Lisa Fabrizio
By Lisa Fabrizio
May 26, 2011

Much has been made about Barack Obama and his outrageous stance on Israel. His demand that she revert to her 1967 borders thereby relinquishing lands won in battle is just the latest puzzling foreign policy position of our president. You'd think that the outright disdain with which others in his party view Israel, would cool relations between them and Jews.

Indeed, many have noted with disgust the fact that American Jews will continue to vote Democratic no matter who or what kind of candidates are foisted upon them. Try this from the folks over at the National Jewish Democratic Council, who have actually released a statement praising the president's stance on Israel which, of course, blames the dustup on his "political enemies" who:

    [D]o a disservice to our relationship with Israel by fear mongering, spreading half-truths and allowing false statements to go uncorrected. They foment fear and conspiratorial thoughts within our community and drive media reports around the world which cast a doubt on the most significant and important truth about America's relationship with Israel: This President and the United States stands decidedly with Israel.

But this not only a Jewish phenomenon. Many other groups have their apron strings tied to the donkeys for various and sundry reasons, many of which are troubling but not hard to understand; in view of decades of liberal mischief, that is.

Union members, those otherwise patriotic Americans — who foam at the mouth at the very mention of the name of Ronald Reagan — are only now seeing the devastation wrought on their jobs by the cannibalistic nature of their socialistic organizations, which suck the lifeblood of both industry and their fellow citizens. The result? Less jobs and more misery.

Catholics, the great number of whom came to this country as poor laborers and were therefore the prey of union organizers, have been so convinced that their best interests lie with Democrats, that they have, in many cases, betrayed their own faith; one that up to a few years ago, has never been in conflict with the laws or policies of America. The fact that most of those who support the party of abortion are not practicing Catholics who attend weekly Mass, is, to say the least, significant.

Today's women have been sold down the river by their big sister feminists into believing that disdaining the roles of wife and mother — through abortions of convenience and hatred and distrust of men — will somehow set them free. The sad fact is, that the so-called party of women and children has, at its core, a non-negotiable commitment to destroying the family unit, the basis of their protection since time began.

Blacks are perhaps even more ill-used by Democrats than any other people in this country. For years they have been encouraged not to assimilate into mainstream American culture; that to do so would be a sellout, that they would not be "down for the cause." What is this cause? Well, if you read between the lines of liberal race hustlers, both black and white, it seems to indicate that perpetual victimhood will have a payoff; someday in the distant future for blacks, and every November for the Democrats.

So what is it about these folks that keeps the majority of them firmly pulling the lever for Democrat candidates? Well, one part of leftist strategy is to continuously pound home the idea that the average conservative is a gun-owning, evangelical Christian and/or rich white male, thereby suggesting that identification with them would be tantamount to abandoning one's own. And this has worked pretty well for them for years, except that the truth is, the GOP is more representative of the true diversity of Americans; ones that can think for themselves, that is.

The leading lights of the party currently include Catholics, Speaker of the House John Boehner and the architect of economic reform, Paul Ryan; Jewish House Majority Leader Eric Cantor; two potential female presidential candidates, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann as well as current GOP frontrunner, Herman Cain, who is black.

That these seemingly divergent groups can overlap in the conservative movement is no accident. Those who seek a better life through capitalism, who love our founding values and largely want to be left alone by the government, are legion in America and not constrained by demographics. It is vitally important to note that there is no leftist equivalent to the Tea Party Movement.

According to polls, there are many more conservatives in America than liberals, but the majority of the country still defines itself as middle-of-the-road. And it is to them that we must take the message: no matter what your station in life, you are an American with access to the dreams and values that made this country great. The last election proved that they are reachable when conditions get bad enough; but when will enough be enough?

© Lisa Fabrizio


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Lisa Fabrizio

Lisa Fabrizio is a freelance columnist from Stamford, Connecticut. You may write her at


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