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January 23, 2023
AMERICAN GREATNESS — Actor Alec Baldwin will be charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, New Mexico First Judicial District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies announced Thursday. While filming a scene on the set of “Rust” in Santa Fe, New Mexico in October of 2021, Baldwin fired a live round of ammunition from a prop gun at Hutchens, striking and killing her. The notorious rageaholic is facing 18 months in prison.... (more)

January 23, 2023
LIFE SITE NEWS — Billionaire entrepreneur and Twitter owner Elon Musk announced that he had “major side effects” after taking his “second booster shot” of the COVID jabs. The illness he experienced after the booster left him wondering if he would suffer “permanent damage” from the injection. In a tweet shared Saturday morning, the Tesla and SpaceX founder shared that following reception of his “second booster” he “felt like [he] was dying for several days,” before adding a hopeful note that no “permanent damage” may have been caused.... (more)

January 23, 2023
AMERICAN GREATNESS — Churning out carbon emissions to fly in on their corporate jets to Davos, Switzerland, for their annual fête to make the world safe for autocracy, the World Economic Forum’s hypocrisy is once again patent: Greenpeace accused attendees of ‘ecological hypocrisy’ before asking just why the WEF claims it is committed to the global goal of keeping warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) when the emissions generated from all the private jets flying in and out of airports serving Davos last year were equivalent to those produced by about 350,000 average cars for a week.... (more)

January 22, 2023
TOWNHALL — President Joe Biden and top White House officials tried to keep the U.S. from learning about Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, thinking they could get away with it. According to a report from the New York Times, Biden’s lawyers found the first batch of documents on November 2 at the Penn Biden Center, Biden’s Washington, D.C., think tank.... (more)

January 22, 2023
TWITCHY — This entire Biden classified documents scandal is hilarious. In typical fashion, the Left went full ‘Chicken Little, treasonous threat to the Republic’ clown show when the Trump Mar-a-Lago classified document story broke. Now, they’re stuck trying to figure out how to excuse Biden for apparently having held onto classified documents for decades while still maintaining their ‘serious situation’ game face in the latest effort to get Trump.... (more)

January 20, 2023
THE FEDERALIST — Thousands of pro-life activists gathered at our nation’s capitol Friday to celebrate the Supreme Court’s overturning of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and advocate for the unborn. It was the 50th anniversary of the grassroots-organized March for Life and the first since the overturning of Roe in June. Despite such a monumental victory and the fulfillment of a key goal, the pro-life movement’s work is not over, as organizers must now fight for pro-life protections at the state level.... (more)

January 20, 2023
MARK SHEPARD — Today is a very sad day, but one we should never forget. On this day in 2021, an insurrection occurred in our nation's Capitol when Congress and Vice President Mike Pence—ignoring unlawfully-created election-rule changes and massive voting irregularities in several states, with hundreds of citizens going so far as signing sworn affidavits—voted to put in the presidency of our nation an incapable and evil man who has since prostituted the Office of the Presidency, like he prostituted his Senate office for decades.... (more)

January 20, 2023
JERRY NEWCOMBE — This month, January 2023, marks the 250th anniversary of the classic hymn “Amazing Grace.” The Museum of the Bible notes: “It was January 1, 1773. John Newton led his congregation down the road from the parish church in Olney, England, to Lord Dartmouth’s Great Hall to sing…and the hymn he wrote for this day was special. It spoke of his conversion, of his self-proclaimed wretchedness, and of the saving power of God’s grace. Since then, the words of "Amazing Grace" have struck a chord with millions across cultures and generations, and its popularity has never wavered.... (more)

January 20, 2023
R.T. NEARY — “Follow the science” has been the mandate since 2019 in this once-united nation that is still officially named the United States of America. “Experts” have been featured on TV screens voicing this as gospel. Public dialogue has centered on the reality of a threat posed by a living organism present in our environment. It is a deadly virus that can be carried by human beings and is transmissible. The organism in shape has little resemblance to us, but its threat is such that it has been considered a dangerous killer of humans when carried by one of our species. Every individual in our global human society has been deemed vulnerable. This fact has caused the situation to be deemed a pandemic.... (more)

January 20, 2023
PETE RIEHM — The Biden administration has been a pathetic comedy of errors since its inauguration, but as its repeated failures have made life harder on most Americans, the effect is no laughing matter. The Democrat Media Complex (DMC) has shamelessly excused, ignored, or covered up Biden’s uninterrupted fiascoes, but Americans are not fooled—because they are suffering the very real hardships inflicted by this careless buffoon. The main effect of the complicit media has been that Biden and his clown car have evaded accountability, but is that changing?... (more)

January 19, 2023
NEW YORK POST — A comedian’s searing take on how “woke culture” and climate activism has “gone too far” and “brainwashed” young minds has gone viral. “I’m tired of talking about woke culture. Free speech is not some right-wing reframing of whatever — it’s the foundation of Western civilization,” Russian British comedian Konstantin Kisin recently told the Oxford Union Society. “We know that the way to improve the world is to work, is to create, is to build, and the problem with woke culture is that it has trained too many young minds like yours to forget about that,” he added.... (more)

January 19, 2023
BREITBART — PBS is going full-throttle on climate change activism, with its CEO declaring that no greater threat exists today than global warming. The federally funded broadcaster announced Monday it is launching an “unprecedented multi-year” programming effort focused on climate change, including multiple documentaries and a campaign to target students with “climate-focused content.”... (more)

January 17, 2023
GATEWAY PUNDIT — Former Senator, Secretary of State under Obama, and failed presidential candidate John Kerry is in Davos this week to discuss climate change. Today Kerry put his finger on the target and shared what he really wants. Kerry claims to be behind efforts to reduce carbon emissions based on fake science, but is that really what he is after? He shared what he really wants. It’s not climate control, it’s money. Lots and lots of money. Kerry hides his lust for money behind a fake climate control initiative. That’s all it is.... (more)

January 16, 2023
CLIFF KINCAID — Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson, a Democrat, is suspicious, and so am I. He told Fox News' Hillary Vaughn Thursday, after a second batch of documents was found in Biden's garage in Wilmington, Delaware, next to his Corvette: “Alleged classified documents showing up allegedly in the possession of Joseph Biden...I’m suspicious of the timing of it. I'm also aware of the fact that things can be planted on people, things can be planted in places and then discovered conveniently. That may be what has occurred here. I'm not ruling that out...but I’m open in terms of the investigation needs to be investigated.”... (more)

January 16, 2023
PETER LABARBERA — In his first press conference Thursday as the newly elected Speaker of the House, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Ca., said he is preparing to release the full 14,000 hours of Jan. 6 Capitol Police surveillance video that was withheld from the public by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats. "I think the American public should actually see all what happened instead of a report that's written [from] a political basis," McCarthy said, referring to the final report issued by the Democrat-run Jan. 6 committee.... (more)

January 15, 2023
JOSEPH FARAH — For almost a decade – longer than virtually any other conservative or Christian website – WND has been persecuted by Google. It wasn't but a few years ago that the No. 1 search engine regularly posted WND stories on its Google New pages, which featured the hottest news stories on the planet, thereby actually helping us remain one of the world's highest-ranked news sites.... (more)

January 14, 2023
LIFE SITE NEWS — An appeals court this week granted a request by Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake to speed up consideration of her election lawsuit. Lake is challenging the integrity of the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election after she reportedly lost to Democratic challenger Katie Hobbs. The Trump-backed Republican alleges that election machine malfunctions hampered her odds of success.... (more)

January 14, 2023
YOUTUBE — Pop the trunk, Joe—the special prosecutor needs to search your Corvette! Mainstream media organizations leapt to Biden’s defense when it emerged that documents with classified markings were found in Biden’s former office at the Penn Biden Center. The documents reportedly included information regarding Iran, Ukraine, and the UK from Biden’s days as vice president. Since the first round of documents were found at the Penn Biden Center, even more were found in Biden’s garage next to his Corvette. Now, it’s news that many did not see coming – a special prosecutor to investigate the sitting president of the United States.... (more)

January 14, 2023
TOWNHALL — Biden's "garage-gate" scandal keeps growing as it turns out even more documents were found at President Biden's private residence earlier this week, but their existence was only disclosed on Saturday morning. On Thursday afternoon, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre — who has insisted she's being truthful with the American people and transparent about what she and the White House knows — told Americans that the search for classified documents in Biden's possession was "complete" and Biden was "confident" in the process.... (more)

January 14, 2023
FOX NEWS — Louisiana Republican Sen. John Kennedy on Thursday suggested there may have been a months-long "cover-up" to conceal the classified documents in President Biden's possession after another batch was uncovered in the garage of his Delaware home. Kennedy sounded off against the perceived unequal treatment from the Justice Department and others between President Biden and former President Trump in an appearance on "America Reports," where he demanded answers surrounding individuals who had knowledge of Biden's classified documents stash.... (more)

January 14, 2023
NEWSMAX — Trump Media & Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes recently tapped into the many contacts from his days as a U.S. congressman and former member of the House Intelligence Committee to get the inside scoop on Robert Hur, the Justice Department's special counsel appointment for President Joe Biden's potential mishandling of classified documents.... (more)

January 14, 2023
ROBERT SPENCER — It’s clear now that both impeachments of Donald Trump were shabby partisan affairs that will be remembered as shameful episodes in American history. But they happened, and that’s that — or is it? Now House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has suggested that the impeachments could be “expunged.” Mediaite reported Friday that McCarthy “said at his first official presser in the job that he and the House GOP majority might ‘look at’ the idea of expunging ex-president Donald Trump’s impeachments.”... (more)

January 13, 2023
FOX NEWS — Idaho police can be seen on newly released video talking to Kaylee Goncalves after neighbors complained about noise at her home – three months before she and three other University of Idaho students were murdered there. The 21-year-old can be seen in the body-camera footage opening a sliding glass door on the second floor of the King Road house – the same door suspect Bryan Kohberger allegedly used to flee from the crime scene Nov. 13.... (more)

January 13, 2023
CLIFF KINCAID — You are hearing a lot about a “Republican Church Committee” that will uncover “the weaponization of government” against conservatives. We are being promised the “unveiling” of FBI, CIA, and other federal agency abuses. But some of the popular conservative commentators do not understand the damage done by the Church Committee, or who its chairman, Frank Church, really was.... (more)

January 10, 2023
YOUTUBE — Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and his daughter Mikhaila Peterson explain the current situation with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. The professional organization has presented Dr. Peterson with an ultimatum — take part in re-education courses aiming to correct his “wrongthink,” or lose his clinical psychology license. Here is the promised documentation for the current charges and justification for the sentence already handed down by the College of Psychologiats.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

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FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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