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July 26, 2019
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July 26, 2019
Fighting for injured workers' rights
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — On June 7, 2019, Callan called the Utah Appellate Clerks' Office with a procedural question and learned that critical information a clerk had previously given him was inaccurate, due to a rule change. The office told him he therefore needed to email an important document to the Utah Supreme Court by midnight that evening or his appeal would be over.... (more)

July 25, 2019
Former special counsel 'clearly did not want to be on Capitol Hill'; he was there only because Nadler made him
BRYAN FISCHER — One could almost feel sorry for Robert Mueller, whose reputation as a man of unimpeachable integrity and straight-shooting law man burned to the ground in front of him during his testimony before Congress. He appeared frail, uncertain, and feeble. He simply was not up to the challenge. He fumbled simple questions, paused awkwardly on numerous occasions, and repeatedly made it clear that he was almost completely unfamiliar with his own report.... (more)

July 25, 2019
‘Can you repeat the question, sir?’
GRABIEN — Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller frequently appeared confused during his much-anticipated Capitol Hill testimony Wednesday. Mueller, who is often celebrated in the media for laser-like thinking, had to ask lawmakers to regularly repeat their questions, seemingly struggling to pay attention. At other points, Mueller got confused about whether the members of Congress were asking him questions or if they were reading from his own report. In just the first 90 minutes of the hearing, Mueller needed help understanding questions more than 10 times.... (more)

July 25, 2019
WASHINGTON TIMES — Robert Mueller made it just minutes into the questions from Congress Wednesday before Republicans drew blood, trapping the former special counsel over his familiarity with his own 448-page report. Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, asked a seemingly easy question about whether "collusion" and "conspiracy" were essentially the same. Mr. Mueller said that wasn't necessarily true.... (more)

July 25, 2019
REAL CLEAR POLITICS — Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) presses former Special Counsel Robert Mueller on the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation. Jordan says maybe a better course of action is to figure out how the false accusations started.... (more)

July 25, 2019
REAL CLEAR POLITICS — Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) admonished former special counsel Robert Mueller for not following the regulations by writing about decisions that weren't reached. From Wednesday's House Judiciary Committee hearing:... (more)

July 25, 2019
REAL CLEAR POLITICS — Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) asked former special counsel Robert Mueller several questions about Christopher Steele and the Steele dossier at today's House Judiciary Committee hearing. Mueller declined to answer Rep. Gaetz's repeated questions about the Steele dossier and often responded, "That's beyond my purview."... (more)

July 25, 2019
REAL CLEAR POLITICS — Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) gave a statement Wednesday at the beginning of the House Intelligence Committee hearing on Robert Mueller's Russia investigation. "There is collusion in plain sight. Collusion between Russia and the Democratic party," the ranking member said. "The Democrats colluded with Russian sources to develop the Steele dossier and Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya colluded with the dossier's key architect, Fusion GPS head Glenn Simpson."... (more)

July 25, 2019
‘Washington’s focus now shifts to the two investigations into the investigators’
NEW YORK POST — Among his talents, Donald Trump has a special gift for driving his detractors so crazy that they do really stupid stuff. The decision by Democrats to force Robert Mueller to testify before Congress is Exhibit A.... (more)

July 25, 2019
PROJECT VERITAS — "Are we going to just let the biggest tech companies decide who wins every election from now on?" Current Google insider goes public on bias. "It's time to decide, do we run the technology, or does the technology run us?"... (more)

July 24, 2019
SELWYN DUKE — It's easy to laugh at people such as Democrat Georgia state representative Erica Thomas and her anguish at being told, as she relates it, that she should "go back" to where she came from. That is, until it happens to you.... (more)

July 24, 2019
NEWSMAX — Boris Johnson, Britain's blustering Brexit campaigner, was chosen as the U.K.'s next prime minister Tuesday, with a resounding mandate from the Conservative Party but conflicting demands from a politically divided country.... (more)

July 24, 2019
NEWSMAX — Sens. Bill Cassidy, R-La., and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, are introducing a resolution to designate Antifa, a loose organization of anti-fascist groups, a domestic terrorist organization.... (more)

July 24, 2019
Described as 'unacceptable content'
WORLDNETDAILY — Many expressions of Christian belief have been censored by YouTube, which is owned by Google. But on Tuesday, even the word "Christian" ran afoul of the social-media giant. Chad Robichaux reported an ad for his ministry to veterans was rejected for including the word "Christian."... (more)

July 24, 2019
'The evidence is overwhelming'
WORLDNETDAILY — The watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a House Ethics complaint against Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., calling for a congressional investigation of allegations she married her brother in an immigration-fraud scheme.... (more)

July 23, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW — The percentage of Americans who cite immigration as the nation's "most important problem" has hit a record high as the Trump administration continues to struggle with an unprecedented influx of migrants streaming across the southern border.... (more)

July 22, 2019
SIENA HOEFLING — Justice Clarence Thomas recently said that all pro-life regulatory laws are useless in overturning Roe v. Wade. Not in so many words. But you may have heard that Justice Thomas joined progressives on the Supreme Court June 28, 2019, in refusing to hear a case on dismemberment abortions. In rejecting Harris v. West Alabama Women's Center, Justice Thomas laid out the reason behind his vote. Thomas said he denied certiorari because nothing about the case asked the Court to revisit its precedent.... (more)

July 22, 2019
REV. MARK H. CREECH — This week the Washington Examiner reported that Pastor Andrew Brunson said he was "astounded at the speed with which the U.S. is imploding" and that he predicts persecution of Christians will follow. Brunson is the evangelical Presbyterian missionary to Turkey who spent two years in a Turkish prison. He was falsely accused of being part of a failed coup attempt against that country's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The charges against Brunson resulting in his unjust imprisonment triggered a war of words and diplomatic struggles between Turkey and the U.S. government.... (more)

July 22, 2019
ANDREW MCCARTHY — The president can be very entertaining, but I don't pay much attention to political rallies, including his famously raucous ones. For the faithful, the rallies are fun spectacles, like rock concerts or ball games. I don't think they can be taken too seriously, except perhaps as a gauge of the president's support. Not in lieu of polls, but in conjunction. And with healthy skepticism: The polls have a history of undercounting Trump supporters, but the ardor of the Trump base on display at the rallies should not be confounded with national enthusiasm for the Trump presidency -- though it may signal more openness to it, especially in light of the increasingly radical alternative.... (more)

July 22, 2019
JOHN FUND — About every other year, I make it a point to stop by Netroots Nation, the annual gathering of thousands of progressive activists, to take the temperature of the American Left. One year, I was even invited to join a panel, and I enjoyed jousting with attendees while playing the role of piñata at their party.... (more)

July 22, 2019
SUSAN FERRECHIO — Democrats are hoping former special counsel Robert Mueller's July 24 testimony before Congress next week will provide the impetus needed to launch an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. Congress last week voted to table articles of impeachment against Trump.... (more)

July 22, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW — Leana Wen, the president of Planned Parenthood, was forced out of her job Tuesday.... (more)

July 22, 2019
NEWSMAX — Iran's ambassador to Britain warned against escalating tensions on Sunday as a UK official failed to rule out sanctions in response to Tehran's seizure of a British-flagged oil tanker. Britain has called Iran's capture of the Stena Impero in the Strait of Hormuz on Friday a "hostile act."... (more)

July 22, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — There will be furious embarrassment in the British government this evening over Iran's seizure of two British oil tankers today. One of those tankers is British-flagged, and the other is British-owned. Still, Iran has made a strategic miscalculation here.... (more)

July 22, 2019
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump said he is confident U.S. forces on Thursday shot down an Iranian drone off Iran's southern coast, after Iran denied losing any of its unmanned aircraft over the Gulf. "No doubt about it, no -- we shot it down," Trump said during an Oval Office ceremony Friday.... (more)

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