A.J. DiCintio
It's not a war against Fox News
By A.J. DiCintio
October 23, 2009

Last weekend, the White House fired some of its biggest guns at Fox News. But tempted as we are, we cannot allow ourselves to speak of a war because the attack represents just one battle in a conflict whose scope is profoundly greater than the current administration's attempt to crush a cable news channel it regards as an enemy.

Moreover, the actual war, which has as its object the imposing of liberal ideology upon the nation by using every social/political weapon except the ballot box, was begun in earnest more than fifty years ago by a group that represents 18% of the population but has nevertheless won victory after victory by relentlessly employing a strategy that only minds possessed of a Gulliverian arrogance can love.

Think of it.

In the fifties, a corps of legal commandos began carrying out an insidious mission to achieve what FDR's open blitz of 1937 could not, thereby beginning what would become the successful establishment of liberal judicial activism as a legitimate, constitutional practice of jurisprudence at the Supreme Court and in the public consciousness.

In the Presidential Campaign of 1964, liberal tacticians launched a missile called "Daisy Ad" to fire the first shot in a nationwide propaganda campaign that to this day — from kindergarten to higher education to the workplace to the nursing home — equates the word "conservative" with the idea of extremism.

Throughout the first half of the 20th century, devout liberal generals dogmatically quoted gobbledygook from the Bible of the Liberal Church when they were asked why mass murdering leftists such as Stalin and Mao, intellectual buffoons such as Marx, and pipsqueak gangsters such as Che and Castro deserve praise that ought never be afforded a Hitler, Coughlin, or Pinochet.

Then, in '68, those five-star leaders declared that their bible enjoins liberals to extend the special treatment to all leftist ideologues, even uncommonly vulgar, suburban-born, bourgeois-bred punks.

In true goose step fashion, the perfectly obedient army of liberal salvationists immediately began defending the thugs as victims of "Gestapo tactics" carried out by "pigs" — until the generals decreed it is more effective to perform that kind of filthy work underground and thus delegated it to the ACLU and liberal judges.

Finally, with ever increasing frequency since '68, liberal politicians, media figures, professors, artistes, and Joe Blows have labored mightily not just to defeat but to annihilate perceived political enemies by viciously carpet bombing them with the latest bombe du jour — the most common among this fetid ordnance being racist, fascist, extremist, anti-intellectual, anti-immigrant, anti-Constitution, mob, evil-monger, and, supreme irony of ironies, anti-choice and un-American.

Those are the tactics employed in the war liberals have been waging since the fifties, a war that is actually unexceptional because it fits in quite commonly with every other anti-Jeffersonian crusade that ever spoke of the sanctity of "We the People" while simultaneously treating citizens as a bunch of ignorant slobs who need to be protected from themselves by "empathic" judges, politicians, and bureaucrats who scribble their dirty decrees from the level of government a million miles removed from Peoria.

Of course, all this doesn't mean we ought to ignore the on-going assault on Fox News. In fact, we should pay close attention to the fight — but not for the reason advanced by most political commentators (Bernard Goldberg is an excellent exception), which is simply that the battle is counter-productive for Obama, his administration, and his political allies.

No, we need to heed what's going on and speak out about it forcefully because liberals successfully opened a new front in their fifty year war the moment the refusal by Democratic presidential hopefuls to debate in a forum sponsored by Fox News was not greeted with threats of a boycott by every other debate-sponsoring organization.

That beachhead established, the true-believing dictators of the liberal army have become madly emboldened as evidenced by White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's criticizing Fox News as "not a news organization so much as [an outlet that] has a perspective" while conveniently remaining silent about the pervasive "perspective" of media such as MSNBC and the NY Times.

What is there to say about that contemptibly ironic lump of reeking propaganda except that it puts the Obama War Room's Alinskyite weapons on parade for all to see.

From Alinsky's Rules for Radicals:

RULE 10: "If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive."

RULE 12: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. . . isolate the target from sympathy. . . direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works."

Not that this new battlefront has surprised those who know a thing or two about the Chicago Machine and its radical friends.

For instance, Frank Salvato shared the following observation with the nation exactly four days before the Election of '08. (For the record, he is this author's editor at NewMediaJournal.us.)

From precinct captains, aldermen and community organizers to special interest activists, racially biased religious leaders and former Weather Underground terrorists, Illinois, because of the unyielding aggression of the Progressive-Left, has been transformed from a land where individual rights were guarded and constitutional liberty was valued at all costs — the Land of Lincoln — to the home of religious zealots like Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Fr. Michael Pfleger and the Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan and political opportunists like Jesse Jackson, Dick Durbin, Rod Blagojevich and Barack Obama.

"Unyielding aggression of the Progressive-Left" —

Let's hope Obama's assault on Fox News causes every common sense citizen to think carefully about that profound warning in its totality.

© A.J. DiCintio


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A.J. DiCintio

A.J. DiCintio posts regularly at RenewAmerica and YourNews.com. He first exercised his polemical skills arguing with friends on the street corners of the working class neighborhood where he grew up. Retired from teaching, he now applies those skills, somewhat honed and polished by experience, to social/political affairs.


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