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February 2, 2021
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February 2, 2021
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA — Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

February 2, 2021
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

February 2, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID — In 1962, a former FBI agent by the name of Dan Smoot wrote a book about an "invisible government" running America. Decades later, FBI agents would become members of that invisible government and arrange a political surveillance operation directed at President Donald J. Trump. Only one of these corrupt officials, former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith, has been held accountable.... (more)

February 2, 2021
JOAN SWIRSKY — Quick question: What is most fanatical terrorist state in the world? Quick answer: According to a 2017 report----the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism is Iran. I go back to 2017 to remind readers that this report was issued by the new Trump administration's State Department and that it departed radically from the assessment of Barack Obama's State Department and the previous eight years of the Obama regime's starry-eyed infatuation with that terrorist state, to the degree that both Barack Obama and then-VP Joe Biden were enthusiastic co-architects of the Iran deal (aka the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action).... (more)

February 2, 2021
NEWSMAX — Democrats are seizing the Republicans' Electoral College objections and the storming of the Capitol, using the "lie" to grab "power," according to Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., on Sunday. "I think we need election reforms," Hawley told Fox News' "Life, Liberty & Levin." "I think we need to ban ballot harvesting. I think we need to take a hard look at how the mail in balloting was administered in many of these states, including Pennsylvania, which did not follow their own law."... (more)

January 31, 2021
YOUTUBE — Part 2: Sean Hannity's interview with John Paul Mac Isaac, the computer repair shop owner at the center of the Hunter Biden scandal, delves into the contents of what was on the laptop.... (more)

January 31, 2021
KTAR NEWS — Maricopa County will begin a forensic audit of its tabulation equipment on Tuesday, less than a week after voting to move forward with the process despite continued defense of the integrity of the 2020 election. The first of two independent firms will get underway with the audit at the Maricopa County Elections Department at 9 a.m., the department said in a press release.... (more)

January 31, 2021
16 states have ‘probable cause’ to conclude the 2020 election was fraudulent, even treasonous
PRESCOTT ENEWS — Intelligence and threat assessment specialist Dr. Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D., discusses the latest update regarding Arizona's planned forensic audit of Maricopa County's election procedures, including a forensic audit of Dominion voting machines, as mandated by the state senate, to be performed by cybersecurity expert Col. Phil Waldron. The audit will start Wednesday or Thursday and last about ten days. Rapacki predicts the fraud that is likely to be demonstrated will cause a domino effect in at least 16 other states.... (more)

January 30, 2021
EPOCH TIMES — A media company that operates several West Virginia newspapers is suing Google and Facebook for threatening the extinction of local newspapers across the country by their alleged anti-competitive business practices. HD Media Company this week filed a lawsuit asking a federal court to determine whether the two Silicon Valley companies had violated anti-trust laws. The lawsuit claims Google had unlawfully exercised monopoly power of the digital advertising market, which has prevented newspapers from competing in the market and losing their primary source of revenue.... (more)

January 30, 2021
SYRACUSE.COM — Republican Claudia Tenney increased her lead over Democrat Anthony Brindisi in New York's 22nd Congressional District race when more than 300 votes were salvaged after a mistake by Oneida County elections staff. Tenney is now ahead by 122 votes, up from 29 votes, in the race over Brindisi of 312,066 cast for the two candidates in the race.... (more)

January 29, 2021
AMERICAN GREATNESS — Republican Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is far more popular with Democrats and unaffiliated voters than he is in his own party, The Daily Caller reports. The 2012 Republican presidential nominee has an impressive 84 percent approval rating among Utah Democrats, while only a third of GOP voters approve of what he is doing.... (more)

January 29, 2021
CONSERVATIVE NEWS DAILY — The Board of Supervisors, who many believe are covering up election corruption due to their actions since the 2020 election, decided to pass on expert Jovan Pulitzer, who has a thorough and independent method to review the ballots and results. Instead, the Maricopa Board, after suing the Arizona Senate for ordering an audit be performed, eventually agreed to an audit but only if they could choose the auditors. The county officials then limited their choices to Pro V&V and SLI Compliance.... (more)

January 29, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — Growing evidence of advance planning and coordination of the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol undermines claims that the rioters were responding spontaneously to former President Trump's speech to supporters about a mile and a half away, according to legal and intelligence experts.... (more)

January 29, 2021
Enraged leftists blast Christian leader for saying he believes Trump
BOB UNRUH — An activist group accusing former President Trump, Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and evangelist Franklin Graham of "inciting the attack on the U.S. Capitol" is urging board members of the two ministries Graham leads to fire him. Board members of Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association ndash; for which Graham serves as president and CEO ndash; are the targets of a petition drive by the group Faithful America.... (more)

January 29, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — Twitter is continuing to allow users to post and maintain content celebrating and in some cases encouraging progressive-aligned violence even as it cracks down on content glorifying violence across the rest of its platform. The microblogging site made global headlines earlier this month when it announced it was permanently banning then-President Donald Trump for what it claimed was the president's risk of inciting violence following the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.... (more)

January 29, 2021
PJ MEDIA — On Thursday, President Joe Biden officially reversed the Mexico City Policy, which prevents U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding non-governmental organizations that perform abortions overseas or advocate for abortion overseas. While polls suggest 77 percent of Americans approve of the Mexico City Policy, Dr. Anthony Fauci, America's top COVID-19 expert, defended Biden's decision to rescind it as positive for women's "health."... (more)

January 29, 2021
AMERICAN GREATNESS — The Biden regime is fully embracing a radical globalist plan that seeks to destroy capitalism and replace it with a socialist system. "The Great Reset" was unveiled at the World Economic Forum (WEC) in Davos, Switzerland last June, using the coronavirus pandemic and "global warming" as pretexts to impose on the world far-left social programs like government-provided basic income, the Green New Deal, universal healthcare, and of course, massive tax increases.... (more)

January 27, 2021
‘Let us all join hands and let multilateralism light our way toward a community with a shared future for mankind’
ART MOORE — The World Economic Forum opened a virtual conference on Monday featuring its Great Reset initiative with a speech from China's president and general secretary of the Communist Party, Xi Jinping. WEF founder Klaus Schwab introduced Xi by commending China for its "many initiatives" undertaken "in the spirit of creating a world where all actors assume a responsible and responsive role."... (more)

January 27, 2021
WORLDNETDAILY — Still debating whether or not you should wear a mask? Some so-called experts have moved way beyond that, and actually want you to wear multiple layers of face coverings. The goal posts continue to move as the country is now in its 10th month of the coronavirus pandemic. With the impossible made possible via several COVID vaccines available, thanks to former President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed, you'd think the pandemic would be winding down.... (more)

January 26, 2021
KUTV NEWS — The Senate has rejected a Republican attempt to dismiss Donald Trump's historic second impeachment trial, a vote that allows the case on "incitement of insurrection" to move forward but also foreshadows that there may not be enough votes to convict him.... (more)

January 25, 2021
Judge Tipton has put a 14-day injunction on the policy nationwide
NATIONAL FILE — A federal judge in Texas has put a stop to Biden's 100-day deportation moratorium, in what is the first major blow to the new administration. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton, who was appointed to the positition by President Trump, issued a 14-day temporary restraining order on Biden's new policy, which would halt many deportations for the first hundred days of the new administration.... (more)

January 25, 2021
Updated Jan. 29
STEPHEN STONE — A few days ago, one of my brothers, a retired lawyer, sent me a message that asked, "So is Trump still president?" Since the phrasing of the question implied the answer was neither simple nor straightforward, I gave the answer serious thought, from every angle I could think of, and came up with the following:... (more)

January 25, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID — In his column "Clinton's Brilliant Strategy," Dennis Cuddy suggests that the fate of Donald J. Trump, who is going out of office under questionable circumstances, is a function of Hillary and Bill Clinton's revenge. He writes, "Bill Clinton and the Democrats correctly believed that with Trump's political inexperience, he could as president easily be 'set up.'"... (more)

January 25, 2021
EPOCH TIMES — The House of Representatives late Monday transmitted an article of impeachment against former President Donald Trump to the Senate. House prosecutors delivered the sole "incitement of insurrection" impeachment charge in a ceremonial walk across the Capitol to the Senate. The move, out of formality, sets the stage for preparations ahead of the trial that alleges Trump incited an insurrection that resulted in riots at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.... (more)

January 25, 2021
OAN — Rudy Giuliani criticized the $1.3 billion lawsuit filed against him by Dominion, calling it "another act of intimidation by the hate-filled left." On Monday, Dominion Voting Systems filed the suit in a federal D.C. court, accusing Giuliani of spreading false allegations of voter fraud. In a statement soon after, Giuliani said the cost of the the lawsuit is to "frighten people of faint heart."... (more)

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