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June 25, 2021
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June 25, 2021
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA — Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

June 25, 2021
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

June 24, 2021
JERRY NEWCOMBE — There were more shootings in Chicago over the weekend. The irony of these shootings, in which 52 were shot and 5 died (Chicago Sun-Times Wire, June 21), is the weekend itself...Father's Day weekend. Some sociologists note that what we're seeing in large part are quite often the results of fatherlessness in America.... (more)

June 24, 2021
OAN — The Arizona legislature is primed to receive preliminary findings of the audit once the paper examination phase completes on Saturday. Christina Bobb has more on what comes next.... (more)

June 24, 2021
WESTERN JOURNAL — It's becoming impossible to ignore the "audit fever" that began in Maricopa County, Arizona, and is spreading into other critical swing states. Earlier this month, Politico-Morning Consult released a poll that found that nearly 20 percent of voters believe former President Donald Trump will likely be reinstated due to fraud in the 2020 election.... (more)

June 24, 2021
'They had no business doing that'
WORLDNETDAILY — A former elections clerk in the state of Wisconsin, which is facing multiple complaints over possible election malfeasance for the announced results of the 2020 presidential race, says activists funded by Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg essentially took over that election. In an interview with Just the News, Sandy Juno, who previously was the county clerk for Brown County, charged that, "We need to be really on top of this, because if this is how elections are going to go, we won't have election integrity."... (more)

June 24, 2021
Go to 6:45
NEWSMAX TV — Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Texas, said Wednesday the idea that "white supremacy" is undermining the readiness of U.S. military troops is a "fabricated issue." Only "a couple dozen people" in the entire military have been expelled in recent months for extremist behavior, meaning there is no significant problem, Fallon said. "I'm furious. This is un-American."... (more)

June 23, 2021
'Demonization of one group of people because of the color of their skin' is discriminatory
ART MOORE — The Marxist-based Critical Race Theory, which divides the world between the oppressors and the oppressed, may infringe on constitutional rights and even violate civil rights laws, warned Carol Swain, a former political science professor and vice chairman for President Trump's 1776 Commission.... (more)

June 23, 2021
Joseph Farah says the real enemy isn't 'ratings-starved' CNN or New York Times
JOSEPH FARAH — You may not think of Google as being in the news business. Yet, it's become the most important media force in the world -- in the last five years. It's also the fakest news there ever was. Just because Google claims to be only a "news aggregator," it is by far the biggest player in news – beyond dispute.... (more)

June 23, 2021
TOWNHALL — Senate Republicans torpedoed the "For the People Act," a federal takeover of elections, on Tuesday night. The legislation received 50 affirmative votes along party lines, with no Republican support. Democrats were unable to overcome the GOP filibuster to move forward with the legislation.... (more)

June 23, 2021
'I smelled a rat when they didn't know the batch numbers'
PAUL SPERRY — After several Fulton County, Ga., poll monitors testified last year that boxes of mail-in ballots for Joe Biden looked liked they'd been run through a photocopy machine, state investigators quietly broke the seal on one suspicious box and inspected the hundreds of votes it contained for signs of fraud, RealClearInvestigations has learned exclusively.... (more)

June 23, 2021
NEWSMAX — Former President Donald Trump denied that he ever admitted defeat in last year's presidential election, telling David Brody on Just the News' "Water Cooler" that if former Vice President Mike Pence had sent disputed election results back to state legislatures for review the nation "might very well have a different president right now."... (more)

June 22, 2021
TOWNHALL — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a bill Tuesday requiring high school students be taught about the evils of communism. The governor, who signed three bills designed to educate students about history and civics, said during a press conference at Three Oaks Middle School in Fort Myers, Florida:... (more)

June 22, 2021
'Thugs with badges are always more dangerous than thugs on the street'
BOB UNRUH — Famed conservative filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza is warning that the FBI "has become a grave threat to our national security." "In fact, I would say the FBI now poses a greater threat to our national security than any white supremacist group," he continued, "Thugs with badges are always more dangerous than thugs on the street."... (more)

June 22, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID — CNN reports that the Biden administration is preparing to impose additional sanctions on Russia over the poisoning of imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Who will impose sanctions on the Biden administration for letting the killer of Ashli Babbitt go free? In Russia, poison is the preferred method of assassination. In America, an unarmed Trump supporter by the name of Ashli Babbitt can be shot and killed inside the Capitol, and the assassin's identity is covered up and he goes free. Which is worse? Navalny is alive; Babbitt is dead.... (more)

June 22, 2021
PETE RIEHM — As with all Democrats and leftists, the Biden administration is solely based on style over substance and intentions over actions. They never want an examination of the consequences or ramifications of their failed policies and wrong-headed notions. With a media safety net of perpetual pitched praise, Joe Biden precariously stumbles on the high wire of world affairs with perilous possibilities, but no one gasps or notices because the media draws our attention to how Biden is well liked and to his stylish aviator sunglasses. It's all a preposterous show, a pernicious distraction.... (more)

June 21, 2021
MICHAEL BRESCIANI — Children in the United States are now in jeopardy from conception to birth, and then all the way to adulthood. They must jump through four deadly hoops, or otherwise pass around four guideposts that threaten to lead them to a future so radical that for many it will end in death.... (more)

June 20, 2021
If you live in California, ask your State Assembly member to vote against this dangerous bill
JAMES LAMBERT — Several months ago, the California state senate approved a bill that would effectively legalize LSD and some other psychedelics in their state. As proposed by Democrat State Senator Scott Wiener (San Francisco) and his fellow Democrat Senate peers, CA. Senate Bill 57 would additionally create "safe injection sites" in the cities of Oakland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The bill still needs to pass the state's legislature and receive approval from California's governor in order to become law in the state.... (more)

June 20, 2021
Address at Faith & Freedom Coalition conference
LIFESITENEWS — In a barn-burner speech at the conservative Road to Majority Conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz rallied conservatives to "answer the call to defend America," slamming critical race theory and excoriating American pastors who fail to defend Christian morals and values. "God bless Faith and Freedom," Senator Cruz said, taking the stage. "I'm going to commit a radical act: I'm going to speak the truth."... (more)

June 20, 2021
'Democrats continue to follow the marching orders of the abortion lobby'
WORLDNETDAILY — One of the most abortion-friendly states in the nation recently upheld that reputation when both the state House and Senate voted down initiatives that would have required physicians to provide medical care to babies who survive abortion.... (more)

June 20, 2021
NEWSMAX — Rumors that China's top "spy catcher" has defected to the United States and is giving the Biden administration information about the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the leak of the coronavirus, if proven true, could "even lead to the fall of the Communist Party," China expert Gordon Chang told Newsmax on Saturday.... (more)

June 19, 2021
NEWSMAX — Former President Donald Trump endorsed Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski's GOP primary challenger Kelly Tshibaka making good on his promise to go after Republican senators who voted to impeach him earlier this year.... (more)

June 18, 2021
'They are tearing down everything this country represents. They want to burn it to the ground and rebuild it. And they’re doing it at warp-speed.'
LIFESITENEWS — In a short speech at the Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Conference in Orlando, Florida, Texas congressman and former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson took the stage to encourage conservatives to get out in large numbers, recognize the importance of down-ballot elections, and not be afraid to speak up about their values.... (more)

June 18, 2021
'We expect that those who profit from the current system’s failing will continue to aggressively push back against meaningful (forensic) audits'
LIFESITENEWS — A group of election and statistics experts are stressing the importance of post-election audits as Republican lawmakers continue to push for new investigations of the 2020 election. In a recent report organized by election integrity advocate and physicist John Droz, 10 experts highlighted the need for forensic audits, which they described as the only sufficient way to determine election integrity.... (more)

June 18, 2021
JERRY NEWCOMBE — Recently, a student of Justice High School in Fairfax, Virginia, led the graduation ceremony in the Pledge of Allegiance. In this public school setting, when she got to the part about "one nation under God," she said, instead, "one nation under Allah." This was apparently without any permission from school officials.... (more)

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