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December 12, 2011
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December 12, 2011
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) crowd (with White House ties) is the natural outgrowth of several generations of classroom Marxist indoctrination. Foremost has been the hate-America "history" taught in writings of the late Communist Party member Howard Zinn... (more)

December 12, 2011
WASHINGTON TIMES — The Supreme Court announced Monday it will take the case of Arizona's tough immigration crackdown law, adding yet another contentious clash between the Obama administration and the states to its docket. The case, which has attracted national attention, pits Arizona against the Obama administration, which sued and won court orders blocking implementation of most of the law at both the district and appeals court levels... (more)

December 12, 2011
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The Supreme Court agreed Monday to rule on Arizona's controversial law targeting illegal immigrants, setting the stage for an election-year decision on an issue that is already shaping presidential politics... (more)

December 12, 2011
ROBERT KNIGHT — Three incidents in recent days tell us all we need to know about the Obama administration's "values." On Dec. 1, the story broke that Bethesda-based Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where wounded veterans convalesce, apparently had banned visitors from bringing in Bibles or other religious items... (more)

December 11, 2011
DAVID LIMBAUGH — President Obama's much-ballyhooed speech in Osawatomie, Kan., was his best effort to put a happy face on class warfare. Though some were elated, fantasizing that he might be getting his messianic mojo back, even his reliable cheerleaders recognize there's no substance beneath the hot air rising... (more)

December 11, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — A federal judge in Washington has entered a default judgment against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a lawsuit brought on behalf of victims of his radical Islamic regime. The case will now proceed to a hearing to determine damages, according to a lawyer who brought the case and predicts the world will be horrified by the coming testimony... (more)

December 11, 2011
MICHELLE MALKIN — It was a rough week for the corruptocracy. White House officials better ho-ho-hold on tight because the sleigh ride isn't going to get any smoother. On Wednesday, disgraced former governor Rod Blagojevich (D., Ill.) received a 14-year prison sentence for scheming to sell Pres. Barack Obama's Senate seat, along with several other pay-to-play schemes... (more)

December 11, 2011
WASHINGTON TIMES — Blaming budget cuts, the Obama administration early next year will cut the number of National Guard troops patrolling the U.S.-Mexico border by at least half, according to a congressman who was briefed on the plan. The National Guard said an announcement will be made by the White House "in the near future"... (more)

December 11, 2011
WASHINGTON POST — Over the weekend, First Amendment impresario Floyd Abrams addressed two controversial Internet piracy bills, the Senate's Protect IP Act (PIPA) and the House version, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). He argued that the bill, designed to stop Internet theft of intellectual property, has been denounced by critics for setting up " 'walled gardens patrolled by government censors'... (more)

December 11, 2011
HUMAN EVENTS — Global warming alarmists are getting a chilly reception these days as the public is starting to catch on to something that we have been yelling about for years: The whole thing is a scam. And here are the reasons why: The Top 10 Inconvenient Truths about Global Warming... (more)

December 11, 2011
NEWSMAX — Texas Rep. Ron Paul continues to discredit Republican presidential rival Newt Gingrich for accepting $1.6 million from Freddie Mac during a stint in the private sector. "This is the epitome of the bailouts and the problem," Paul said of the housing agency and its counterpart Fannie Mae. "They're still in business of receiving taxpayers' money... (more)

December 10, 2011
ALAN KEYES — "I never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence." -- Abraham Lincoln, Address at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 22, 1861... (more)

December 10, 2011
AMY CONTRADA — Summary: Mitt Romney's record as Governor does not indicate a commitment to a conservative judicial philosophy. His judge appointees revealed at best "no philosophical or partisan pattern" (Boston Globe), or at worst a liberal and even radical tilt. He sought out feminists and radical homosexual groups in his judicial selection process... (more)

December 10, 2011
CHRISTIAN POST — Some people feel Christmas just isn't Christmas without Christ, but apparently not many. If one were to rank the importance of Christ in Christmas based on popular Christmas films, sadly it would rank very low as the top 10 grossing Christmas films reveal... (more)

December 10, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — The so-called leaderless Occupy movement has just been caught red-handed operating what appears to be a nerve center staffed by professional agitators deeply tied to groups funded by billionaire activist George Soros... (more)

December 10, 2011
LLOYD MARCUS — The devastating price of government dependency. I witnessed it up close and personal in the late 50's when I was a child. Both of my mom's sisters had five kids each by various men who simply deposited their seed and moved on. As a result, both of my aunts were totally dependent on government. They lived in the projects... (more)

December 8, 2011
WASHINGTON TIMES — The spotlight on the District's effort to dissuade law-abiding residents from purchasing handguns is making some on the D.C. Council uncomfortable. Council member Phil Mendelson on Tuesday introduced legislation easing some of the most absurd hoops one must jump through in order to exercise the right to keep arms in the nation's capital... (more)

December 8, 2011
AUDREY HUDSON — Attorney General Eric Holder admitted on Thursday that e-mails from his computer were withheld from a congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, angering lawmakers who threatened the nation's top cop with impeachment and contempt charges... (more)

December 8, 2011
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — The mainstream media have pounced on every GOP presidential candidate widely perceived (correctly or not) as credibly equipped to articulate conservative issues in the 2012 election campaign... (more)

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