JR Dieckmann
Obama doesn't know what Independence Day is
By JR Dieckmann
July 7, 2010

On July 4th, King Barack sent the following email to his subjects:

    This Fourth of July

    The Fourth of July is especially dear to my family. For us, it is not just our nation's birthday. It is the day Michelle and I became parents 12 years ago. And every year we enjoy watching the fireworks with Malia on her birthday.

    As we celebrate the profound pride of being American, today is a time to honor the women and men in our armed forces, whose immeasurable bravery and sacrifice have made our country what it is today.

    That sacrifice is shared with husbands and wives, with sons and daughters, with fathers and mothers, who are asked to wait at home as their loved ones protect our nation. Their heroism, too, has helped pave the path of our freedom.

    Even before we moved into the White House, Michelle was a champion for those military families. She has witnessed their struggles, and she has made it her personal mission to fight for them. On this Fourth of July, she recorded a personal message, commemorating our nation's birthday and paying tribute to these families.

    Please take a minute to watch Michelle's video — and join us as we honor our military families here and abroad:


    From all of us, happy Independence Day.
    Thank you, and may God bless America.
    President Barack Obama
    July 4th, 2010

Even in his official statement on the White House website, Obama mentions "The Founders" only in passing with no mention of the Declaration of Independence at all.

News flash to Barack: July 4th is not about your daughter's birthday, nor is it about watching a fireworks show and another excuse to throw a party in our White House. Nor is it about our soldiers and veterans who have so bravely fought and are fighting and dying in your mismanaged and micromanaged war. That is why we have Veterans Day and Memorial Day.

You are supposed to be the president. You are supposed to be a patriotic American in the service of his country. You are supposed to be a leader and promoter of the founding principles and values of our country. As president, on the 4th of July, you should be speaking of the great men and accomplishments that founded the United States of America. You really don't have a clue, do you, Barack?

Independence Day is about this nation's independence from Great Britain, the Declaration of Independence, and our Founding Fathers. You must have heard of them, the men who created the freedom and liberty that you enjoy today — and allowed a radical like you to occupy our White House — but failed to mention in your message. These were the same men who also crafted the Constitution of the United States that you despise so much and are trying to change to suit your un-American and decidedly alien ideals.

I can understand that you wouldn't want to recognize the founding of our country on Independence Day as that would be completely contrary to your personal beliefs, but since when has Michelle been a supporter of the military or military families? Or was that just her assigned duty to perform on the Holiday to make you look like an American?

You really don't have a clue what America is all about, do you? Maybe you should read up on our nation's founding before you make an ass of yourself again. Your job in the White House is to be a president for all of the people — not a political campaign hack for the communist left minority in this country. Yet these are the people you continually pander to and represent with your partisan lies, your socialist rhetoric, and your insane Marxist policies aimed at destroying the free market capitalism that has made the United States an exceptional nation among nations.

Independence Day is a celebration of American independence that spawned the freedom, liberty, prosperity, and leadership that has led this world for the past 100 years. It is about a government empowered by the people and representative of the people. I guess you must have slept though that lesson at Columbia University, if you ever really attended there at all.

Who are you, Barack? Where were you really born? Why have you sealed all of your records to hide your true identity? Who sponsored your rise to power and what is their agenda? Why do you hate America so much that you want to destroy it? You remind me of Judas, who after gaining his trust, betrayed Jesus and had him sent to the cross to die. Are you Judas, Barack? Are you betraying our country and sending us to the cross to die?

Yes, July 4th is Independence Day for the citizens of this country. But it seems we are going to have a second Independence day on the day we vote you and your minions out of office. On that day we will celebrate our Declaration of Independence and our Founding Fathers who guaranteed to us the right to get rid of people like you and the treasonous laws you force upon us with no constitutional authority to do so.

One day, in hell, you will meet King George, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and the other dictators who have stolen the rights of their people. On that day you will wish you had listened to the people and to the words of the Founding Fathers who gave America its independence and freedom, that you are so intent on taking away from the people and holding for yourself and your socialist allies.

Happy 4th of July, Barack. Now go enjoy yourself in the short time you have left in our house. We will soon be taking it back from you and giving it to someone more worthy of the honor — an honor that you have disgraced and trashed and used to make an international embarrassment of our country.

We will again celebrate our independence and freedom on the day you and your minions are banned from Washington forever. For you see, Barack, we know who you are and what you are all about, and we don't like it. And because this is the country our Founders gave us, we will triumph over you in good time and return to the nation that our Founders intended for us. That is the right and the duty granted to us on the day we established our independence.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

So help us God!

© JR Dieckmann


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