Sylvia Thompson
Obama's destruction of the military is by design
By Sylvia Thompson
March 22, 2014

It is patently clear that the Obama administration and the Left have always intended to scuttle the military, and it is irritating to me that so many couch the intent as "social experimentation." Yes, the means of turning the greatest fighting force on the globe into a third-world look-alike is through feigned social equity, but the ultimate goal is to destroy the organization. That fact should not be soft-pedaled.

Women who are ill-equipped to be fighters because they lack the physical characteristics that provide for masculine strength; homosexuals, whose primary focus is sexual sodomy; and way too many people who join the military for government benefits do not make for a quality fighting force. A weak military is a useless military, and the Left is well-aware of this fact.

None of the rot that has infiltrated America's military ranks would be quite so abominable if it had been allowed to happen to a less stellar fighting force. I emphasize allowed to happen, because very few supposedly conservative groups have lifted a finger against the Administration's assaults – from tying soldiers' hands during combat to persecuting Christian members. When Obama and the Democrats (with the help of Republican Scott Brown and a few other Republican Senators) forced an acceptance of open homosexuality in the armed forces, few noted conservatives gave support to the Center for Military Readiness (CMR) and Elaine Donnelly, President, who was the voice of reason on behalf of the rank and file.

It was fully known by all involved that the majority of military personnel opposed the removal of the ban on open homosexuality in the military, because it jeopardizes their safety, health, and freedom of conscience. The CMR provided statistics to prove the danger of that twisted decision (, but so-called "conservative" forces scarcely made a peep.

There was nothing from the likes of Fox News (the so-called "conservative" news outlet), nor anything of substance from conservative groups or religious organizations, who knew full well that lifting the ban would sound the death knell of the United States military. Everybody was running scared from activist homosexuals and their leftist and Libertarian supporters, just as they turned tail and ran from rabid feminists back when that group insisted on the integration of women into male units.

After imploring my conservative contacts to fight the madness, because the troops needed our support, I was told by a conservative male friend that the military was so ordered that they would keep things in check. Yeah, sure. Homosexual assaults on males are up since the ban was removed, in the same way that rapes and pregnancies went up when feminists forced the integration of women into the all-male ranks.*

Women, by the way, have always served valiantly in the military, but back when sanity reigned, they were in their own units – remember the WAC, the WAF, and the WAVES? I do. Back then, America had a great military with little of the messiness that ensues when degeneracy and perversion are heartily embraced to appease the minority position.

When the Democrats, the Left, and a few elitist Republicans were lying through their teeth about there being no harm to lifting the ban against open homosexuality in the military – a ban that had held since Washington's Continental Army – I was irritatingly puzzled at the lack of male voices joining this lone woman, Donnelly, at the forefront of fighting for America's military.

We know that the rank and file cannot speak out against the politically appointed civilian leaders who direct the military. These unprincipled, power-seeking leaders have seldom been supportive of the fighting forces; their aim has always been to climb the ranks and pander to the political class that appoints them. And our current political class is one rotten bunch. But I certainly expected former and retired military men to speak up forcefully for those enlisted members, when it might have mattered.

Only now, after permanent harm has been done and Obama has turned his attention to getting rid of top generals, are voices being raised. F. Michael Maloof wrote a telling article for the March 2014 issue of Whistleblower magazine (, which features military leaders who have been removed for sundry (likely trumped-up) reasons. These men give their assessments of what is happening to what was once the greatest military on the globe.

In the article, Major General Paul Vallely (retired) states that "political correctness" has permeated the military and is negatively affecting everyone from top generals to the ranks of the enlisted. Some of the affected officers are taking legal action against the government, and I hope that more will follow suit. One Senior Master Sgt. Philip Monk was relieved of his position for refusing to agree with the homosexual agenda of his commanding officer, herself a homosexual. Major Vallely added that the planned agenda is to squash any dialogue in the ranks on any issue on which Obama's administration disagrees.

The destruction is reaching into the elite forces, as well. These forces have heretofore escaped female and homosexual influences, but that is changing. In an article posted at the Web site, March 17, 2014, Greg Corombos points out that the Obama administration endangered perhaps the best known unit of the elite Navy SEALs, SEAL Team Six. Team Six is the group that successfully targeted and killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011.

Corombos speculates that the public revealing of the SEALs' role in the mission may be the reason that many of them are now dead. Instead of shielding the identity of the men, Vice President Joe Biden publicly identified them just two days after the raid. (Read more at The obvious ineptitude of Joe Biden may indicate that this action was simply the result of his limited intelligence. But I would not rule out a deliberate attempt to target these brave men for elimination. I put nothing past this lawless, gutless administration.

My personal disgust with these circumstances is not just that the military and so many other solid American institutions have been destroyed by Obama and the Democrat Left. What rankles me even more is the ease with which they have been allowed to do it. I am ashamed of the lack of will of so many Americans to fight for the members of the military when they cannot fight for themselves. And I simply do not comprehend the tepid response to an administration so obviously set on the complete destruction of this country.

Elaine Donnelly needs a heck of a lot more people with clout in her corner, in addition to everyday Americans. Conservatives need to grow spines when it comes to protecting the forces that have for so long protected us.


* From Center for Military Readiness Release (May 15, 2013): "Disregarding New Pentagon Report Tracking Soaring Sexual Assaults, DoD Plans to Extend Problems into Combat Arms"

The recent Report of the Defense Department Office of Sexual Assault and Prevention (SAPRO) chronicles a record of abject failure that is getting worse. Instead of pausing to seriously re-evaluate flawed policies, the Obama Administration is ordering the armed forces to extend escalating misconduct problems into "tip of the spear" combat arms units such as Army and Marine infantry and Special Operations Forces.

Data and graphs published in both volumes of the annual SAPRO Report for 2013 reveal disastrous consequences of many years of social experiments with human sexuality in our military. For example:

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  • Contrary to claims of success following repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," SAPRO charts showing gender breakdowns of completed investigations indicate that 12% of unrestricted reports and more than 13% of restricted reports were filed by men. (Vol. I, Exh. 17, p. 81 and Exh. 27, p. 88, which includes an additional 8% segment marked "gender data not available.")

  • In addition, Volume II of the SAPRO report, which presents "virtual" findings extrapolated from the Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Active-Duty members (WGRA), suggest that more men are victims of abuse than women are. Of the nearly 26,000 active-duty survey respondents, 6.1% of women and 1.2% of men said they had experienced sexual assault in the past year. (Vol. II, Fig. 6, p. 13) In an article titled "Sexual Assaults in Military Raise Alarms in Washington" (Jennifer Steinhauer, May 7, 2013) the New York Times concluded that in 2012, 12,100 of the 203,000 women on active-duty and 13,900 of the 1.2 million men on active-duty had experienced some form of sexual assault.
© Sylvia Thompson


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Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson is a black conservative writer whose aim is to counter the liberal spin on issues pertaining to race and culture... (more)


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