Sylvia Thompson
A prediction for activist homosexuals
By Sylvia Thompson
November 30, 2013

I recently read that eight homosexuals moved to Tennessee to wage an assault on the citizens of this state. These homosexuals have filed a federal lawsuit requesting that a federal judge force Tennessee to accept their so-called marriages, granted in other states. A sizeable majority (81 to 19 percent) of Tennesseans voted to maintain the institution of marriage as between one man and one woman. (See online article on the subject by Barbara Hollingsworth, posted November 21, 2013.) The voters' definition of marriage is as Almighty God ordained it to be, and as it has been throughout millennia of human existence.

Essentially a federal judge has been asked to annul arbitrarily a state constitutional amendment approved by four-fifths of Tennessee voters, per the article.

This assault is occurring in other states, as well. The legal action is a direct result of the detrimental ruling by a majority of Supreme Court justices to scuttle the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Although principally striking down DOMA, the Court ruling did not address state laws that do not recognize same-sex marriage. Therefore, intolerant activist homosexuals are following their play book of intimidation and legal bullying to force their will.

It is my fervent hope that the Tennessee Attorney General, unlike his California counterpart and the United States Attorney General (Eric Holder), will do what he is legally bound to do and defend the constitution of the State of Tennessee. I moved to Tennessee from California to be rid of lawless rule by the Left.

Beyond the overbearing hubris of homosexual activists and their liberal and libertarian supporters, there lies a degree of ignorance that just may be their undoing. No matter how vicious, vile and intolerant activists may be and no matter how much of the country they silence through fear of reprisals from a currently corrupt and degenerate federal government, they will never, and I stress never, frighten enough people to accept the lies that they disseminate.

Among those lies is the notion that science proves homosexual behavior is inbred, as is race. If this lie were settled science, that science would be debunked by the thousands of people who have abandoned homosexual lifestyles. They, for any number of reasons, recognize the behavior as aberrant and unhealthy, and they have sought help to change that behavior. Especially do homosexuals leave the lifestyle when they realize that the God of the Bible, who created sex and sexuality, will never accept their behavior (contrary to what some so-called Christian leaders tell them).

Another telling factor in the lie of inherited homosexuality (essentially, God-made homosexuality) is how concerted the effort is to intimidate and threaten those homosexuals who choose not to continue the lifestyle.

Why the intense and demeaning vilification of those who want no part of homosexuality anymore? People who have been so deeply scarred emotionally, often times by sexual abuse when they are defenseless children, want and need help to overcome serious psychological and emotional conditions. Why not allow that choice? Why the demonization of and rush to silence those brave groups and medical professionals who have helped successfully in the past and want to continue assisting troubled individuals? Such groups as the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), to which many have appealed and received help.

If the "homosexuality is set in stone" mantra had any truth to it, there would be no need for this noxious behavior on the part of activists and their supporters.

The most galling of the lies for me, a black person, is the equally ridiculous notion that homosexuality is comparable to being genetically black. Activists envision that their push to force their behavior upon society is no different from the civil rights movement for American blacks. I cannot begin to describe the disgust that this position engenders in me, and many other blacks, because being black is not a behavior. Blacks who oppose this lie know that it is simply one of the Left's many political agendas aimed at the destruction of civil society.

So, this is my prediction. As homosexual activists ignore the individual rights of a majority of Americans (never mind the bogus poll numbers to the contrary) and move steadily to outlaw Judeo-Christianity as the primary impediment to their unbridled hedonism, resentment against them will rise. What they seem not to comprehend or simply choose not to (that underlying ignorance mentioned earlier), is that at some point, the resentment will erupt into action. More likely violent action against them, because they foment hatred. Just as race mongering engenders hatred of blacks where such hatred otherwise would not occur.

Further, as they nullify law in their attempts to bring America to heel, eventually law will mean nothing. And lawlessness against a miniscule segment of society will not be pretty (one to, at best, three percent, contrary to the equally bogus research that says ten percent). All the exaggerated claims of homosexual persecution (recall the Matthew Shepard scam) will pale in comparison to the actual physical assaults likely to occur. If homosexual bullying (aided and abetted by the Left and the corrupt administration that bolsters the movement) continues at its current pace, such an eventuality is not at all out of the question.

Activists should take heed; chickens have a tendency to come home to roost.

© Sylvia Thompson


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Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson is a black conservative writer whose aim is to counter the liberal spin on issues pertaining to race and culture... (more)


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