. -- as a thundering success... (more)

December 15, 2010
WORLDNETDAILY — Acting quietly, below the radar of U.S. public opinion and without congressional approval, the Obama administration is implementing a key policy objective of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, to erase the border with Mexico and Canada... (more)

December 15, 2010
NEWSMAX — The House voted Wednesday to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that for 17 years has forced gays desiring to serve in the military to conceal their sexual identity. The 250-175 vote propels the issue to the Senate for what could be the last chance for now to end the 1993 law that forbids recruiters from asking about sexual orientation while prohibiting soldiers from acknowledging that they are gay... (more)

December 15, 2010
WASHINGTON TIMES — Taking a major step toward staving off the largest tax increase in history, the Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to pass the tax-cut deal President Obama and congressional Republicans struck last week... (more)

December 15, 2010
WORLDNETDAILY — Border Patrol agent Brian A. Terry was killed last night in a gun battle with five armed bandits in a remote area just north of the U.S. border with Mexico, outside Nogales, Ariz.... (more)

December 15, 2010
PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY — The global warming prophets and propagandists, who enjoy living in style on other people's money, gathered last month in the plush resort of Cancun, Mexico, where January temperatures usually hover around 80 degrees. God must have a sense of humor because Cancun was hit by its coldest temperature in a hundred years... (more)

December 15, 2010
BLOOMBERG NEWS — A 1,924-page "omnibus" bill to fund the government is headed for a Senate vote that will put lawmakers from both parties on the spot over the practice of earmarking money for projects... (more)

December 15, 2010
GALLUP — Americans' assessment of Congress has hit a new low, with 13% saying they approve of the way Congress is handling its job. The 83% disapproval rating is also the worst Gallup has measured in more than 30 years of tracking congressional job performance... (more)

December 15, 2010
MICHELLE MALKIN — Environmentalists hate sprawl -- except when it comes to the size of their expansive pet legislation on Capitol Hill. In a last-ditch lame duck push, eco-lobbyists have been furiously pressuring Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., to pass a monstrous 327-page omnibus government lands bill crammed with more than 120 separate measures to lock up vast swaths of wilderness areas... (more)

December 15, 2010
DICK MORRIS — Moving to the center is not a two-dimensional process. It has a third dimension -- the difference between strength and weakness. In the course of coming in from the cold of his extreme far-left positions, the president looks like a wimp, abandoning his long-held views in the face of electoral defeats, adverse court rulings, recalcitrant Democrats and strong, united Republican opposition... (more)

December 14, 2010
NEWSMAX — Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli tells Newsmax that the defeat of Obamacare and its individual mandate is "critical to the preservation of the Constitution and liberty"... (more)

December 14, 2010
WASHINGTON TIMES — Today is the national Bill of Rights Day. This commemoration is necessary to help renew appreciation for liberties threatened by Big Government. The Virginia-based Bill of Rights Institute is encouraging Americans to take 10 minutes today to read the Bill of Rights and reacquaint themselves with the freedoms it recognizes... (more)

December 14, 2010
WORLDNETDAILY — Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, the officer who raised questions about Barack Obama's eligibility to be president only to be struck down by a military court's banishment of evidence about his concerns, was convicted yesterday by Judge Denise Lind on three counts of disobeying orders during the first day of his court martial... (more)

December 14, 2010
PHIL KERPEN — The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) apparently is headed for a 3-2 party-line vote to regulate the Internet on Dec. 21, which Commissioner Robert M. McDowell (a stalwart free-market champion who opposes the regulations) points out is the darkest day of the year... (more)

December 14, 2010
BLOOMBERG — The Obama administration's health-care overhaul unconstitutionally requires Americans to maintain a minimum level of health insurance, a federal judge ruled, striking down the linchpin of the plan... (more)

December 14, 2010
ASSOCIATED PRESS — A mayor whose get-tough policies on illegal immigrants attracted national attention years before the immigration debate shifted to Arizona resigned Tuesday to take a job in Congress. Lou Barletta, who was elected to the U.S. House last month, left the Hazleton mayor's office at noon... (more)

December 14, 2010
CNSNEWS.COM — Approximately "half of all illegal entries" into the United States and "half of all of the marijuana smuggled into the United States" in fiscal 2010 occurred in the Border Patrol's Tucson Sector... (more)

December 14, 2010
LOS ANGELES TIMES — Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele stunned friends and foes Monday by launching a fight to keep his job. Steele discussed his decision during a conference call Monday night with members of the Republican National Committee... (more)

December 14, 2010
THE HILL — Conservatives aligned with the Tea Party ramped up pressure Monday on Republicans to vote down the tax deal before Congress. A Tea Party umbrella group circulated a petition in opposition to President Obama's tax deal with Republicans, while another high-profile GOP lawmaker aligned with the grassroots movement said he's inclined to vote against it... (more)

December 13, 2010
MARIE JON, RA ANALYST — King Herod's existence is not just a historical fact -- he has become a horrible footnote to the Christmas story. Let's be honest about one of the main characters in the story of Christmas. King Herod is very easy to despise. After all, he tried to kill Jesus when He was just an infant. To ensure this outcome, this wicked man called for a despicable act that was swiftly carried out... (more)

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