Linda Kimball
Marxist utopianism invading the last bastions of faithful (orthodox) Christianity
By Linda Kimball
Dr. Anca-Maria Cernea's parents were the victims of communism. They were forced to wait 17 years to marry because communists jailed her father before their marriage could take place:
"My mother waited all those years for my father, although she didn't even know if he was still alive." (Romanian Doctor Warns Church About Cultural Marxism, Austin Ruse, Breitbart, Oct. 21, 2015)
The doctor, who is president of the Catholic doctors association of Romania, warned thatthe violent communism that took the lives of millionshas been supplanted throughout the West and America by cultural Marxism created by Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School, the progenitors of "gay rights and gender ideology:"
"Classical Marxism attempted to remake society by the take-over of private property, cultural Marxism "goes deeper; it pretends to redefine family, sexual identity and human nature." This ideology which "calls itself progressive...is nothing else than the serpent's offer for man to take control, to replace God, to arrange salvation, in this world."
Dr. Cernea's warning is timely and urgent as there's a growing trend among conservative Evangelical, PCA, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholic thinkers of adopting Marxist-type ideals for political and cultural interaction. One glaring example of this is the widespread,
"....acceptance and use of the term, social justice."(How Marxist Thinking is Creeping into the Church, christianintellectual.com)
Social justice vigilantism is a Balrog'sfiery whip sadisticallyapplied to the minds and bodies of social conservatives by social media's vicious, virtue-signaling progressive mob:
"Every time I would call someone racist or sexist, I would get a rush. That rush would then be reaffirmed and sustained by the stars, hearts, and thumbs-up that constitute the nickels and dimes of social media validation. The people giving me these stars, hearts, and thumbs-up were engaging in their own cynical game: A fear of being targeted by the mob induces us to signal publicly that we are part of it." (Confessions of a Former Online Social Justice Warrior, Heidelblog, July 16, 2018)
Another example of Frankfurt School thinking in the church is the use of Critical Race Theory by Mr. JemarTisby, a Special Assistant to the Chancellor at Reformed Theological Seminary and Dr. Jarvis Williams, an Associate Professor of New Testament at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Both men are enamored of CRT and when they peer through its dark ideological lens they see an evangelical church polluted by ingrained racism.
Then they usethis illusory 'data' to tell the evangelical churches what is required for "racial reconciliation." ("Critical Race Theory, RTS and SBTS" by William H. Smith, Aquila Report, Mar. 30, 2017)
Rev. Sam Murrell is a black Anglican priest in the Anglican Church in North America whowill no longer participate in racial reconciliation services. As a teacher of worldview Rev. Murrell has identified the myths, lies, and anti-Christ presuppositions operating at the foundation of the concept of racial reconciliation services:
"Words Matter. As people of the Word, language is important and I believe it is time the Church gave up the common use of the word 'race' and all of its cognates. They only help to perpetuate an untruth about the nature of mankind. In the anthropology of Scripture, race is an alien concept. Scripture does not speak of 'the races' as subsets of humanity, but it does speak of 'tongues (which can be translated as religions), tribes and nation.' As long as the Church concedes to the terminology of a Darwinian worldview we will never get closer to modeling the oneness of the Body of Christ for the world that is spoken of in Scripture. The Church must not capitulate to the secular world on this matter and put words into our mouths, and in doing so perpetuate a false reality." (Why I No Longer Participate in Racial Reconciliation Services, Rev Sam Murrell, Aquila Report, Jan. 25, 2018)
Rev. Murrell is correct. Anti-Biblical, anti-Christ ideological conceptions have dire consequences. Critical race theory and the perceived need forracial reconciliation services is grounded in Marxist utopianism, mystical Eastern pantheist monism, Darwinism,scientific racism, a hierarchy of races, and sinister Frankfurt School constructs. Underlying all of this is the perverseMarxist view of traditional American society and traditionalist Americans who support it as fascist, authoritarian, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, mentally ill, and in every way more evil than Hitler's Germany:
"In Aug., 2003, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced the results of their $1.2 million tax- payer funded study. It stated, essentially, that traditionalists are mentally disturbed. Scholars from the Universities of Maryland, California at Berkeley, and Stanford had determined that social conservatives...suffer from 'mental rigidity,' 'dogmatism,' and 'uncertainty avoidance,' together with associated indicators for mental illness." ('Social and Emotional Learning" edwatch.org, Jan. 26, 2005)
The Frankfurt School was a Marxist think-tank that invented poisonous psychological mind-control devices such as Political Correctness, Identity Politics, Cultural Determinism, and Critical Theory, the parent of Critical Race Theory.
Critical Theoryis a malevolent psychological weapon used to induce confusion, disorientation, cognitive dissonance, loss of identity, and mind-control. For media, Hollywood, academia, and the DNC, Critical Theory is a license to unleasha relentless terroristic onslaught of hatred, contempt, ridicule, and destructive criticism to beat and batter Americans into submission.
Similar to its parent, the aim of Critical Race Theory is pressuring and shamingwhite conservative Christians into accepting a false burden ofracism.
Marxist Utopianism
Marxism is an anti-Christrevolutionary utopian ideologyfrom hell that echoes Scripture in many ways. One way is that it secularizes eschatology, meaning it is millenarianism without God.
The revolutionary's utopiarepresents a complete break with history by-passed by the spirit of evolution and is,
"...always modeled on some image of the lost Paradise, of a legendary Golden Age."Hence zealous religious devotion to "pure Utopia, and revolt against a polluted society, are thus the two poles which provide the tension of all militant creeds." ("The God that Failed," Arthur Koestler, p. 16, 12)
Marxism links mankind's worldly redemption to an oppressed class, combining the Old Testament concept of a chosen people with the New Testament prophecy that the meek shall inherit the earth. (Heaven on Earth, Joshua Muravchik, p. 341)
Original Marxism's 'angels' was theworkers class oppressed by 'demons' – evil capitalist victimizers and the church. In its modern form as Cultural Marxism (also multiculturalism), there are four oppressed classes or races – blacks, homosexuals, illegal aliens, and women. These are the 'angels.'
Supposedly, these 'angels'are victimized by a demonic host – the genetically racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic oppressor race – the socially conservative mainly white Christian population, particularly straight white men.
Though redemption is not possible for white people since their racism is genetic, it nevertheless begins for them with undiscerning, unthinking, submissive acceptance of their racism and need for confession during racial reconciliation services. Thus the premise of the worship said Rev. Murrell,
"... is that Whites are guilty because they are White. This is evident in the fact that the white people present at such events are expected, even pressured, to confess the sin of racism even if they cannot recall any specific instances of racist action that they have perpetrated.
The assumption is that because you are white then you must have knowingly, or unknowingly, caused offense towards Blacks (and maybe other ethnic minorities too). An example of this guilt-by-association is that, although you may be unable to find any instance of slave ownership in your genealogy, you are held accountable for the history of slavery in the United States of America.
The black person stands as representative of the innocent victim of so-called racism and thus serves a priestly role for the white confessor who is guilty because of a lack of melanin in the epidermis.
The white person's pigmentation carries with it a privilege, and that is enough to require repentance."
In Marxism, no human being is actually redeemable since all humans are depersonalized, soulless aspects of the collective unconscious. Marxism's scientifically engineered New Man is merely coalesced complex forms of matter – a product of evolution and begotten by the Sovereign World State.
The New Man has lost all sense of individuality and exists drone-like in collectivized (totalized) society as a natural resource, a part of the whole, made for the whole, and relatively worthless if not coalesced within the collective.
Marxism is but one of many modern scientistic ideologies that reduce the human being to a soulless aspect of nature. Like the other systems, Marxism begins its process of social engineering by teaching humans that they are the product of evolution working on matter, thereby allowing them to be deconstructed and depersonalized. In this way the sense of their individual souls, intellect, free will, and conscience eventually fade to black since all four are shown by 'science' to be illusions.
Social engineering allows the New Man to imagine he is a bio-machine or hominid rather than the image bearer of the Triune Creator. This allows the New Man to sink into passive slavery to instincts and passions. In short, since the New Man has no real choice, whatever harm he does to others can never be his fault since ' science' has liberated the New Man from the burden of freedom. In this way, the New Man can fully enjoy his earthly rewards as a slave within a deterministic system of cause and effect unless truth and reality invade his collective darkness. Far from redeeming the New Man, social engineering has but brought back the Old Man of 2 Tim. 3:3.
Scientific engineering is based on the proposition that since man has evolved over millions of years from a sub-human past then logically he will evolve over time into something better or "post human."
Furthermore, it is the Elect, the already highly evolved and purified post-human race of god-men – the avatars of divine history leading the world to utopia – who possess the godlike power to scientifically engineer the New Man who worships his 'creators.'
Marxism and its contemporary form, Cultural Marxism, are forms of utopianism that posit the notion that science, evolution (the divine creative energy), and technology can fulfill the utopian dream of purging the world of evil on the day of revolution when the oppressed classes, acting as angelic redeemers, damn and destroy the oppressors, the demonic horde. That day will usher in a heaven on earth.
Why the Utopian Dream Will Not Die
Utopianism is an anti-Christ religion that is a perennial heresy. It is,
"...man's second oldest faith," man's "great alternative faith," Its promise is "Ye shall be as gods." Its vision is "the vision of man without God," of "man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world," of "man's liberated mind...redirecting man's destiny." Marxist utopianism proclaims an inescapable choice between two irreconcilable faiths: "God or Man, Soul or Mind, Freedom or Communism." (Whittaker Chambers, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, George H. Nash, p. 92)
In his masterful book, "Utopia: The Perennial Heresy," Thomas Molnar (19210-2010), a Catholic philosopher, historian, and political theorist, writes that utopian systems are illusory patterns of thought with their own strange logic, expectations, and interpretive mechanisms. Thus reality and real data do not substantially influence the utopian thinker since he is able to fit the data, even the Word of God, onto the Procrustean bed of his desires and to find encouragement in the most evil events. Thus he automatically dismisses realistic appraisals of his utopian schemes as from those who are against Progress, Evolution, Science, Peace, and Plenty.
Furthermore, in all messianic utopian thinking, Christianity is an arch-enemy because the utopian message of salvation is utterly incompatible with basic Christian doctrine, that of original sin,
"...with its vision of history as the story of the Fall, and its denial of man's power to attain salvation by his own exertions. The dichotomies of soul and body, etc., stood condemned before the majesty of the oneness of Life and oneness of History..."
For these reasons, Marxist utopians purified the human gene pool in Russia by murdering in excess of 100 million men, women and children of which approximately half were Christians. According to SrdjaTrifkovic, persecution and martyrdom of Christians under 20th century Marxism, and mainly of Russian Orthodox Christians under Communist Bolshevism,
"....is by far the greatest crime in all of recorded history....Attempts at "killing the soul" started only months after the Revolution of 1917." Persecution and martyrdom was, "several times greater than the Holocaust in terms of innocent lives brutally destroyed. It has killed more Christians in a few decades than all other causes put together in all ages, with Islam a distant second as the cause of their death and suffering. And yet it still remains a largely unknown, often minimized, or scandalously glossed over crime." (New Martyrs of the East and Coming Trials in the West, SrdjaTrifkovic, OrthodoxyToday.com)
In the concluding chapter of the third volume of Main Currents of Marxism, the late LeszekKolakowski, the great Polish philosopher who broke with Communism in the 1970s, substantially agrees with Dr. Molnar's analysis. Marxism is a religion of fantasy and irrationalism:
"There are no rational means of predicting the 'future of humanity' over a long period or foretelling the nature of 'social formations' in ages to come. The idea that we can make such forecasts 'scientifically,' and that without doing so we cannot understand the past, is inherent in the Marxist theory of 'social formations;' it is one reason why the theory is a fantasy, and also why it is politically effective.
The influence that Marxism has achieved, for from being the result or proof of its scientific character, is almost entirely due to its prophetic, fantastic, and irrational elements. Marxism is a doctrine of blind confidence that a paradise of universal satisfaction is awaiting us just around the corner.
Almost all the prophecies of Marx and his followers have already proved to be false, but this does not disturb the spiritual certainty of the faithful, any more than it did in the case of chiliastic sects: for it is certainty not based on any empirical premises or supposed 'historical laws,' but simply on the psychological need for certainty.In this sense Marxism performs the function of a religion, and its efficacy is of a religious character. But it is a caricature and a bogus form of religion, since it presents its temporal eschatology as a scientific system, which religious mythologies do not purport to be. . ." (The Socialist Dream Will Never Die 2, Steven Hayward, Powerline, Aug. 31, 2015)
"And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.' Matthew 7:23
In our time, the last bastions of orthodox Christian faith are being invaded by the heretical conceptions of utopian Marxism, a perennial heresy that from Cain in the preflood world, has been man's,
"...second oldest faith," man's "great alternative faith," Its promise is "Ye shall be as gods." Its vision is "the vision of man without God," of "man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world," of "man's liberated mind...redirecting man's destiny." Marxist utopianism proclaims an inescapable choice between two irreconcilable faiths: "God or Man, Soul or Mind, Freedom or Communism." (Whittaker Chambers, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, George H. Nash, p. 92)
© Linda Kimball
July 17, 2018
Dr. Anca-Maria Cernea's parents were the victims of communism. They were forced to wait 17 years to marry because communists jailed her father before their marriage could take place:
"My mother waited all those years for my father, although she didn't even know if he was still alive." (Romanian Doctor Warns Church About Cultural Marxism, Austin Ruse, Breitbart, Oct. 21, 2015)
The doctor, who is president of the Catholic doctors association of Romania, warned thatthe violent communism that took the lives of millionshas been supplanted throughout the West and America by cultural Marxism created by Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School, the progenitors of "gay rights and gender ideology:"
"Classical Marxism attempted to remake society by the take-over of private property, cultural Marxism "goes deeper; it pretends to redefine family, sexual identity and human nature." This ideology which "calls itself progressive...is nothing else than the serpent's offer for man to take control, to replace God, to arrange salvation, in this world."
Dr. Cernea's warning is timely and urgent as there's a growing trend among conservative Evangelical, PCA, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholic thinkers of adopting Marxist-type ideals for political and cultural interaction. One glaring example of this is the widespread,
"....acceptance and use of the term, social justice."(How Marxist Thinking is Creeping into the Church, christianintellectual.com)
Social justice vigilantism is a Balrog'sfiery whip sadisticallyapplied to the minds and bodies of social conservatives by social media's vicious, virtue-signaling progressive mob:
"Every time I would call someone racist or sexist, I would get a rush. That rush would then be reaffirmed and sustained by the stars, hearts, and thumbs-up that constitute the nickels and dimes of social media validation. The people giving me these stars, hearts, and thumbs-up were engaging in their own cynical game: A fear of being targeted by the mob induces us to signal publicly that we are part of it." (Confessions of a Former Online Social Justice Warrior, Heidelblog, July 16, 2018)
Another example of Frankfurt School thinking in the church is the use of Critical Race Theory by Mr. JemarTisby, a Special Assistant to the Chancellor at Reformed Theological Seminary and Dr. Jarvis Williams, an Associate Professor of New Testament at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Both men are enamored of CRT and when they peer through its dark ideological lens they see an evangelical church polluted by ingrained racism.
Then they usethis illusory 'data' to tell the evangelical churches what is required for "racial reconciliation." ("Critical Race Theory, RTS and SBTS" by William H. Smith, Aquila Report, Mar. 30, 2017)
Rev. Sam Murrell is a black Anglican priest in the Anglican Church in North America whowill no longer participate in racial reconciliation services. As a teacher of worldview Rev. Murrell has identified the myths, lies, and anti-Christ presuppositions operating at the foundation of the concept of racial reconciliation services:
"Words Matter. As people of the Word, language is important and I believe it is time the Church gave up the common use of the word 'race' and all of its cognates. They only help to perpetuate an untruth about the nature of mankind. In the anthropology of Scripture, race is an alien concept. Scripture does not speak of 'the races' as subsets of humanity, but it does speak of 'tongues (which can be translated as religions), tribes and nation.' As long as the Church concedes to the terminology of a Darwinian worldview we will never get closer to modeling the oneness of the Body of Christ for the world that is spoken of in Scripture. The Church must not capitulate to the secular world on this matter and put words into our mouths, and in doing so perpetuate a false reality." (Why I No Longer Participate in Racial Reconciliation Services, Rev Sam Murrell, Aquila Report, Jan. 25, 2018)
Rev. Murrell is correct. Anti-Biblical, anti-Christ ideological conceptions have dire consequences. Critical race theory and the perceived need forracial reconciliation services is grounded in Marxist utopianism, mystical Eastern pantheist monism, Darwinism,scientific racism, a hierarchy of races, and sinister Frankfurt School constructs. Underlying all of this is the perverseMarxist view of traditional American society and traditionalist Americans who support it as fascist, authoritarian, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, mentally ill, and in every way more evil than Hitler's Germany:
"In Aug., 2003, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced the results of their $1.2 million tax- payer funded study. It stated, essentially, that traditionalists are mentally disturbed. Scholars from the Universities of Maryland, California at Berkeley, and Stanford had determined that social conservatives...suffer from 'mental rigidity,' 'dogmatism,' and 'uncertainty avoidance,' together with associated indicators for mental illness." ('Social and Emotional Learning" edwatch.org, Jan. 26, 2005)
The Frankfurt School was a Marxist think-tank that invented poisonous psychological mind-control devices such as Political Correctness, Identity Politics, Cultural Determinism, and Critical Theory, the parent of Critical Race Theory.
Critical Theoryis a malevolent psychological weapon used to induce confusion, disorientation, cognitive dissonance, loss of identity, and mind-control. For media, Hollywood, academia, and the DNC, Critical Theory is a license to unleasha relentless terroristic onslaught of hatred, contempt, ridicule, and destructive criticism to beat and batter Americans into submission.
Similar to its parent, the aim of Critical Race Theory is pressuring and shamingwhite conservative Christians into accepting a false burden ofracism.
Marxist Utopianism
Marxism is an anti-Christrevolutionary utopian ideologyfrom hell that echoes Scripture in many ways. One way is that it secularizes eschatology, meaning it is millenarianism without God.
The revolutionary's utopiarepresents a complete break with history by-passed by the spirit of evolution and is,
"...always modeled on some image of the lost Paradise, of a legendary Golden Age."Hence zealous religious devotion to "pure Utopia, and revolt against a polluted society, are thus the two poles which provide the tension of all militant creeds." ("The God that Failed," Arthur Koestler, p. 16, 12)
Marxism links mankind's worldly redemption to an oppressed class, combining the Old Testament concept of a chosen people with the New Testament prophecy that the meek shall inherit the earth. (Heaven on Earth, Joshua Muravchik, p. 341)
Original Marxism's 'angels' was theworkers class oppressed by 'demons' – evil capitalist victimizers and the church. In its modern form as Cultural Marxism (also multiculturalism), there are four oppressed classes or races – blacks, homosexuals, illegal aliens, and women. These are the 'angels.'
Supposedly, these 'angels'are victimized by a demonic host – the genetically racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic oppressor race – the socially conservative mainly white Christian population, particularly straight white men.
Though redemption is not possible for white people since their racism is genetic, it nevertheless begins for them with undiscerning, unthinking, submissive acceptance of their racism and need for confession during racial reconciliation services. Thus the premise of the worship said Rev. Murrell,
"... is that Whites are guilty because they are White. This is evident in the fact that the white people present at such events are expected, even pressured, to confess the sin of racism even if they cannot recall any specific instances of racist action that they have perpetrated.
The assumption is that because you are white then you must have knowingly, or unknowingly, caused offense towards Blacks (and maybe other ethnic minorities too). An example of this guilt-by-association is that, although you may be unable to find any instance of slave ownership in your genealogy, you are held accountable for the history of slavery in the United States of America.
The black person stands as representative of the innocent victim of so-called racism and thus serves a priestly role for the white confessor who is guilty because of a lack of melanin in the epidermis.
The white person's pigmentation carries with it a privilege, and that is enough to require repentance."
In Marxism, no human being is actually redeemable since all humans are depersonalized, soulless aspects of the collective unconscious. Marxism's scientifically engineered New Man is merely coalesced complex forms of matter – a product of evolution and begotten by the Sovereign World State.
The New Man has lost all sense of individuality and exists drone-like in collectivized (totalized) society as a natural resource, a part of the whole, made for the whole, and relatively worthless if not coalesced within the collective.
Marxism is but one of many modern scientistic ideologies that reduce the human being to a soulless aspect of nature. Like the other systems, Marxism begins its process of social engineering by teaching humans that they are the product of evolution working on matter, thereby allowing them to be deconstructed and depersonalized. In this way the sense of their individual souls, intellect, free will, and conscience eventually fade to black since all four are shown by 'science' to be illusions.
Social engineering allows the New Man to imagine he is a bio-machine or hominid rather than the image bearer of the Triune Creator. This allows the New Man to sink into passive slavery to instincts and passions. In short, since the New Man has no real choice, whatever harm he does to others can never be his fault since ' science' has liberated the New Man from the burden of freedom. In this way, the New Man can fully enjoy his earthly rewards as a slave within a deterministic system of cause and effect unless truth and reality invade his collective darkness. Far from redeeming the New Man, social engineering has but brought back the Old Man of 2 Tim. 3:3.
Scientific engineering is based on the proposition that since man has evolved over millions of years from a sub-human past then logically he will evolve over time into something better or "post human."
Furthermore, it is the Elect, the already highly evolved and purified post-human race of god-men – the avatars of divine history leading the world to utopia – who possess the godlike power to scientifically engineer the New Man who worships his 'creators.'
Marxism and its contemporary form, Cultural Marxism, are forms of utopianism that posit the notion that science, evolution (the divine creative energy), and technology can fulfill the utopian dream of purging the world of evil on the day of revolution when the oppressed classes, acting as angelic redeemers, damn and destroy the oppressors, the demonic horde. That day will usher in a heaven on earth.
Why the Utopian Dream Will Not Die
Utopianism is an anti-Christ religion that is a perennial heresy. It is,
"...man's second oldest faith," man's "great alternative faith," Its promise is "Ye shall be as gods." Its vision is "the vision of man without God," of "man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world," of "man's liberated mind...redirecting man's destiny." Marxist utopianism proclaims an inescapable choice between two irreconcilable faiths: "God or Man, Soul or Mind, Freedom or Communism." (Whittaker Chambers, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, George H. Nash, p. 92)
In his masterful book, "Utopia: The Perennial Heresy," Thomas Molnar (19210-2010), a Catholic philosopher, historian, and political theorist, writes that utopian systems are illusory patterns of thought with their own strange logic, expectations, and interpretive mechanisms. Thus reality and real data do not substantially influence the utopian thinker since he is able to fit the data, even the Word of God, onto the Procrustean bed of his desires and to find encouragement in the most evil events. Thus he automatically dismisses realistic appraisals of his utopian schemes as from those who are against Progress, Evolution, Science, Peace, and Plenty.
Furthermore, in all messianic utopian thinking, Christianity is an arch-enemy because the utopian message of salvation is utterly incompatible with basic Christian doctrine, that of original sin,
"...with its vision of history as the story of the Fall, and its denial of man's power to attain salvation by his own exertions. The dichotomies of soul and body, etc., stood condemned before the majesty of the oneness of Life and oneness of History..."
For these reasons, Marxist utopians purified the human gene pool in Russia by murdering in excess of 100 million men, women and children of which approximately half were Christians. According to SrdjaTrifkovic, persecution and martyrdom of Christians under 20th century Marxism, and mainly of Russian Orthodox Christians under Communist Bolshevism,
"....is by far the greatest crime in all of recorded history....Attempts at "killing the soul" started only months after the Revolution of 1917." Persecution and martyrdom was, "several times greater than the Holocaust in terms of innocent lives brutally destroyed. It has killed more Christians in a few decades than all other causes put together in all ages, with Islam a distant second as the cause of their death and suffering. And yet it still remains a largely unknown, often minimized, or scandalously glossed over crime." (New Martyrs of the East and Coming Trials in the West, SrdjaTrifkovic, OrthodoxyToday.com)
In the concluding chapter of the third volume of Main Currents of Marxism, the late LeszekKolakowski, the great Polish philosopher who broke with Communism in the 1970s, substantially agrees with Dr. Molnar's analysis. Marxism is a religion of fantasy and irrationalism:
"There are no rational means of predicting the 'future of humanity' over a long period or foretelling the nature of 'social formations' in ages to come. The idea that we can make such forecasts 'scientifically,' and that without doing so we cannot understand the past, is inherent in the Marxist theory of 'social formations;' it is one reason why the theory is a fantasy, and also why it is politically effective.
The influence that Marxism has achieved, for from being the result or proof of its scientific character, is almost entirely due to its prophetic, fantastic, and irrational elements. Marxism is a doctrine of blind confidence that a paradise of universal satisfaction is awaiting us just around the corner.
Almost all the prophecies of Marx and his followers have already proved to be false, but this does not disturb the spiritual certainty of the faithful, any more than it did in the case of chiliastic sects: for it is certainty not based on any empirical premises or supposed 'historical laws,' but simply on the psychological need for certainty.In this sense Marxism performs the function of a religion, and its efficacy is of a religious character. But it is a caricature and a bogus form of religion, since it presents its temporal eschatology as a scientific system, which religious mythologies do not purport to be. . ." (The Socialist Dream Will Never Die 2, Steven Hayward, Powerline, Aug. 31, 2015)
"And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.' Matthew 7:23
In our time, the last bastions of orthodox Christian faith are being invaded by the heretical conceptions of utopian Marxism, a perennial heresy that from Cain in the preflood world, has been man's,
"...second oldest faith," man's "great alternative faith," Its promise is "Ye shall be as gods." Its vision is "the vision of man without God," of "man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world," of "man's liberated mind...redirecting man's destiny." Marxist utopianism proclaims an inescapable choice between two irreconcilable faiths: "God or Man, Soul or Mind, Freedom or Communism." (Whittaker Chambers, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, George H. Nash, p. 92)
© Linda Kimball
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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