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May 8, 2021
YOUTUBE — In a recent interview with Jonathan Pageau, Jordan Peterson shares his conviction about the narrative and the objective world of Christ's existence.... (more)

May 7, 2021
JOSEPH FARAH — Have you ever wondered about the kind of conspiracy it would take to cheat in a national election in what has been, heretofore, the greatest nation the world has ever seen? It's emerging. It's becoming more and more clear. The suspect list is growing.... (more)

May 6, 2021
BOB UNRUH — The changes have come on America abruptly, many in reaction to the election in 2016 of Donald Trump as president. And they're becoming greatly amplified under President Joe Biden. They include ideological campaigns that require a single-point of view from everyone, public character attacks on those who dare to disagree, a unified government/media voice, spying on opinions, and more.... (more)

May 6, 2021
BABYLON BEE — BURBANK CA – After mounting criticism from an avalanche of 3 people online, Disney has decided to release a new cut of the classic film Snow White. In the new version, Prince Charming will refrain from a non-consensual kiss and leave her to die instead.... (more)

May 6, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID — An objective history of World War II exposes the failure of the West, except for Winston Churchill, to foresee the aggression of Hitler's Third Reich. Today, some of the smartest businessmen in the world still do not understand the menace posed by Communist China, even as its China virus continues to wreak havoc on the United States and the world.... (more)

May 5, 2021
PETE RIEHM — The Chinese virus pandemic has been dragging on for over a year now. First, it was no masks, then it was definitely masks, and now maybe it's two masks. Social distancing became mandatory. Then our government told us we were in danger of overloading the healthcare system, so we just need 15 days to shut everything down to "flatten the curve." In many places, those shutdowns are going on 15 months and the only thing flattened is the middle class. And wasn't it odd that all those Army Field Hospitals and Navy Hospital Ships President Trump rushed into service were barely used.... (more)

May 5, 2021
PETER LEMISKA — Today's Democrats seem to have a way with words. They may have learned the power of word manipulation sometime around the turn of this century. That's when they introduced to America a radical concept once considered outlandish. They couldn't have done it without redefining a single word, a word that, throughout recorded history, meant the union of one man and one woman. By changing the definition of "marriage," they succeeded in bringing about a tectonic shift in America's social mores.... (more)

May 5, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — Amid the Maricopa County election audit, former Arizona state Sen. Kelli Ward on Wednesday called biased media misreporting "un-American." "It is not the First Amendment," Ward, chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party, also said on the "John Solomon Reports" podcast.... (more)

May 5, 2021
PJ MEDIA — Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin has moved for a new trial in the killing of George Floyd after yet another juror admitted bias in the case. But that's only part of the reason why the former cop may get a new trial. A photo of "Juror 52" wearing a George Floyd and Derek Chauvin t-shirt while on a trip to Washington, D.C., for a rally commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King's March on Washington was discovered on social media. The shirt featured a photo of Chauvin and Floyd and read "get your knee off our necks." He was also wearing a Black Lives Matter baseball cap. George Floyd's sister and brother were among the featured speakers at the march.... (more)

May 5, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — President Biden has issued a National Day of Prayer proclamation in which the word "God" does not appear once. "I invite the citizens of our Nation to give thanks, in accordance with their own faiths and consciences, for our many freedoms and blessings, and I join all people of faith in prayers for spiritual guidance, mercy, and protection," Biden says in the proclamation.... (more)

May 5, 2021
LIFE SITE NEWS — Paul and Marilyn Hueper, owners of Homer Inn & Spa, woke with a start at 9 a.m. April 28 when a dozen armed FBI agents kicked down their front door in an investigation associated with Rep. Nancy Pelosi's stolen laptop, which was taken during the Jan. 6 siege of the nation's Capitol.... (more)

May 4, 2021
PJ MEDIA — In the span of a month we've come full circle on election reforms -- actual reforms, not the Democrats' monstrosity that's merely advertised as such. That unconstitutional power grab is going nowhere. Kansas' legislature has just overridden its governor's veto and put into law a set of election reforms similar to those that just weeks ago Joe Biden declared were "Jim Crow on steroids."... (more)

May 4, 2021
PJ MEDIA — As PJ Media has reported this week, the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border is worsening. A dozen Texas counties, many of them not directly situated on the border, have declared emergencies due to the explosive increase in human trafficking that the open border is facilitating. The Washington Free Beacon reports that the open border is facilitating an additional outbreak of lawlessness. The opioid fentanyl is now flooding across the border.... (more)

May 4, 2021
PETE RIEHM — For months, the Democrat Media Complex has breathlessly reported about the "deadly" Capitol riots on January 6 and robotically repeated "five dead" every time. The five deaths were emphasized with every mention to support the false narrative the January 6 protest was a violent right-wing insurrection to overthrow the government of the United States. Obviously leftists will always twist anything to smear President Trump, but why did the Democrat Media Complex unrelentingly shove this lie down our throats when the events that day were demonstrably not an insurrection, and by ANTIFA/BLM standards not even a riot -- actually relatively peaceful in comparison. There was more at stake than just maligning Trump.... (more)

May 3, 2021
BOB UNRUH — An audit of the 2020 presidential election results from Maricopa County, Arizona, which was one of multiple states where Joe Biden won by a narrow margin, resulting in objections from lawmakers based on evidence of fraud, is likely to be extended.... (more)

May 3, 2021
BOB UNRUH — U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., one of the handful of Republicans who turned on President Trump during the Democrats second failed impeach-and-remove attempt and voted to remove him, is facing a challenge to a debate over the fraud in the 2020 election.... (more)

May 2, 2021
EPOCH TIMES — Chinese leader Xi Jinping personally directed the communist regime to focus its efforts to control the global internet, displacing the influential role of the United States, according to internal government documents recently obtained by The Epoch Times.... (more)

May 2, 2021
LIFE SITE NEWS — Following the death of the great conservative warrior Dr. Judith Reisman, who is best known for exposing "sex researcher" Alfred Kinsey as a "predatory fraud," it has come to light that while being an active and healthy working 85-year-old, Reisman had received the second dose of an experimental COVID-19 gene-therapy vaccine just 10 days prior to her death.... (more)

May 2, 2021
TWITTER — Today we returned half of the voting machines to the County after capturing all data. We are now moving to phase 2 and beginning the forensic analysis. The audit continues!... (more)

April 30, 2021
WORLDNETDAILY — President Biden's Earth Day announcement that the United States is to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 50% from 2005 levels (equivalent to a 42% cut of 2019's pre-Covid emission levels) within nine years comes with a double deception -- one of cause and the other of effect. It aims to force America to reach net-zero no later than 2050 to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This, the White House claims, is what "the science demands."... (more)

April 30, 2021
TODD STARNES — Anti-Trump Sen. Mitt Romney was loudly booed and heckled by hundreds of conservatives when he rose to speak at the Utah Republican Party Convention on Saturday. The controversial lawmaker could barely be heard over the booing and jeering, according to a video posted on Twitter.... (more)

April 30, 2021
WORLDNETDAILY — NARAL Pro-Choice America took to Twitter to criticize Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) for presenting alleged "disinformation about abortion" in the GOP response to President Joe Biden's speech to Congress this week. In his response, Scott referenced President Biden's plans to repeal the Hyde Amendment, a pro-life rider which prohibits federal taxpayer dollars from funding most abortions.... (more)

April 29, 2021
ART MOORE — A CBS poll finding 85% of Americans liked President Joe Biden's address Congress turns out to have queried only a small sampling of Republicans. The polling company, YouGov, surveyed only 169 Republicans among 943 people, or just 18% of the total sample. Meanwhile, CBS News declared on its website, "Most viewers who tuned in to watch President Biden's speech liked what they heard and came away feeling optimistic about America."... (more)

April 29, 2021
EPOCH TIMES — The 2020 election audit taking place in Arizona's largest county is on pace to be done by next month's deadline, an official said on April 28. Judicial Watch released hundreds of pages of documents that show California government officials, as well as a communication firm that's linked to President Joe Biden's campaign, coordinated with Big Tech giants in order to censor social media posts about the 2020 election.... (more)

April 29, 2021
NEWSMAX TV — Greg Kelly: "What jumped out at me almost right away was what he did not talk about" – we have no southern border, we don't know how many illegal immigrants have recently entered the country, and our nation's kids are missing school a second year in a row. "Joe did talk a lot about handing out money." And he claimed the Trump administration is responsible for the "worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War." Joe twisted the idea that "We the People are the government" to suggest that Americans generally support his extravagant spending.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

Jerry Newcombe
A politically-incorrect prayer

Victor Sharpe
Who truly deserves a state? The Kurds or the Palestinians?

Pete Riehm
Father's Day: When men sing!

Cherie Zaslawsky
RFK Jr.: The silver-tongued spoiler

Randy Engel
A documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus – The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part VIII

Linda Goudsmit
CHAPTER 22: What Is Social Justice?

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A Song for Independence Day: ‘Have You Been To My Hometown?’

Rev. Mark H. Creech
From ancient idols to modern misconceptions: The call to worship only God

Michael Bresciani
Pride Month – Are we proud of the decimation, disfigurement, and death of children?

Tom DeWeese
The second great Colorado land grab

Matt C. Abbott
Dealing with the Dobbs backlash

Ronald R. Cherry
Book Review: Left Imperialism – From Cardinal Richelieu to Klaus Schwab, by Gary Gindler
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