Cynthia A. Janak
Gardasil Girls give the silent faces of autism a voice -- again
By Cynthia A. Janak
March 4, 2009

During the last few months I have not been writing many articles because of my research into the causes of the side-effects the Gardasil Girls are having. I must say that this mission to find the reason behind all the life changing suffering these girls are experiencing has really opened my eyes.

The other reason is that I have been interviewed by Leslie Botha on KRFC FM out of Fort Collins, CO. several times because of my ongoing research. The responses to these shows have been well received by both the Gardasil community and the Autism community. Leslie Botha and I are also getting positive communication from individuals in the medical community in regards to my findings.

On Monday, February 16th, I was able to show direct relationships between the Gardasil Girls, Autism and brain damage via VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Report System) and personal stories. The similarities in symptoms that have been reported are staggering. You are able to listen to the entire show on my website.

Now, before I continue I want to say that my research is not rocket science people. It is all on the web for you to find it. YOU do not need to have a PhD, MD or any other consonants after your name. I am just a lay person looking for the truth and guess what; I found it and you can too.

What I am going to do today is debunk the theory that "Autism and testosterone levels in the womb possible link."

This story is reported in Medical News Today.

Article Date: 19 Apr 2004–0:00 PST

Professor Baron-Cohen said: "Those who had a high level of testosterone also found it more difficult to fit into new social groups." Cohen was speaking at the British Psychological Society's annual meeting. He also commented that the children whose mothers had high levels of testosterone in their wombs were less curious than the other kids (whose mothers did not).

After my last radio interview two facts jumped out from my research. One is that Autism strikes more boys than girls 4 out of 5 and Gardasil Girls adverse reactions depended on activity level and if they were athletic.

I know you are wondering what the two have in common. The one common factor is the level of testosterone. The majority of the Gardasil Girls were high achievers and very athletic. Many participated in more than one sport, had high GPA's (grade point average) and very competitive. Here are a few comments taken from a message board that I am a member of.

"Like so many of your daughters, Sheila was a good student, an athlete, a volunteer for hospice and our church, a social butterfly, and always involved in something or another. At high school graduation, she was on top of the world. She was headed to college; she had been recruited for and was going to play volleyball;"

"Nora was an honor roll student her entire high school career, a 3 sport athlete until her senior year where she only played basketball and softball. She was named all academic-all conference for each sport she played."

"My daughter, who is 14, rec'd her first vaccination on 10/07. She has always been healthy, very athletic, and very energetic."

"My entire story is a long and depressing one, but to make things short, I was a perfectly healthy, happy, and athletic fifteen year old girl a year ago and now i can hardly get out of bed."

"active 12-year-old little girl named Brittany ... she once had dreams of earning an athletic scholarship,"

"Jessica (like Brittany) was an active, athletic girl"

"Nineteen-year-old young lady named Brooke Petkevicius ... She was also an active young woman who was preparing to run in a marathon and was a straight-A student with a long list of accomplishments."

"I thought I was losing my mind when my healthy, athletic daughter started having seizures. "

"My daughter holly was an athletic, health nut before the Gardasil."

Here are comments about two autistic children. I wish I could have found more personal stories but these parents have enough to handle with their autistic children as evidenced on the February 16th show when John was interviewed about his Autistic son.

"I also know Dylan is very athletic, is this common?"

"Communication is his enemy," is the way Vincent Del-Cid of Bayside, Jonathan's running coach and, during long-distance training jaunts, his fleet-of-foot singing partner ("Old MacDonald" is their theme song), summarizes his protégé's social skills. Virtually nonexistent. But it turns out his athletic ability is off the charts."

"The New York City Marathon, Jonathan aced it Nov. 2 on his first attempt in 4 hours 49 minutes 20 seconds, including timeouts for a slight tantrum at Mile 22 (he refused to drink his PowerGel beverage), a slight leg cramp at Mile 23 (payback for not hydrating) and a slight fumble near the finish line (he paused to wave and scream and applaud himself when he caught sight of his tearful mother, Olga, in the bleachers). "

Here is a little tidbit that I found that will help to pull this together for you.

Spatial ability and autism

© 2003 Paul Cooijmans

Hans Asperger, who discovered the disorder named after him, formulated the idea that autism is an extreme form of masculinity. Currently, this theory is being researched by Simon Baron-Cohen and others. Baron-Cohen gives impressive evidence for the theory, and names genetic differences and prenatal testosterone levels as possible causes of the extreme male brain [2, 3]. High testosterone levels give higher risk of autism, Baron-Cohen thinks. Proof of this is still being sought.

Behavioral Dr. David Childers believes the problem is in the gap between spatial and language brain development.

Dr. David Childers is a neurodevelopmental pediatrician at the University of Florida College of Medicine. "The average person in our country has a gap of between five and ten points between their spatial language abilities."

The average gap in a person with autism is 60 points.

"Proof is still being sought." When this was written in 2003 Merck was still testing Gardasil so the proof was not available to make the connection to testosterone levels and the susceptibility level someone is to vaccine brain damage.

Now with the Gardasil Girls I am able to prove that higher levels of testosterone, is one of the possible reasons for vaccine brain damage. (I was able to prove this possible link to brain damage in my radio interview of January 19th and Dr. Mark Flannery during his interview on February 2nd, discussed the immune system and how it could be compromised.)

What I am going to reference next is an analysis that was done about "Testosterone Levels and Athletes."

Athletes' Testosterone Levels by Sports Team: An Exploratory Analysis

An Exploratory Analysis

Mark R. Pillay
Simon Fraser University
© Mark R. Pillay 2006

In males, testosterone is produced primarily by the testes, with minor amounts secreted by the adrenal glands (Gray, Telford, & Weidmann, 1992); in females, testosterone is produced in the ovaries, with some production also occurring in the adrenal glands (Kraemer et al., 2001).

... questions regarding the participants sleep/wake cycles were asked in order to gain insight into their circadian rhythms. It has been well recognized that testosterone is characterized by a diurnal rhythm with highest levels in morning and nadir in the late afternoon (Diver, Imtiaz, Ahmad, Vora, & Fraser, 2002). Descriptions of participants sleep/wake cycles were addressed in order to protect against inconsistent results that may be obtained from differing circadian rhythms. Studies with women have shown that testosterone levels are elevated around the middle of the menstrual cycle (Hedricks, Piccinino, Udry, & Dawood, 1987). Therefore, female participants were asked questions pertaining to their menstrual cycle status.

A strong positive correlation was observed between testosterone and MRT scores for the female participants. This finding supports previous studies by Gouchie and Kimura (1991) that claim that in females, higher testosterone levels are associated with higher performance on spatial tasks. Although no significant finding was observed in the spatial performance for the male athletes, the testing conditions in which the MRT was administered for both sexes was not optimal.


There does appear to be a trend that athletes in explosive/aggressive sports tend to have higher testosterone levels. In support of this finding, both men's and women's wrestlers had the highest mean testosterone levels in comparison to the other sports utilized in this study.

The data obtained from the spatial abilities component of this study support previous findings that higher testosterone levels in females enhance performance on spatial abilities tasks. The data obtained from the male participants however is inconclusive in this study as the testing conditions in which the MRT was administered had a number of distractible influences.

I am going to say this again. This is not rocket science people and it just totally baffles me why these PhD types just don't get it.

What we know is that Autism affects more boys than girls and the PhD types blame testosterone. The Gardasil Girls were all athletic and high achievers. We know that athletes have higher testosterone levels.

"Dr. David Childers believes the problem is in the gap between spatial and language brain development." "Higher testosterone levels in females enhance performance on spatial abilities tasks."

If you put together what we know now and this is not rocket science you will see that the level of testosterone is the trigger to brain damage caused by vaccines at any age. I believe brain damage because the brain is affected in such a way that the person regresses or has problems with spatial tasks.

So basically in my opinion, testosterone is a reason for brain damage due to chemicals in vaccines. I believe this because the Gardasil Girls are well past any conditions that could have been of influence in the womb. The other factor that is very important here is that these girls have been vaccinated before with no adverse events.

The final conclusion here is that the chemicals in the vaccines, in my opinion, seem to target anyone with an elevated testosterone level at any point in their lives. Therefore, checking for testosterone levels in the womb is not relevant. In my opinion, all this is going to do is cause more unnecessary abortions because women will be afraid to have a baby with Autism. To me this is nothing more than fear mongering and trying to shift the cause of Autism away from the truth, brain damage.

The one thing that I have found of interest while researching this topic is that the HPV vaccine is targeting high achieving females with high GPA scores. The future female leaders, in my opinion, are being culled. I find this insulting and unsettling.

Because of this additional research it is my opinion that until vaccines can be created to be safe for all of the population testing needs to be done to find the children with elevated testosterone levels. I also believe that the present vaccination program needs to be modified drastically to prevent any future brain damage to these children.

© Cynthia A. Janak


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Cynthia A. Janak

Cynthia Janak is a freelance journalist, mother of three, foster mother of one, grandmother of five, business owner, Chamber of Commerce member... (more)


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