Frances Kelly column
Frances Kelly is a conservative who lives and writes in the liberal land of Vermont. She writes for Homegriddle and Conjugality

Shocking audio emerges of radio host telling young gay man to kill himself
Frances Kelly
November 3, 2012

Radio talk show host Michelangelo Signoreli tells a young gay man named Wes to go kill himself because he voted for Mitt . . .

Supporting a child's right to mom and dad is 'bigoted bile against gays'?
Frances Kelly
October 31, 2012

Since when was supporting a child's right to have a mother and a father "bigoted bile against gays"? Since gay rights activists said so. This shows how . . .

Warning: Don't fall for the religious protection ruse in same sex marriage laws
Frances Kelly
October 26, 2012

Marriage supporters run ads showing business owners sued and employees fired for supporting natural marriage. So advocates of redefining marriage in Maine, . . .

New York lesbians sue for gay wedding: Do homosexuals have the right to force their beliefs on businesses?
Frances Kelly
October 25, 2012

Do people who believe sexual orientation is more important than gender have the right to impose their beliefs on business owners? The Blaze: "Two New York . . .

'Gay and proud' man bullies pregnant black woman and Chinese-American grandmother in hate crime about same-sex marriage
Frances Kelly
October 18, 2012

For years gay rights activists have asked, "How will same-sex marriage affect your marriage?" as if it is only their own relationships that will be effected. . . .

Same-sex marriage isn't enough: 'I want to have babies the way straight people do'
Frances Kelly
October 5, 2012

Redefining marriage won't satisfy gay rights activists; they want to redefine reality. Segregating genders in marriage to suit the sexual attractions of less . . .

Gay marriage ads: The guys we need to convince are 'still the ones who say that gays are gross'
Frances Kelly
September 29, 2012

The dilemma: How to convince people to vote for same-sex marriage when they believe "gays are gross." In the battle to legalize gender segregation in . . .

Rhode Island public school bans father-daughter dance after ACLU complaint
Frances Kelly
September 19, 2012

Public schools in Cranston, Rhode Island can no longer enjoy their traditional father-daughter and mother-son dances after the American Civil Liberties Union . . .

Is it a war against women or war against children?
Frances Kelly
September 9, 2012

As Tim Shaughnessy notes on Catholic Vote, the Democrats' mantra "war against women" is actually code for their war against . . .

Catholic innkeepers fined $30,000 and lose wedding business for not hosting reception for gender-segregated couple
Frances Kelly
August 25, 2012

What's the price for defending gender-integrated marriage? How much did it cost a Vermont business to live out its faith? The answer: $30,000. Two . . .

What gay rights activists don't want you to read: Vital testimony from man raised by two moms
Frances Kelly
August 10, 2012

Writer and assistant professor of English, Robert Lopez was raised by his mother and her female partner. His story about growing up without the gender cues most . . .

America's marriage choice: Sodomy or moms?
Frances Kelly
August 3, 2012

Sex advice columnist Dan Savage demeans women when he says they sh** babies. Savage is lauded as a spokesman for the gay community and goes to the White House . . .

Same-sex marriage is anti-gender marriage
Frances Kelly
August 2, 2012

If we redefine marriage to include same-gender couples, we're saying there is no important difference between the partnership of two men, and the union of one . . .

The courage to come out from under the GLBT umbrella
Frances Kelly
July 24, 2012

If you believe the gay agenda and same-sex marriage are all about love and commitment, meet Dawn Stefanowicz who wrote about her experiences growing up in the . . .

CAAP disagrees with NAACP over same sex marriage
Frances Kelly
July 13, 2012

The Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) protested the NAACP's endorsement of anti-gender marriage at its annual conference in Houston. Huffington . . .

Episcopal Church blesses gender segregation in families
Frances Kelly
July 11, 2012

The war on gender continues... *Director of BGLTQ student life at Harvard College opposes "gendered pronouns" *U.S. House Democrats support abortions . . .

Google's 'Legalise Love' campaign: love, civil unions, same-sex marriage?
Frances Kelly
July 10, 2012

Google claims their 'Legalise Love' campaign is not about same-sex marriage. Google's push for LGBT rights and "full equality" isn't about same-sex marriage? . . .

Genderkiller: Harvard College
Frances Kelly
July 8, 2012

One of America's most elite colleges made a gender blunder. When announcing the appointment of Vanidy "Van" Bailey as the first permanent director of bisexual, . . .

Frances Kelly
July 5, 2012

Do you suffer from homoffendia? Homoffendia: the rational fear of inadvertently offending a person with same-sex attraction by saying something scandalous . . .

Happy Mother's Day when you have two dads!
Frances Kelly
May 13, 2012

To celebrate Mother's Day, Huffington Post seeks stories from LGBT kids about their moms: "So, in honor of Mother's Day 2012, HuffPost Gay Voices will be . . .

Which came first: the SSM wedge or NOM?
Frances Kelly
March 29, 2012

Answer: The wedge was already there. Same-sex marriage activists are disturbed that the National Organization for Marriage reached out to enlist the help of . . .

Why we defend marriage
Frances Kelly
March 16, 2012

"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him but, because he loves what is behind him." G. K. Chesterton Marriage is pro-gender, pro . . .

From Octomom to MomMinusOne, is sex in America too 'consumerish'?
Frances Kelly
August 12, 2011

We buy pornography, we buy sex, we choose sperm donors, eggs, fertilized embryos, pregnancy tests, and genetic tests. Then we pay for tubal ligations, selective . . .

Who is the hoax: Live Action or Planned Parenthood?
Frances Kelly
February 21, 2011

Live Action released a series of videos of Planned Parenthood staff giving advice to a man posing as a sex worker. The tapes show PP clinic workers not only . . .

What's the difference between accused killers Jared Loughner and Kermit Gosnell?
Frances Kelly
February 12, 2011

Jared Loughner and Kermit Gosnell both made the news recently for killing people. Loughner, age 22, killed 6 and injured 13 in a shooting spree in Tucson, AZ.  . . .

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