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July 6, 2009
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July 6, 2009
First Iran, then Honduras -- see a pattern here?
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — America used to be the "shining city on a hill," as Ronald Reagan defined it. That was then, this is now. Under President Obama, the U.S. is shrinking from speaking out for freedom wherever it is snuffed out... (more)

July 5, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — Fourth of July "Tea Party" rallies, picnics, marches and other demonstrations were scheduled across the country Saturday to protest what organizers say is record federal spending and taxes by the Obama administration that enlarges government and threatens the nation's prosperity... (more)

July 4, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Americans who refuse to buy medical coverage could be hit with fines of more than $1,000 under a health care overhaul bill unveiled Thursday by key Senate Democrats looking to fulfill President Barack Obama's health care plan... (more)

July 4, 2009
TONY PERKINS — While liberal Democrats on Capitol Hill are working to pass President Obama's plan to overhaul the nation's health care system, few are talking about this essential issue: Will health care reform force taxpayers to pay for abortions for the first time in 30 years?... (more)

July 4, 2009
NEWSMAX — Lawmakers who described the alleged effects of global warming are spreading a lot of "eye wash," a top climate scientist says... (more)

July 4, 2009
JOHN GRIFFING — Masquerading as an instrument of environmental salvation, the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill will result in one of the largest seizures of wealth in human history. The legislation will wreak havoc on American manufacturing and industry, and coerce the conformity of an already economically squeezed populace... (more)

July 4, 2009
CHRISTIAN POST — A federal judge on Thursday rejected a request from lawyers seeking to suspend enforcement of a California same-sex marriage ban... (more)

July 4, 2009
CHUCK COLSON — The great British intellectual G. K. Chesterton wrote that "America is the only nation in the world that is founded on [a] creed." Think about that for a moment. Other nations were founded on the basis of race, or by the power of kings or emperors who accumulated lands and the peasants who inhabited those lands... (more)

July 3, 2009
FOX NEWS — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin shocked the political world Friday afternoon by announcing that she will step down at the end of the month and transfer power to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell -- a move that throws into doubt her political future and a potential run for president in 2012... (more)

July 3, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — Free speech got a loud boost from Hollywood on Wednesday. Jon Voight has responded to accusations from a critic sympathetic to the American Communist Party, who said the actor had used hate speech and threatened the well-being of President Obama during a recent appearance before Republicans in Washington... (more)

July 3, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The farm where Saddam Hussein hid from U.S. forces before he was captured in December 2003 was familiar ground for the Iraqi dictator: It was the same place, he told an FBI agent, where he sought refuge 44 years earlier after taking part in a failed attempt to kill Iraq's president... (more)

July 3, 2009
ERNEST ISTOOK — Does anyone believe the federal government is a model of efficiency? Oddly enough, superior government efficiency is a core argument offered by President Barack Obama and others pushing creation of a government-run health plan. Obama claims, "If the private insurance companies have to compete with a public option, it will keep them honest and it will help keep their prices down"... (more)

July 3, 2009
ELISABETH MEINECKE — A stoning in an Iranian village is usually not a cause for hope. The details themselves are horrifying -- a woman falsely accused of adultery, set up by her husband, condemned by a group which included two of her sons, and ultimately stoned to death under Sharia law... (more)

July 3, 2009
JAMES H. WALSH — "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts." --Abraham Lincoln, 1860s. The 1,000 people who gathered at the Sarasota Polo Club on the hot and humid Sunday before the Fourth of July for a nonpartisan TEA Party protest did so peacefully, in a peaceful demonstration, American style... (more)

July 3, 2009
TED NUGENT — As the stunned and defeated British army marched out of Yorktown, their band appropriately played the song "A World Turned Upside Down"... (more)

July 3, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — A top Republican pressed for more information Thursday about Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's ties to a Puerto Rican civil rights group he said took extreme positions on race, as the White House argued that the material was irrelevant to the judge's nomination... (more)

July 2, 2009
CHUCK COLSON — There was a lot going in the news last week-riots over the election in Iran, North Korea's nuclear saber-rattling. But the biggest story of the week, it turns out, was-drum roll, please-the story of President Obama swatting a fly... (more)

July 2, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — After days of soul-baring and often odd confessions and apologies about an adulterous affair, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford went silent as the clamor for his resignation grew... (more)

July 2, 2009
JACK WHEELER — The great physicist Niels Bohr (1885-1962), who pioneered the study of sub-atomic or quantum physics, was fond of saying, "If someone says that he can think about quantum physics without becoming dizzy, that shows only that he has not understood anything whatever about it"... (more)

July 2, 2009
ONENEWSNOW — The co-founder of the National Education Association (NEA) Conservative Educators Caucus says the NEA will consider adoption of a resolution supporting homosexual "marriage"... (more)

July 2, 2009
NEWSMAX — Rush Limbaugh is suggesting that President Barack Obama and his political operatives already are laying the groundwork for a third term. "You have to wonder if Obama is just trying to lay a foundation for not being a hypocrite when he tries to serve beyond 2016," Limbaugh told his national radio audience... (more)

July 2, 2009
JOSEPH FARAH — Back in January 1973, National Lampoon sported a brilliant cover -- probably the satirical magazine's most famous. A cute black and white dog was the visual element, staring ominously at a revolver pointing at his head. The headline read: "If you don't by this magazine, we'll kill this dog"... (more)

July 2, 2009
CBN NEWS — A Washington D.C. judge has ruled voters will not decide if the District of Columbia will recognize same-sex marriages performed outside of the U.S. Capitol city... (more)

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