Donald Hank
The latest fake story from US intel
By Donald Hank
December 22, 2016

The latest MSM reports about the supposed Russian hacking are all focused on a side issue and their aim is to deceive you through a subtle ruse.

A prime example is the report of a new statement by the sneaky intel director, who sounds as if he is on Trump's side but if you read the below-linked article, you see he is still pretending the Russians have been proven to be the hackers responsible for the DNC email leaks. This news of the slightly modified statement is being reported enthusiastically by naive conservatives who fail to notice that the main part of the fake narrative is still in place, namely, the fake story that the Russians were proven to have done the hacking. I showed yesterday, based on the flimsy justifications they gave for their ant-Russian narrative, that they absolutely have no evidence against Russia. Their stated "evidence" reflects the exact same tactic used by a UK "court" (which was not really a court of law) that did an investigation of Litvinienko's death and after a lengthy probe, finally issued the verdict that Litvienienko was "probably" murdered by Putin. Guess what? There is no such thing as a verdict of "probably" in the jurisprudence of any country in the world! They might as well have simply said "we really really want to believe it was Putin because we hate his guts since he refuses to bow to the Washington hegemon."

The reporters and the politicians they quote are all still speaking as if the Russians definitely did the hack but are conceding only a minor point – ie, that they may not have affected the election. Yet the allegation that the Russians did it is not proven, not even close. The most likely version is that the hack was an inside job while the entire MSM is pushing the story that it was the Russians.

But now, they are focusing on whether the hacking affected the elections, and the new fake story will be that, well, yes, the Russians did it and this is proven (it's not, of course, as I have shown) but we can't prove that it affected the elections or that the Russians wanted to affect the elections. This is a more sneaky way of lying to the public and if the public falls for it, the elites win.

This new fake story makes the Establishment seem fair even though in reality they are still the same old deceivers, perpetrating a fraud for which they should be indicted in a court of law.

So why are they doing this? Because their main objective is no longer to un-elect Trump (they'd like to but can't) but rather to discredit the Russians so that Trump cannot fully implement his plan to establish good relations with them. They will falsely claim that Putin has deceived a good-hearted but naive Trump.

This way the Neocons and Neo-liberals think they can continue to smear Putin and Assad and continue with their plans to destroy Syria and the rest of the Middle East, including the few Christians who are left. Because they expect the public to buy the story that Russia did do the hacking but that the hacking did not necessarily affect the election.

The only way this despicable plan can be thwarted is for the public not to buy this nonsense.

You can help by forwarding this article, including my article proving that the accusers do not have a case against Russia:

Meanwhile, while the intel agencies and their partners in the DNC have no evidence at all to back up their fairy-tale about Russian hackers, according to the WSJ, the state of Georgia has solid evidence – namely, a US government IP address left at the hack site – that does prove the US government hacked their voter data base. Now that's evidence. And that is the MO of our current government.

© Donald Hank


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Donald Hank

Until July of 2009, Don Hank was operating a technical translation agency out of his home in Wrightsville, PA. He is now retired and residing in Panama with his wife and daughter.

A former language teacher, he holds an undergraduate degree in French and German from Millersville State University (PA), a Master's degree in Russian language and literature from Kutztown State College (also in PA), has studied Chinese for 3 years in Taiwan at the Mandarin Training Center, and is self-taught in other languages, having logged a total of 8 years abroad in total immersion situations.

He is also the founder of Lancaster-York Non-Custodial Parents, a volunteer organization that provides Christian counseling for non-custodial parents.


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