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August 4, 2011
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Rev. Mark H. Creech
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Obama's Ocular Redwood
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A.J. DiCintio

August 4, 2011
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — "I love you guys," House Speaker John Boehner is reported to have said at a meeting with the tea party freshmen. That comment despite the fact that those same men and women who came to this city to "change the way Washington works" gave the Ohioan a hellfire test of his leadership in the debt ceiling debate... (more)

August 4, 2011
NEWSMAX — Some of the 28 Republican senators who voted for the new debt/deficit law may find themselves on the receiving end of powerhouse conservative Sen. Jim DeMint's ire. The South Carolina Republican pledged after last year's elections that he wouldn't support any challengers to his Republican Senate colleagues... (more)

August 3, 2011
WASHINGTON TIMES — U.S. debt shot up $239 billion on Tuesday -- the largest one-day bump in history -- as the government flexed the new borrowing room it earned in this week's debt-limit increase deal. The debt subject to the statutory limit shot way past the old cap of $14.294 trillion to hit $14.532 trillion on Tuesday, according to the latest the Treasury Department figures, which are released on the next business day... (more)

August 3, 2011
NEWSMAX — An overwhelming majority of Americans reject the debt-reduction deal reached this week and don't believe it will reduce government spending, with 53 percent saying they oppose the agreement and just 22 percent voicing approval, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Wednesday... (more)

August 3, 2011
JOHN STOSSEL — The political class predicted "disaster" if Congress didn't raise its debt limit. I think that was a scam to get more money. See, the poor politicians don't have enough, and they need to borrow more. We taxpayers are cheap. This year we'll give them only $2.2 trillion. They want to spend $3.8 trillion... (more)

August 3, 2011
FOX NEWS — Gun industry representatives said they would file lawsuits Wednesday challenging new gun-control measures by the Obama administration, an effort the nation's top lawyer vowed to "vigorously oppose"... (more)

August 3, 2011
DEROY MURDOCK — Almost unanimously, Washington Democrats call themselves "pro-choice." "I support a woman's right to choose!" they thunder into any open microphone. "Choice," of course, means abortion, though they rarely yell that word as loudly... (more)

August 3, 2011
ROBERT RINGER — Now that the business-as-usual phony debt-ceiling drama has played itself out in Washington, history will record that not one of the key participants in the debate ever got around to talking about specific, major spending cuts (other than defense spending). Isn't that weird?... (more)

August 3, 2011
JACK CASHILL — In November 2008, while a candidate for president, Barack Obama was unequivocal in his rejection of gay marriage. At the time, Obama told even the gay-friendly MTV audience that he believed marriage to be exclusively "between a man and a woman" and that he was "not in favor of gay marriage"... (more)

August 2, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — Detailed technical analysis of the PDF file the White House released April 27 indicates it is not a scan of the original document, as claimed by the White House, but instead is the final form of an electronic file used to forge the birth certificate on Adobe software, according to reports by experts... (more)

August 2, 2011
NEWSMAX — Conservative talk radio host Glenn Beck leaves no doubt about how he feels about the deficit reduction bill that President Barack Obama and Congress finally agreed upon, calling the "big compromise" a betrayal. "Don't be fooled. We've just been betrayed by Washington," Beck writes in a commentary for The Blaze website... (more)

August 2, 2011
WASHINGTON TIMES — The class warriors in Congress won't rest until everything is taxed multiple times. The idea that online retailers aren't collecting tribute for states in which they have no physical presence galls Sen. Richard J. Durbin, Illinois Democrat, and Rep. John Conyers, Michigan Democrat. So they dreamed up the Main Street Fairness Act to force Internet shoppers to prop up the big spenders in state government... (more)

August 2, 2011
REUTERS — Congress approved and President Barack Obama signed a deal to raise the U.S. government's debt ceiling Tuesday after the Senate passed it by a 74-26 vote. Here is a list of how each Republican (R), Democratic (D) and Independent (I) senator voted... (more)

August 2, 2011
From RenewAmerica President Stephen Stone
RENEWAMERICA — Dear Senator Lee, Tea Party conservatives are counting on you to step up and filibuster easy Senate passage of Speaker Boehner's House-approved debt deal that would raise our nation's debt ceiling by the largest increase in U.S. history... (more)

August 2, 2011
CNSNEWS.COM — The bill to increase the federal debt limit that has been put before Congress today would increase that limit by up to $2.4 trillion, which would be the largest increase in the debt limit in U.S. history by a margin of half a trillion dollars, according to records published by the Government Accountability Office and the Congressional Research Service... (more)

August 2, 2011
CNSNEWS.COM — When the House of Representatives voted this evening on legislation to increase the limit on the federal debt by as much as $2.4 trillion, House Republicans broke a promise included in their 2010 Pledge to America to post the text of bills online "for at least three days" before bringing them up for a vote... (more)

August 1, 2011
KANSAS CITY STAR — What flies with the Kansas Legislature doesn't always fly in federal court. For the second time in a month, a federal judge has temporarily halted a law aimed at abortion clinics... (more)

August 1, 2011
RICHARD VIGUERIE — The deal to raise the debt ceiling is the death of reality in Washington, D.C. Everyone involved in this deal knows that it does not solve the real crisis that the American people want solved -- the unsustainable spending, deficits and debt that has created the need to raise the debt ceiling. The same Wall Street-Washington axis that demanded and benefitted from TARP is now demanding that Congress raise the debt ceiling... (more)

August 1, 2011
FOX NEWS — The Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against Alabama's new controversial immigration law, essentially fighting Alabama on grounds similar to its legal battle with Arizona over that state's controversial law... (more)

August 1, 2011
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — In 2008, Americans wanted a "different kind" of president. They got one, but the buyer's remorse in 2011 is pervasive. The much-maligned Tea Party movement -- initially a populist pushback to Obamacare -- symbolizes that regret... (more)

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