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August 11, 2015
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August 10, 2015
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Well! Well! Well! So this country does have a president who has finally found an "enemy" he can identify that seeks our nation's ultimate destruction. The name of that enemy -- (hold on; no coaching from the audience, please!)... (more)

August 10, 2015
Madison's cure for the 'mischiefs of faction'
ALAN KEYES — One of the keys to the human body's health appears to be its ability automatically to distinguish between things that are harmful and those that are not, and then act on the distinction in order to eliminate destructive organisms before their activity leads to critical damage... (more)

August 10, 2015
BARBARA KRALIS, RA ANALYST — Pope Francis' conciliatory language toward irregular sexual unions for the past two years has caused the fiercest fighting within the Catholic Church since Vatican II. These matters are the heart of the Church's infallible teachings on faith and morals... (more)

August 10, 2015
NBC NEWS — If Donald Trump's comments about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly are hurting his standing in the Republican primary, it's not showing in the numbers. According to the latest NBC News Online Poll conducted by SurveyMonkey, Trump is at the top of the list of GOP candidates that Republican primary voters would cast a ballot for if the primary were being held right now.... (more)

August 9, 2015
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina said she would shut down the federal government to ensure that Planned Parenthood does not continue to receive taxpayer funding "if it came to that."... (more)

August 9, 2015
NEWSMAX — Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee Saturday praised Democratic New York Sen. Chuck Schumer for saying that he would oppose President Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.... (more)

August 9, 2015
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — The sanctions regime President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry vowed to step up has already collapsed. The mullahs are already scooping up billions in unfrozen assets and new commerce, and they haven't even gotten the big payday yet.... (more)

August 9, 2015
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — A controversial Clinton adviser who faced penalties for conflicts of interests under President Bill Clinton was still assisting Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, despite the fact that his consulting firm was engaged in commercial activities in countries where she worked, emails show.... (more)

August 9, 2015
GREG COROMBOS — The Obama administration is moving forward with a new environmental rule requiring power plants to drastically reduce carbon emissions, a policy President Obama says will work on health and economic issues.... (more)

August 9, 2015
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — A trove of IRS emails show top official Lois Lerner had a deep commitment to the Democratic Party and a significant dislike for the new conservative grassroots groups that formed under the Tea Party banner and sought tax-exempt status from the agency.... (more)

August 8, 2015
WASHINGTON TIMES — Was the first GOP debate about the candidates, or about Fox News, which presented the event on Thursday night? It could be about the network. The two-hour political extravaganza pulled in 24 million viewers according to initial Nielsen ratings numbers -- breaking the all-time record for a non-sports cable event.... (more)

August 8, 2015
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Todd Starnes, a Fox News commentator and radio host, thinks his network's Republican presidential debate was framed to bring down Donald Trump.... (more)

August 8, 2015
BRYAN FISCHER — The subject of rape, incest and life of the mother as exceptions to bans on abortion came up at last night's GOP presidential debate, and moderator Megyn Kelly proved to be dangerously wrong on this issue.... (more)

August 7, 2015
GARTH KANT AND CHELSEA SCHILLING — In what could be the biggest and most unusual Republican presidential primary debate in U.S. history, millions of Americans tuned in Thursday evening to see if Donald Trump would level the playing field with a classic Trumpster-style smackdown.... (more)

August 7, 2015

August 7, 2015
NEWSMAX — Donald Trump opened the first Republican presidential debate Thursday by refusing to support the eventual GOP nominee for the White House, then dominated the evening by slamming fellow candidate Rand Paul, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and even taking a shot at liberal celebrity Rosie O'Donnell.... (more)

August 7, 2015
NEWSMAX — First, the Donald. He showed his style and his charisma. He took punches and showed that he can shake them off without effect. He showed that he is a totally different kind of candidate and that he squarely addresses the need for competence, strength, and leadership. He was hit on his quotes and he came back saying we had more important things to do than play political correctness. His business activities?... (more)

August 7, 2015
NEWSMAX — Billionaire Donald Trump is the winner of the Drudge Report Poll taken following the first Republican presidential debate. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz came in second place in the online poll of more than 190,000 Drudge Report visitors, which was taken directly following the debate on Thursday night. The poll only included the candidates who participated in the Fox News debate with the top 10 candidates.... (more)

August 7, 2015
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Donald Trump said he ideally would want the United States to have a single-payer healthcare system such as that in Scotland or Canada, but it wouldn't work in the U.S. because of state borders.... (more)

August 7, 2015
NEWSMAX — Sen. Chuck Schumer said Thursday night he'll oppose the nuclear deal worked out by the United States and five other world powers with Iran.... (more)

August 7, 2015
ART MOORE — As Iran and its nuclear agreement with the U.S. undergo scrutiny in Congress, the Obama administration is in the bizarre position of acting as an agent for the mullah-led regime, contended Middle East specialist Caroline Glick in a briefing Thursday on Capitol Hill.... (more)

August 7, 2015
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER — The latest Quinnipiac poll shows that the American public rejects the president's Iran deal by more than 2-to-1. This is astonishing. The public generally gives the president deference on major treaties. Just a few weeks ago, a majority supported the deal.... (more)

August 7, 2015
NEWSMAX — Alabama's Republican Gov. Robert Bentley is choking off funds for Planned Parenthood under Medicaid, the third state to move against the organization amid a controversy over the group's sale of fetal tissue.... (more)

August 7, 2015
BOB UNRUH — In response to the release of an ongoing series of devastating undercover videos revealing Planned Parenthood executives haggling over prices to charge for baby body parts and the best ways of aborting unborn children to preserve the most valuable organs, the beleaguered organization's president has repeatedly lashed out at the pro-life group behind the videos, the Center for Medical Progress.... (more)

August 7, 2015
NEWSMAX — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is doubling down on his promise not to allow a government shutdown on his watch, not even on the issue of defunding Planned Parenthood.... (more)

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