Linda Kimball
Rise of the Global Church of Lucifer
By Linda Kimball
July 10, 2014

"And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." John 3:19

Since the Renaissance, powerfully influential, satanically overshadowed occult secret societies existing at the highest levels of the Christian Church, government and society have been both the intelligentsia and the real powers behind what has been variously called the Progressive Underground, the Anti-Establishment, the sixties Sexual Liberation movement and the Anti-Tradition Counter Culture. The aim of the societies is twofold: first, the total destruction of the Old Order based on faithful Christianity with emphasis on the Genesis account of creation ex nihilo, Original Sin, Jesus Christ God Incarnate, immutable truth, moral absolutes and all tradition arising therefrom, and second, the ushering in of an occult New Age – a socialistic kingdom of "God" (pantheist New World Order) here on earth. (The Occult Underground: The Dawn of the New Age" and "The Occult Establishment," James Webb)

Today occult societies at the highest levels of global power and influence operate through a vast organizational network – a global occult pantheist New Age Movement (Age of Aquarius) linked to over 10,000 organizations here in America alone.

The New Age movement received its start in 1875 with the founding of the Theosophical Society by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. In his book, "Earth's Earliest Ages" (1876), the English theologian G.H. Pember writes that Blavatsky was chosen by the Brotherhood (fallen angels) to carry out a mission. They initiated and instructed her for seven years and then dismissed her to the outer world. As instructed, she traveled to America and organized the Theosophical Society in New York with two specific stated goals. First: the formation of the nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood. Second: the destruction of the Revealed Word of God by way of a transformation to unity-with-the-world-system process. This devilish process would be carried out by "spiritually illumined" change-agent theologians and priests (2 John 1:7) who would transform it completely:

"The coming struggle will emerge within the churches themselves; it will be precipitated by the enlightened elements...the fight will then spread to thinking men and women everywhere who – in a protesting revolt – have denied orthodox churchianity and theology." (Spirit Master Djwhal Khul speaking through Alice Bailey, Externalization of the Hierarchy, pp. 453-454)

Bailey explains that specially selected theologians and priests will be overshadowed and then possessed by Masters in a process of initiation:

". . . prepared disciples and highly evolved men and women, will be found who will be doing the work along the lines intended, one who will be occupying places of prominence which will make them available for the reaching of the many...First 'An impression upon the physical brain of the man or women, of thoughts, plans for work, ideals . . . which emanating from the Avatar [Hindu: An incarnation of a deity in physical form] will yet be unrecognized by him (This is a very

important aspect of overshadowing) . . . . This is literally a form of higher telepathy . . . . Second. The overshadowing of the chela (Hindu for disciple) during his work (such as lecturing, writing, or teaching) and his illumination for service. He will be conscious of this . . . and will seek more and more to be available for use, rendering himself up in utter selflessness to the inspiration of His Lord. Third. The conscious co-operation of the chela is necessitated in the third method of overshadowing. In this case, he will... surrender himself and step out of his physical body, handing it over for the use of the Great Lord or one of His Masters . . . he renders up his body, and stands aside for a specific length of time."
("Scientific Analysis of the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and their Applications," Robert Herrmann Ph.D., pp. 756-757)

In other words, 'chosen' disciples will at first come under the influence of demons, then become infested, then severely infested, and for some, completely possessed.

Eighteen years after Blavatsky died in London in 1891, the Brotherhood selected Alice Bailey (1880-1949) for further instruction. Beginning in the year 1919 she began receiving "messages" from "Tibetan Master" Djwhal Khul. As stated by Bailey, the preparatory period began with Blavatsky and lasted from 1875 to 1890. The intermediate teachings were received and recorded by Bailey from 1919 to 1949. According to Khul, other teachings would emerge on a continuous basis after 1975 and be given on a world wide scale to selected individuals.

Among core teachings common to occult New Age are adulation of Lucifer (the seething power and/or angel of evolution), biological and spiritual evolution, reincarnation, karma, pantheism, man is god, and the earthly kingdom of "God" together with the concept of the Masters and other such synonyms: Masters of Wisdom, the Unknown Chiefs, the Secret Chiefs, Brothers, Council of Nine, the Ancient Ennead of Egypt, and Space Brothers. In her various books Bailey lists other members of the Hierarchy of Masters: Master Jupiter, Master Koot Humi, Master Rakoczi, Master Serapis, Master P., Master Hilarion (the Master of science), and Master Jesus.

Variations of these concepts and teachings are also common to Christian Science, Mormonism, Spiritism, Baha'i, Unitarian Universalism, Scientology, Eastern Religions, the Emergent Church, the New Apostolic Reformation and Masonry (Illuminism), the successor of the Mysteries:

"Illuminism – the Luciferian religion – teaches that man can become God, that he can evolve, through initiatory steps, into a god state himself (and) once you have evolved into a god, you can make up your own rules (and) morality." ("New World Order," William T. Still, p. 27)

"Spiritual evolution is a common belief within Fabian socialism, the Emergent Church, the communitarian church growth movement, and the New Age movement. It will play a major role in bringing many of the world's religions together as one." (Man as God: What Much of Evangelicalism and the World's Religions have in Common, Brannon Howse, worldview weekend, July 29, 2013)

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is one of the fastest growing movements within Protestantism today. It emerged from the Pentecostal and Charismatic movement and teaches that certain individuals have become new spiritual beings, super apostles:

"This NAR teaching is consistent with the New Age Movement or cosmic humanism, declaring that man needs to tap into his "Christ consciousness." Cosmic humanism, (also known as the New Age Movement or pagan spirituality) is a major foundation of the NAR." (ibid, Howse)

In his penetrating analysis of the New Apostolic Reformation, Fr. Seraphim Rose notes that the spiritist manifestations (i.e., impartation, holy laughter, drunk in the spirit, roaring, barking, hissing, slain in the spirit) experienced in NAR churches are found in the occult New Age movement. The spirit that invaded the Charismatic movement during the 'Toronto Blessing' is not the Holy Spirit, said Rose, but the kundalini spirit (serpent power), the same unholy spirit that ancient Egyptians, Hindus, yoga practitioners, and New Agers are familiar with.

One way that serpent power is imparted is by laying on of hands, or Shakti-pat. The demon-possessed Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajineesh was called the "divine drunkard" by his disciples, and according to Tal Brook, author of "Riders of the Cosmic Circuit," by his millions of worshippers in India, America, and Europe and throughout the world. Rajineesh encouraged his devotees to come and drink from him, meaning, receive his touch:

"His spiritual 'wine' was often passed on with a single touch to the head (Shakti-pat), at which his followers would collapse in ecstatic laughter. Another famous guru, Swami Muktananda, would hold meetings at which thousands of his followers from around the world came to receive his touch. They experienced uncontrollable laughing, roaring, barking, hissing, crying, shaking, as well as falling unconscious." (Rose, p. 217)

According to veteran researcher Brooks Alexander, Lucifer's initiates and disciples have successfully assimilated occult Eastern teachings and techniques into our church and our culture. With remarkable speed and ease, Eastern and occult ideas and spiritist techniques for contacting spirits such as trance music, brain-altering drugs, meditation and yoga are being propagated to undiscerning Westerners and Americans, within and without the church, on a mass scale:

"...they are filtered through the pervasive secularism of our culture. In this way they are demystified without changing their essential content. The basic components of an Eastern/occult world view are recast in forms of expression that are naturalistic, scientific, and humanistic...Occult philosophy is being secularized and psychologized with increasing refinement....Their underlying themes run through contemporary science, economics, politics, art, psychology, and religion." (The Coming Darkness, p. 55)

NAR's Super Apostles (2 Cor. 11:13) channel this unholy 'spirit' who they claim is the Spirit of 'God.' They claim that 'God' has given them the authority to build a kingdom of "God" on earth – a unified and/or pluralistic Global Church:

"They believe they are restored apostles called and ordained by God to be the government for the emerging "New Order" church. In order to maintain this governance they stress strict obedience and submission to them in all matters. They claim to hear directly from God, and many claim that Jesus visits them in person...these so-called restored apostles believe they are called to lay the foundation and government for the new (earthly) Kingdom (one world church). Their goal is complete and utter control of the church and subjugation of its current governance to them....This is a highly organized group with a global agenda (it is) well thought out, well strategized, and will be implemented with military precision. The grid is in place – our future is planned." (A Strong Delusion – the New Apostolic Reformation,

Rick Joyner, one of the most visible and popular change-agent leaders in the NAR claims that faithful Christians who resist the "change" to "unity" or "oneness" process are under demonic influence. In a further demonstration of his satanically twisted and inverted reasoning processes Joyner said,

"Some pastors and leaders who continue to resist this tide of unity will be removed from their place. Some will become so hardened they will become opposers and resist God to the end." (Religious Trojan Horse, Brannon Howse, p. 146)

Joyner calls for a Great Christian Civil War to drive out authentic Christians (John 15:19) because they are too "rigid in doctrinal emphasis." (ibid, p. 147)

Church growth guru and NAR leader C. Peter Wagner agrees. Wagner, yet another "enlightened element," claims that NAR is "changing the shape of Protestant Christianity around the world" and he and his fellow 'over-shadowed' travelers expect opposition from Bible-believing Christians:

"We are well into the early adoption phase of the New Apostolic Reformation, when we can expect fairly strong objections from traditionalists who are threatened by change." (ibid, p. 144)

Strange Fire

An ancient Chaldean occult doctrine, evolutionary transformism (change process) is the strange fire produced by the Brotherhood in fascinated minds within and without the Christian Church. In the impeccably researched "Scientific Analysis of the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and their Applications," Robert A. Herrmann, Ph.D. has traced the evolutionary science so very prevalent today together with the concept of the Masters back to 1750 and the Spanish-French occultist, Martine's de Pasqually (1715?-1779). The term Secret Chiefs however, was introduced by Baron Hund (1772-1776) for his Strikt Observanz Masonic System (Luciferian religion).

Herrmann writes that the idea that man is god is grounded in evolutionary change process,

"....where an individual spiritually evolves into higher and more meaningful forms until one actually becomes totally a spirit being on various evolutionary levels. Further, Pasqually apparently introduced the human biological concept prior to Darwin's expanding it to other biological entities." (ibid, Herrmann)

According to the brilliant Russian philosopher, theologian, and visionary, Vladimir Soloviev (1850-1900) it will be by way of an evolutionary "change" process (initiation) that the chosen one will be transformed into the Antichrist.

Soloviev foresaw the stunning events we are witnessing today: the wholesale rejection of the God of Revelation and the fall of the Christian Church into idolatry, apostasy and paganism influenced and directed by a demonic outpouring effecting a transformation of consciousness issuing into a unified religion of Lucifer and the appearance of the Antichrist.

In the "A Short Tale of the Antichrist" Soloviev writes that prior to his transformation, the proud super-man is outwardly just, but within full of pride. He is morally reprehensible:

".... He believes in God but loves nobody but himself. His relationship with Christ was quickly defined as one of superiority (for he will never) bow before Him like the most stupid of Christians (nor) mutter senselessly....'Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me'....'I, the bright genius, the superman! No, never!" (The Wrath of God: The Days of Antichrist, Livio Fanzaga, pp. 39-40)

As the super-mans' change-process and/or initiation (spiritual fall) progresses, instead of the former cold rational respect for Jesus Christ:

"...there was born and grew in his heart, first, a kind of terror, and then a burning, choking and corroding envy and furious breath-taking hatred." Devoured with envy of Jesus Christ he cries out "He rotted in the tomb, rotted like the lowest..." (ibid, pp. 40-41)

This is the moment the Evil One has been waiting for. He openly approaches the proud super-man and possesses him:

"He saw those piercing eyes and heard...a strange voice, toneless...stifled, and yet clear, metallic and absolutely soulless as though coming from a phonograph." Satan pours out his spirit, saying, "I ask nothing of you, and I will help you for your own sake...Receive my gives birth to you in power. At these words...the superman's lips opened of themselves, two piercing eyes came quite close to his face, and he felt a sharp, frozen stream enter into him and fill his whole being. And at the same time he was conscious of a wonderful strength, energy, lightness and rapture." (p. 43)

The Christian Church: Undergoing an Evolutionary Change Process

New Age leader David Spangler identifies evolution as the power of the angel Lucifer, thus when Djwhal Khul revealed that the fallen angel calling itself Master Jesus is assuming control of the Christian Church, he inadvertently affirmed Spangler's claim. In other words, a fallen angel is the spirit of the evolutionary "change" into apostasy process that allows Master Jesus to take control of the Christian Church, and this is why Djwhal Khul, speaking through Bailey, spoke of the day when,

"Christianity will be in a state of chaotic division and upheavals. When this takes place . . ., the Master Jesus will take certain initial steps towards reassuming control of His Church... "(ibid, Herrmann, p. 573).

Khul appears to be describing our age, an age marked by confusion, collapsing foundations and a Christian Church fractured, divided against itself and increasingly in defiance of the Holy Trinity. The Christian Church is undergoing a deepening, spreading change process issuing into nihilistic moral relativism, accommodation to the world system, heresy, and open apostasy. This 'change' into apostasy process is backed by a vast and growing global elite network espousing syncretic neo-Gnostic interfaith/inter-spirituality and kingdom of "God" on earth conceptions. (1 Tim. 4:1)

The Global Occult Elite

The global 'elite' community consists of theologians, prime ministers, secretaries of treasury, secretaries of state, philanthropists and global business leaders whose NWO vision calls for the convergence, on a global basis, of religion, multinational corporations, foundations and the political and sociological instruments that would form a one-world government designed to bring about a New World Order. ("Hope of the Wicked: the Master Plan to Rule the World," Ted Flynn)

In the painstakingly researched "False Dawn: the United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for a One-World Religion" Lee Penn calls our attention to the United Religions Initiative. The URI is to a significant extent animated by Luciferian-spirituality, thus is the leading edge of the rising global religion of Lucifer. Penn notes that evolution is absolutely central to New Age theology which is a syncretistic stew of Liberal (evolutionary pantheist) Christianity, Luciferian Theosophy and Masonry, Spiritism, the Ancient Mysteries, Eastern Mysticism, Gnostic paganism, Wicca, Goddess worship, and adulation of Lucifer.

The URI has attracted a disparate group of activists and powerful supporters. For example, the Dalai Lama, progressive churchmen from the People's Republic of China, pro-gay Episcopalians, radical Muslims, feminist witches, rich capitalist foundations, the Club of Rome, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the Temple of Understanding and Lucis Trust, formerly called Lucifer Publishing. Prominent supporters of the URI and globalism include occultist Robert Muller (former UN assistant secretary general and father of Common Core Curriculum), Neale Donald Walsh, George Soros, Mikhail Gorbachev, Maurice Strong, Ted Turner, and Barbara Marx Hubbard. (pp.5,7, 23-26)

New Age spirituality relies heavily on the revelations of the Brotherhood of Masters channeled through Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Muller, Marx Hubbard, and Neale Donald Walsh. Penn notes that all together they form a comprehensive anti-Gospel setting forth a progressive vision of spiritualized totalitarianism that includes: worship of Lucifer as the light-bearer and giver of wisdom; man as god; death is not real; extreme population control including abortion, eugenics and euthanasia; hatred of faithful Christians and Jews; Luciferian initiation of all who enter the New Age; and forecasting a pending 'selection' of mankind in which initiates enter the New Age and reactionaries face extinction:

"For the New Age Apostles of "progressive" Social Darwinism, these casualties are a necessary price to pay for human evolution." (ibid, p. 7)

When a critical mass of humanity have succumbed to satanic subjection, infestation and possession, the New Age will commence when the Brotherhood of Masters bring to an end,

"...the long silence which has persisted since Atlantean days," and "renew an ancient sharing of secrets." Thus "in the immediate future....Masters will walk openly among men...openly guiding and directing the affairs of humanity." (Djwhal Khul speaking through Alice Bailey, False Dawn, Lee Penn, p. 262)

While denying Jesus Christ God incarnate, the Creator Who spoke all things into existence ex nihilo and made man in His spiritual image, thus the true and only source of Light and life, the Brotherhood of Masters are succeeding with the methods of false light among the many travelers of the broad way toward the building of Lucifer's kingdom of "God" here on earth...a unified Global Church of the One God: Lucifer ( )

© Linda Kimball


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