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November 26, 2012
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National 'Gripe Day'?
Rev. Mark H. Creech
Is there a Christmas?
Armand C. Hale

November 26, 2012
STEPHEN STONE, RA PRESIDENT — It's barely been a week since our son Ellery got married and our family was again barred from attending a wedding of one of our children. Does that statement -- a statement that's entirely true -- sound like something rational people would accept?... (more)

November 26, 2012
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Taken page by page, this book is a fun read. Taken as a whole, it remains entertaining but acquires a deeper meaning. One must add up all "50 Things Liberals Love to Hate" to appreciate fully the huge canyons that have divided us into two nations in terms of worldview... (more)

November 26, 2012
ALAN KEYES — These days, managing constant change is a challenge that faces anyone whose life and livelihood involve the use of intelligent electronic devices. The conflicting headlines from two stories I read this week exemplify the situation. One reported: "Designer guru Nielsen: Windows 8 UI 'smothers usability.'"... (more)

November 26, 2012
DAILY CALLER — White House officials remained silent during the extended Thanksgiving weekend, as Egypt's pro-democracy groups called on President Barack Obama to condemn Thursday's power grab by their country's Islamist president, Mohammed Morsi... (more)

November 25, 2012
PRAVDA — Putin in 2009 outlined his strategy for economic success. Alas, poor Obama did the opposite but nevertheless was re-elected. Bye, bye Miss American Pie. The Communists have won in America with Obama but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote... (more)

November 25, 2012
SHOWBIZ411 — If anyone worried that Kathryn Bigelow's movie about the killing of Osama bin Laden would be a political statement promoting Barack Obama they can relax. Bigelow and Mark Boal have made a very focused and harrowing thriller that centers on the real life female CIA agent who was obsessed with catching and killing bin Laden... (more)

November 25, 2012
WORLDNETDAILY — With the world focused on the latest Middle East flareup and the increasing prospect for a wider military conflict there, a little-noticed U.S. report has sounded new alarms over the vulnerability of the U.S. electric power-grid system to terrorist attacks, which could cause even more damage than natural disasters, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin... (more)

November 25, 2012
ASSOCIATED PRESS — A San Antonio school district's website was hacked over the weekend to protest its policy requiring students to wear microchip-embedded cards tracking their every move on campus... (more)

November 25, 2012
CHRISTIAN POST — The theater adaptation of a classic Christmas cartoon is at the center of a controversy in Little Rock, Ark., where an atheist group has complained about an elementary school's plans to take its students to see the production of "Merry Christmas Charlie Brown" at a local church... (more)

November 25, 2012
BREITBART — Pennsylvania's Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) is slashing the hours of 400 adjunct instructors, support staff, and part-time instructors to dodge paying for Obamacare... (more)

November 25, 2012
WASHINGTON TIMES — Bolstered by their recent wins at the ballot box, gay-marriage activists say they are looking to build on their newfound momentum at the ballot box and in the courtroom... (more)

November 25, 2012
JANICE SHAW CROUSE — The radical feminists' push for universal access to contraception went on steroids with the just-released report from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Its annual report, "The State of World Population 2012: By Choice, Not by Chance: Family Planning, Human Rights and Development," was released in numerous languages and in more than 100 capitals around the world, including Berlin, Geneva, Madrid, Paris, Tokyo and Washington... (more)

November 25, 2012
LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL — Mohamed Morsi gave himself dictatorial powers and placed himself above the jurisdiction of the Egyptian courts. Did Morsi become the modern Pharaoh of Egypt as part of his leadership plans for the Muslim Brotherhood, or did Morsi follow the Imperial Presidency example that has been set by Barack Obama?... (more)

November 25, 2012
MICHELLE MALKIN — Black Friday always brings out the worst: long lines, short tempers, and random outbreaks of shoppers' rage. This year, Big Labor will ratchet up the Strikesgiving tension with professional grievance-mongers and workers picketing at 1,000 Walmart stores nationwide... (more)

November 23, 2012
CT MONUMENTS — A granite monument standing 81 feet tall honors the first English settlers to land in Plymouth, Mass. The National Monument to the Forefathers stands in a state park on Allerton Street. If you look at the first picture in this post, the small people in the lower left will give you a good indication of the size of this massive and intricate monument... (more)

November 22, 2012
WASHINGTON TIMES — Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor -- and Whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness."... (more)

November 22, 2012
ALAN KEYES — All hail the power of Jesus Name! Let angels prostrate fall. (Traditional Christian Hymn) Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven... (more)

November 22, 2012
The best of Fred Hutchison
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — The policy of Senate Democrats in 2005 to filibuster conservative nominees for the Supreme Court -- coupled with Republicans' corresponding threat to change Senate rules to curtail filibustering -- has been shaping up as a classic collision of American politics... (more)

November 22, 2012
JOSEPH FARAH — Thank You, Lord, for allowing me to live in the greatest country in the world -- one where we as citizens are permitted to live in freedom, to speak our minds, to debate the great issues of the day openly and without fear, and, most of all, to worship You and to tell others about You and Your Gospel of saving grace and redemption... (more)

November 22, 2012
MICHELLE MALKIN — Chandler Osborn, 14, watched Fox News coverage of Hurricane Sandy last week and decided to take action. "Last weekend, me and my younger brother, Cooper, 7, did a fundraiser in Colorado Springs to help the people" affected by the storm, he told me. The siblings set up a table at the Colorado Springs Sugar Plum Festival, gave away patriotic car magnets and pins for any donation, and collected signatures on a giant banner of support for the victims. "We raised $612 in one weekend."... (more)

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