A.J. DiCintio
Obama revealed by three easy pieces
By A.J. DiCintio
October 15, 2011

Although putting together a complete picture of any individual requires horrendous amounts of work, the task is hugely more daunting with respect to Barack Obama, a person who admired Marxist professors as a young man, forged associations with dangerous, vulgar, leftist extremists such as Bill Ayers and Reverend Jeremiah Wright during his years as a card-carrying member of the Chicago Political Machine, and has remained dogmatically devoted to the threadbare ideology for which the American left can't agree upon a name.

But not just that Herculean amount of labor regarding the task, for a huge additional sum is needed if we wish to capture the essence of a man responsible for a thoroughly dysfunctional administration distinguished only by abject failure.

Sometimes, however, Chance smiles upon us by greatly reducing the effort needed to perceive the true person, providing us with the blessing of the kind found in a brief passage of a novel that beautifully illuminates the meaning of the entire work.

With respect to Barack Obama, such is the case regarding a brief essay, a pithy post, and a short quotation, the first being "Why Europe Is Right and Obama Is Wrong" by Michael Sauga (spiegel.de).

Now, before getting to the essential information the essay reveals about the president, this observation is necessary:

Reality has knocked a whole lot of sense into Europe since July of '08, when an op-ed article in Der Spiegel reflected the ridiculous naiveté of millions by mindlessly slobbering over the unknown, unaccomplished, frighteningly megalomaniacal, mere presumptive Democratic nominee as the "schwarze [black] Kennedy."

That said, we may move on to the significance of Mr. Sauga's characterization of Obama not as an admirable leader but as the village judge Adam, the contemptible hypocrite of the oft-performed German play The Broken Jug, who "passes judgment on a crime he committed himself."

According to Sauga, Obama is deserving of the comparison because he lectures Europe about its failure to take on increased debt even as he has endangered his own nation by instituting policies that bow to a "turbo-Keynesianism" beloved by power loving fanatics who claim big government is the panacea for every social and economic ill and greed loving hypocrites who insist bailout money is the only way to restore a bone-rotted bank to health.

Big government, of course, is dependent upon cheap money, explaining why, stubbornly clinging to his perverse religion, Obama has learned nothing from "conservative" Alan Greenspan's disastrous affair with Miss Federal Printing Press fewer than ten years ago. Thus, the president steadfastly rejects the fact that "cheap money. . .is what got us into the current crisis in the first place."

After cataloguing the host of real economic problems that plague America and Europe and reminding us that there are no free lunch solutions to them, Sauga switches metaphors to compare more big spending, more suffocating debt, more cheap money Barack Obama to "a doctor caught prescribing performance-enhancing drugs [who has] chosen [not] to cease his activities [but] rather. . .to ensure that as many people as possible have access to his wares."

Properly biting in its condemnation, that imagery puts an end to the "Kennedy" nonsense.

More importantly, however, it very effectively joins the rest of Mr. Sauga's piece in rudely shaking us awake to the reality of Obama as so incorrigibly devoted to the hackneyed dogmas of liberalism that with respect to economic issues and much more, he is the antithesis of a leader who offers genuine hope for brave, smart, innovative, common sense change.

Which brings us to the second and third pieces that shed light on the real Barack Obama, an "ode" to Steve Jobs by investment expert Barry Ritholtz and a quotation from the technological giant of Apple Inc. himself.

Of the company Mr. Jobs played a major role in making "its own asset class. . . its own economy, its own ecosystem, its own government," Mr. Ritholtz says this:

"Apple's success is not due to the whims of central planning politicians and bankers. . . [but to] something very simple, it made amazing products that people wanted at a price they can afford."

The common sense, independent thinking Ritholtz continues:

"So, when we hear that government officials need to do something to jump start the economy, things that usually inhibit, discourage, and misallocate resources, think of Steve Jobs. . ." (ritholtz.com)

Next, we turn to Mr. Jobs' reflection on his truly remarkable work:

"I'm 40 years old, and this stuff [technology] doesn't change the world. It really doesn't. . . I'm sorry, it's true. Having children changes your view on these things. We're born, we live for a brief instant, and we die. . . Technology is not changing it much. . . if at all. . . [Technology] can profoundly influence life. . .But it's a disservice to put things in this radical new light. . .that it's going to change everything. Things don't have to change the world to be important." (Wired, February, 1996)

It is impossible to consider the meaning of Ritholtz's words and not realize that Barack Obama preaches just the opposite: that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are not just best protected but are mightily enhanced when the elites of an all-powerful central government (including "empathic" liberal activist judges) decide everything from A to Z.

And it is equally impossible to read Mr. Jobs' profound, humble reflections on the limitations of technology and not be struck by the Gulliverian arrogance of a New World Order supra-nationalist who believes not only in the perversion of Thoreau which argues, "That government is best which governs most," but also in his messianic power to change the world with mere teleprompter-delivered speeches delivered in Berlin or Cairo.

There they are, then, three easy pieces that tell us all we really need to know about a political failure who is so detached from Mainstream America he believes the public can't wait to grant him a second term in the Oval Office.

© A.J. DiCintio


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A.J. DiCintio

A.J. DiCintio posts regularly at RenewAmerica and YourNews.com. He first exercised his polemical skills arguing with friends on the street corners of the working class neighborhood where he grew up. Retired from teaching, he now applies those skills, somewhat honed and polished by experience, to social/political affairs.


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