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November 5, 2012
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November 5, 2012
STEPHEN STONE, RA PRESIDENT — In a contested race for political office, it's impossible to vote against someone. The ballot doesn't allow it. That reality has somehow gotten lost in this year's election, due to the intensity of disapproval for Barack Hussein Obama... (more)

November 5, 2012
SELWYN DUKE — "I'm guessing that as soon as I walk into the voting booth, I'll probably make up my mind then." So said undecided voter Kerry Ladka, appearing on Greta Van Susteren's program after the second presidential debate... (more)

November 5, 2012
ALAN KEYES — This week, I read a surprising piece by WND's David Kupelian in which he asserted that people willing to accept the choice of evils in this year's presidential election are following the example of America's founders ("Beware the 'lesser-of-two-evils' trap"). Kupelian notes that in order to secure approval of the U.S. Constitution, the founders compromised with the existence of slavery... (more)

November 5, 2012
CLIFF KINCAID — A breaking report in the New York Times of a Romney Russian connection could help cost the Republican nominee the election on Tuesday... (more)

November 4, 2012
DAILY CALLER — Were Barack Obama to be re-elected on Tuesday, America would have one of its weakest second-term presidents ever precisely when it needs a strong one... (more)

November 4, 2012
NEWSMAX — Ohio's issues with provisional ballots could mean U.S. voters will have to wait weeks to find out who will be the next president... (more)

November 4, 2012
ASSOCIATED PRESS — New York state law allows for an extra day of voting if turnout is drastically suppressed because of a natural disaster like Superstorm Sandy. That could potentially postpone state, congressional and even presidential election results beyond Tuesday's Election Day... (more)

November 4, 2012
TOWN HALL — Friday afternoon at an early polling place located at 6719 W. Montgomery Road in Houston, NAACP members were seen advocating for President Barack Obama according to volunteer poll watchers on location at the time... (more)

November 4, 2012
IVAN KENNEALLY — Before North Easterners could take adequate stock of the damage left in Hurricane Sandy's wake, the New York Times rushed to use the disaster as a rationale for expanded government: "Disaster coordination is one of the most vital functions of 'big government,'" proclaimed an editorial entitled, "A Big Storm Requires Big Government"... (more)

November 4, 2012
WASHINGTON TIMES — The right to own and profit from private property is under concerted assault from politicians and interest groups seeking new ways to take what you have so they can use it themselves. Virginians have an opportunity Tuesday to make government think twice about trying to take away their homes... (more)

November 3, 2012
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — The bough was thick and wet, and his mouth a tense rictus as he trembled under its weight. But my ten-year-old steadied his hockey-stud legs and carted it off the driveway, then another 30 yards down the street. It landed with a thud in the first space he found along a growing curbside forest... (more)

November 3, 2012
BLOOMBERG — Officials along the storm-battered coasts of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut are working to identify alternate polling places for the Nov. 6 election to replace those without power or damaged by Hurricane Sandy... (more)

November 3, 2012
TIMOTHY P. CARNEY — Forecasting elections, with my boss Bob Novak, used to be my full-time job. We did pretty well. In 2002, we correctly called a 51-49 U.S. Senate (we got two races wrong, and they cancelled each other out), and in 2004, we also did very well on House and Senate races, plus we called the Electoral College, I recall, within one state... (more)

November 3, 2012
MICHAEL BARONE — Fundamentals usually prevail in American elections. That's bad news for Barack Obama. True, Americans want to think well of their presidents and many think it would be bad if Americans were perceived as rejecting the first black president... (more)

November 3, 2012
WORLDNETDAILY — The Obama administration's lead investigator into the Benghazi attack, former Ambassador Thomas Pickering, previously held clandestine meetings with Hamas aimed at opening U.S. dialogue with the terrorist group, according to informed Middle Eastern security officials... (more)

November 3, 2012
REZA KAHLILI — Work surrounding Iran's latest secret nuclear site continues unabated, new satellite images from DigitalGlobe show. The existence of the site was revealed by WND on Oct. 8. The site -- Velayat 1 -- which is in the province of Isfahan on the outskirts of the small city of Najafabad, was built for research and development and has a capacity of 800 centrifuges for uranium enrichment... (more)

November 3, 2012
WORLDNETDAILY — "Batman" actor Christian Bale is blasting the "horror" of the Chinese government's one-child policy, in which women are forced to abort their unborn children because of population limits imposed by the government... (more)

November 3, 2012
CBS HOUSTON — A Texas woman claims she was told that her "Vote the Bible" T-shirt may be offensive and was forced to cover up when she went to vote early at the City Hall in Taylor County, Texas last week, reported... (more)

November 1, 2012
ALAN KEYES — This morning, I read an article reporting what Roman Catholic Archbishop of Philadelphia Charles Chaput said about the priority that should govern how Catholics cast their vote. "We're Catholics before we're Democrats. We're Catholics before we're Republicans. We're even Catholics before we're Americans, because we know that God has a demand on us prior to any government demand on us."... (more)

November 1, 2012
The best of Fred Hutchison
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — The state and federal judges who have reviewed Terri Schiavo's* case are influenced by the medical diagnosis made by a few doctors that Terri is in a "persistent vegetative state" (PVS)... (more)

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